21 Replies to “Who is John Galt?”

  1. I’m willing to wager that Netflix won’t be subject to a tax in return for this CanCon announcement.
    Liberals will play it as a win-win. No Netflix tax AND investment in Canada.
    …then Netflix will bump its prices a little to get their $500 million back. There’s no way in this country they’ll earn it in subscriber growth.

  2. I wonder where all the money went? Ask your children and your grandchildren.
    2015 Liberal Election Promise – Budget Surplus / (Debt)
    2016 – 2017 (9.9) billion
    2017 – 2018 (9.5) billion
    2018 – 2019 (5.7) billion
    2019 – 2020 +1.0 billion
    Total ………. (24.1) billion
    2016 Liberal Actual / Forecast – Budget Surplus / (Debt)
    2016 – 2017 (17.8) billion actual
    2017 – 2018 (28.5) billion forecast
    2018 – 2019 (27.4) billion forecast
    2019 – 2020 (23.4) billion forecast
    Total ………. (97.1) billion
    2016 Liberal Forecast – Budget Surplus / (Debt)
    2020 – 2021 (14.3) billion forecast
    At what point will Canadians wake up and realize that their future is in real jeopardy?

  3. The promised Trudeau deficit unneeded as it was was always a plan to destroy the middle class. The liberals under Trudeau(‘s advisors Trudeau isn’t that smart) are hard core marxists and in order to bring about their marxist utopia they have to destroy the middle class. Unfortunately too many middle class Canadians fell for the snake charmers and now face their own impoverishment. Silly Canadians.

  4. Yannow what ticks me off? It isn’t Turdo La Doo – that boy’s an idiot that wasn’t raised right as was HIS father. Morons are what they are, as at those that vote for them.
    It’s us. We should be all over this. Conservative politicos everywhere should be standing up and saying, point blank, “As soon as this idiot is turfed on election day – those tax polices will be reversed.” They should be doing that on Twatter, Fecesbook and blogs like this – and the CBC can be left to find out about it in the US papers.
    But instead, the losers are asking for an emergency debate. And of course, the stupid kids shut it down – “whaddya gonna do, right? Vote for me in the next election! At least I TRIED to stand up against the liberals, right???”
    The kids are calling them cuckservatives – and that is what those idiots are. Go down to a noble defeat there, guys. Again. Because it was so impressive that you are bravely concealing your disappointment.
    The system is broken. How does a moron like Justin Trudeau even get elected anyway? The mind wobbles.

  5. Any time a government issues debt, runs deficits or raises taxes they are in essence increasing their share of the nation’s economic pie. They are saying that they can make better decisions on how to spend that money over private enterprise and the citizens. This is what has been happening in Canada and the USA for many decades. Top that with the fact that the education system is operated by the same segment as mentioned above and you can appreciate that the younger population has no history to judge how the country is ran, otherwise.
    Stagnating economies are blamed on the failure of capitalism and yet it is government who consistently takes a bigger share. Big government and their allies are never held to account. The philosophical commitment by these ‘progressive’ forces, no matter how shadowy, is unrelenting. What is very clear is the abject failure of ‘conservatives’ to communicate what is happening and the risk it presents to current and future generations. Education, media and the government infrastructure is controlled by progressives and they go unchallenged.

  6. then Netflix will bump its prices a little to get their $500 million back.
    They already have. I got the email yesterday; the subscription fee is going up $2.
    This is only in Canada. I’ve asked friends in the US and they’ve received no notice of any rent increase.

  7. Jim asks the musical question: “At what point will Canadians wake up and realize that their future is in real jeopardy?”
    I’ve been wondering that since Bill C-68 passed.
    Here’s the answer: They will wake up when the jeopardy finally becomes the reality. When they go to the store one day, and find that overnight the price of bread has doubled and keeps doubling every day thereafter. When they get to the gas station and there is no gas to be had at any price. When they flick a light switch and the light does not come on.
    When they are f-ing starving in the dark and freezing to death in the Brutal Canadian Winter, that is when they are going to wake up. And not one minute before.
    How do I know? Venezuela. When did the people of Venezuela finally wake up? When the animals at the zoo started looking really tasty, that’s when. Before that it was all socialism all the time. Spread that money around!
    Are Canadians smarter than Venezuelans? No, they’re not. If anything Canadians are dumber. Venezuela doesn’t have a killing winter every year to remind them that you have to have heat and lights and food or you’re going to -die-.

  8. “Our approach will not be to bail out industry models that are no longer viable.”…..
    “The CMF, which plays a large role in television and digital productions, is facing a steep budget decline as Canadians cut their cable and satellite bills. Ottawa will cover the revenue shortfall starting in 2018, on top of its annual contribution of $130-million,”

  9. What would you expect from a guy who campaigned on taxing air? Seriously I’d love to know why people thought that under Trudeau they’d pay less tax. He’s a liberal.

  10. “Our approach will not be to bail out industry models that are no longer viable.”…..
    This also means that she fully supports the bombardier tariffs into the US! Yet another liberal that seems to be a MAGA supporter.
    Does Canada know the liberal party works for Trump?

  11. “Our approach will not be to bail out industry models that are no longer viable…”
    Here. let me finish that sentence for you.
    “…except, of course, those corporate parasites that can be kept viable by bailouts.”

  12. I’d seen someone on Twitter mention the same but he didn’t put a number to it. I have yet to receive that email for some reason but now I’ve no doubt it’s coming.
    $2 eh? Doesn’t sound like much until you think of it as 20%.

  13. Whoopie…more Cdn. content on Netflix. Isn’t that what the CBC was supposed to be for? (Assuming that you mean Cdn. content as defined by the CBC,ie. more government propoganda.) As for Netflix, I don’t want it in my home, from what I’ve seen it appears to be the same pile of dog doo that I refuse to watch on regular TV.

  14. Even more shocking than the average Canadian household being robbed of an average 43% of their incomes by taxes … is learning of the child fitness tax credit. What the HELL is THAT? Well, I can guess what it is … a liberal do-gooder “incentive” to get your fat-fkcu little brat off the sofa and detached from his video game console. Luvvie libs using the tax code to force “lifestyle” changes they deem necessary. Is there any better argument for getting the government the HELL out of our lives (and pockets). Sorry libs … “a village” (or tax man) has never raised a child … despite what SHE says. Parents raise children … healthy parents with half a brain raise children … there is no substitute … NONE.

  15. And regardless of whatever $$$ Netflix is receiving from the Canadian taxpayer is the CHILLING prospect of a leftist government partnering with a leftist media outlet with the power to control content. Netflix already pushes forward (via their own internal search parameters) leftist themed films. It won’t be much longer till they simply ELIMINATE all conservative and/or Christian content.

  16. “It won’t be much longer till they simply ELIMINATE all conservative and/or Christian content.”
    What TV are you watching, Kenji? There hasn’t been any Conservative or Christian content on American TV since the 80’s. Early 80’s at that.
    I watch -Korean- tv shows for Christian and Conservative content. They’re fun. Also Anime, which while not strictly speaking Christian, is at least not Hollywood SJW to the core.

  17. Cuckservatives is totally correct: the only thing “conservatives” conserve is what they inherit on election day. Roll back state health care? Nope. Increasing gun rights? Nope. How about eliminating abortion? Nope.
    Also, why is it the left gets everything they want all the time and the non-left always has to concede “well, we’re just all a bunch of representatives all over the country with different viewpoints?” You know, like Kenney and Harper.

  18. Indeed. “Compromise” is a one-way street for the Democrap Party. They force wimpy GOP’ers to capitulate and pass crap Legisalation in “hope” that the Dem’s will show similar “accommodation” … which never comes … if it is even asked-for.

  19. Exactly! For the progressive bunch it is always two steps forward and one step back.Sadly, Conservatives are a bunch of continuous losers.
