Tax Cheats and Thieves

The Standing Committee on Finance is meeting this morning about the proposed changes to the tax system. We should probably just use the working name: The Bill to finally break the middle class and call everyone who doesn’t work for the government or large corporations thieves.
MP Pierre Poilievre and CPAC will be streaming the hearings live here.
Related: Liberals shut down emergency debate on small business tax reform.
Meanwhile in the US, Donald Trump’s Republican Party rolled out a plan Wednesday to reform America’s tax code.

3 Replies to “Tax Cheats and Thieves”

  1. I wonder, does shiny pony know that the US is literally just across the border and the borders for people are more or less meaningless as borders for capital?
    I know shiny pony is dumb as a sack, but his advisors clearly understand the ramifications. Could it be that in reality the liberal party of canada is a MAGA entity?
    Is Trudeau working for Trump?

  2. Listened to President Trump’s tax ideas on Hannity last night…
    “Good luck, Canada” …
    and who will the Liberals raise money from in 2018?

  3. Killing innovation and independence amongst the middle class in Canada…
    It’s the new tax ‘unfairness’. The clown show in Parliament doesn’t even want to brook a debate, lest some government minions get uppity and step out of the straight-jacket of LIEberalism.
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group ‘True North’
