17 Replies to ““Social” media”

  1. Unfortunately it was not just one person at CBS who made statements like that. Similar statements also from other networks and lefty sites.
    I am actually somewhat surprised that there was a firing as a result. Would like to know the actual reasoning CBS used to come to that conclusion and not the public offering that they made.

  2. Lesson to you millennials, you can get fired for saying what everybody around you is thinking.

  3. “Have never heard of a country song advocating violence or death. Rap music anybody ?”
    – as seen on Tim Blair

  4. “…what everybody around you is thinking.”
    Not necessarily everybody, but “everybody around you.” Don’t get too comfortable with your groupthink.

  5. Look for the lawyer to be made a victim. Will be on talk shows, media circus, how victimology is done.
    Could not do any better for self, the lawyer is on the way to fame and furtune.

  6. Re-posted from yesterday 3:09 PM at Las Vegas:
    Answer to my own question Hayley Geftman-Gold, has been summarily fired by CBS for outrageous remarks about the LV victims. Really what else could they do? Cultural wars have deteriorated so much that such a person could even think tweeting that Republican voters deserved to be slaughtered and get away with it. Thankfully she didn’t.

  7. She is entitled to free speech, and corporate companies are entitled to set contractual standards for it’s employees.
    Today the free market forced CBS to evaluate whose “free speech” was more important to them, their customers or Hayley Geftman-Gold.
    She should take a long vacation to Paris or Saudi Arabia and get re-educated.

  8. Meh. Probably already got a new job at PMSNBC or HuffandPuffington Post.

  9. Behold the TRUE face of the Left … on full display. The mask stripped-away. The Left which routinely and repeatedly charges conservatives as HATERS … when in fact … they are the source of the HATE. They are “projecting” their own soulless, Godless, HATE (for half the population) onto us. The Left is motivated ONLY by their HATE. They have no love, but self-love. I only wish they would never leave the house … and keep practicing their self-love on themselves over and over and over. And stay out of public.

  10. ms hyphen-name has started the process of finding out it will ALWAYS be ‘out there’ on the web somewhere.
    perhaps a career in standup comedy beckons. ms kathy griffin left a ‘spot’ for her to fill.

  11. “Behold the TRUE face of the Left … on full display.”
    True, I agree 100% about the Lefts motivations and tactics – but in reality many “Right Wingers” personally care less about a bunch of Progressive leftist run down by a Muslim in a Euro “gun free zone”, any more than one of them jumping of the Golden Gate bridge because someone triggered them. Do you?
    Giving a f*ck and actually committing violence are not the same thing. Neither is publicly inciting hatred as this dingbat was doing whether conscious or unconsciously. Opening your mouth at work about your personal opinions, especially “high profile employment” can be just plain stupid. I doubt she gets that.
    The left is indeed the source of hate in the west, they are also the facilitators of social unrest, always have been.

  12. Hahaha … I noticed her multiple hyphen name … AND … her “maiden” name suffix. I suspect this loon MADE UP a new surname for her “partner” and herself … then added the “maiden” name to the end for good measure. What a LOON … behold another “white woman” exploiting affirmative-action.
    And did you notice her TwiTTer partner’s name was also hyphenated?

  13. I looked her up on Facebook. She was complaining about “all of the negativity” she has received.
    To see someone with ZERO sympathy … actually less than zero sympathy, over such a massive tragedy, must constitute severe mental illness, no?
