
PM LookAtMySocks is worried about stoking regional divisions.
The Gov’t propaganda in question.
Q. How many conversations over the Thanksgiving table will involve politics?
A. All of them.
Fortunately, the Liberals have released their talking points for the true believers:

37 Replies to “Rich.”

  1. The father was a devious dirty divider but somewhat smarter communist, this boy is just a dumb communist, plain dumb I say, as that big rooster Foghorn Leghorn used to say.

  2. It is with sadness I WRITE THIS! Canada has become unworkable! The LIBERALS HAVE ALWAYS TREATED WESTERN CANADA WITH DISTAIN but the total lack of understanding of the REAL POLITICAL PROBLEMS IS BEYOND BELIEVE!!!! I feel it is time to look at separation as soon as possible! WESTERN CANADA SHOULD WITHHOLD ALL EQUALIZATION PAYMENTS UNTIL WE ARE LEGALLY OUT!

  3. It wouldn’t be Thanksgiving if the federal gov’t wasn’t choosing one province over an other.
    This is what I’ve come to expect from the federal gov’t of Canada. I don’t believe in federalism anymore. The Liberals and assorted left of centre parties that have always touted equality, always choose one province over another. Always the same province is favored, always the same western provinces eat the dirt.
    Screw you Trudeau. Screw you Canada and your foreign monarchy.

  4. All of the above. Keith, the sooner the better. This milking of the west has been going on since the western provinces were created in the early 1900s.
    “When he was prime minister in the 1980s, Pierre Trudeau beggared the West with his NEP – the infamous National Energy Program.
    Now, his son Justin appears intent on beggaring the West again with a new NEP – a No-Energy Program.”
    Interesting captcha: only free

  5. These guys make me puke with the way they ignore the truth, passing off their lies as fact. Trudeau’s Facebook page was obviously written by one of his puppeteers.
    One good side effect of this divisive, disastrous policy that continues to drive investment out of the west is that the chance of Liberals getting elected in the prairies next time is virtually nil. And maybe New Brunswick will wake up and turf at least some of their 10 Liberal MPs. One really good thing for me in Calgary Centre is that waste-of-space Kent Hehr is toast next go-round. And he’ll be booted before he qualifies for his MP pension:-)

  6. ‘virtue signalling’? How did that phrase end up there?
    The Liberals are more aware of their critics than they let on.

  7. I’ve said it before, there will never be east or west or north coastal pipelines carrying Alberta heavy crude (treated bitumen) to international markets. Regardless of what government we have. The long term capital that has left Alberta is in the tens of billions – years of Bombardier gross revenue. We are under attack from within. This is how great countries turn themselves into mediocre countries. We abandon what made us great and let incompetent people ruin our country due to our complacency.
    When the war on small business ends the tax revenue will not be close to the $250 million per year as envisioned by our government. Nor will the pot industry net Ottawa $450 million per year. Both of these new sources of revenue pale in comparison to the $25-$30 billion deficits our government is running during a time of economic growth (not a recession). Remember John Maynard Keynes (borrow in a recession, pay it back during an expansion)?
    Our government will look to new ways in raising government revenue as it does not have a spending problem, merely a revenue problem.
    Well, off to the beach then…/rant over
    Over 16 years ago my accountant told me to pay my taxes “now” (i.e. every year) and avoid RRSPs or other government-run tax deferral schemes such as passive investments within a corporation (I can only imagine my friends who accumulated $2+ million within a CCPC over 15 years who will now have to liquidate their holdings at a 52% tax rate). The government is running on borrowed time he (my accountant) said. The more money you leave in their hands, the greater the risk to your retirement he claimed. Luckily I listen to my accountant. Don’t be poor and don’t get sick (my advice). And if you are saving for retirement through RRSPs only, well, good luck my friends.
    Yes, I’ll have a bucket of beer and a mojito for my wife 😉

  8. nold >
    “‘virtue signalling’? How did that phrase end up there?”
    Heh, that stood out to me as well. Now everything Conservative will be “Virtue Signaling” misused and overused like raaaaacist.
    “What do you mean a better economy, more jobs, and a higher standard of living for Canadians, conservatives virtue signalling again” – JT
    “Safer communities, better policing, and personal protection Veeeee Teeeee over there folks” – NDP
    Mentally ill.

  9. It’s Deja vu again with Trudeaus and Thanksgiving. I recall 42 years ago, Trudeau Sr left Canadians to muse over their turkey on wage/price controls. He introduced the legislation on the following Tue after running the 74 election ridiculing the idea of Bob Standfield. Trudeau was an Economic illiterate, caring nothing for monetary policy, almost as bad as his son. He, or someone in Finance identified inflation as the primary economic concern, massive overspending and staggering deficits failed to attract his attention. While the son thinks budgets balance themselves, the old man didn’t give a whit if they ever balanced. One Trudeau was more than Canada could handle in q lifetime and still survive as a country.

  10. They believe portraying sunny ways and saying the correct things are all that is necessary . Results are irrelevant and all you need to do is stick to the talking points of your narrative . After all , it worked for the election . I believe they may be operating under the delusion because you have had success you are infallible and what ever path you follow is the correct winning one . This illusion has been supported by the press . I think they have started a lot of fires and now are prepared to por on gas . Burn baby , burn !

  11. A thoughtful bird comment, priceless.
    If Canuckleheads have any doubt just remember that ordinary Canadians are the turkey being carved up!
    Happy Thanksgiving with a hearty…
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group ‘True North’

  12. Thanks KEN
    THE QUOTE “Screw the WEST , We’ll take the rest!” has got to stop!I’m thinking it’s time to engage!!!

  13. “Diversity is Canada’s strength” … should be followed by the admonition to … “just lie back and enjoy it”. Eh mom? says the snot nose lib voter.

  14. Someone might want to inform the Liberal Party of Canada that actions speak louder than words. And, in the case of the Liberals, their words regarding Alberta/western Canada and the oil industry have been pretty awful from Justin Trudeau’s father to the present. Words, actions, history…all provide solid proof of the federal Liberal Party’s hatred of our region, people and our important industries.
    The National Energy program, threatening to jail western grain farmers for selling their own crop instead of to Ottawa’s CWB, an equalization formula that always favors central and eastern provinces, an unequal Senate that minimizes western voices, bailouts and subsidies to prop up Quebec and Ontario manufacturing industries but new taxes and regs to hobble western resource and agricultural indusries. And that’s just a partial list.

  15. No Liberals allowed at my Thanksgiving table.
    One large stuffed turkey is quite enough, thanks.

  16. My hunch, Ralph Goodale gets re-elected. All this separatist talk is just pipe dreams. If you can’t get oil out as part of Canada, how do you manage that feat outside Canada. The west should instead focus on either amending the equalization formula or advocating to get rid of it altogether. A “Western Accord” along the lines of the Danny Williams “Atlantic Accord” would be a good start. Threaten a provincial levy on all shipments of automotive products that transit the west both directions, to account for the downstream CO2 effects these products produce. That will get the East’s attention, lol.

  17. And that’s just a partial list.
    And, like his father, all he has to do is offer loads of free stuff in southern Ontario and southern Quebec, and, after the next federal election, he’ll still be at 24 Sussex.
    Thank back to 1984. I can think of three reasons why Mulroney was elected.
    One was that PET had resigned early in the year. Quebec had lost its hero.
    Secondly, John Turner was a lousy PM. Idiocies such as making the Yukon officially a bilingual region made him a laughingstock throughout the country.
    The third reason was that Canadians got tired of almost continuous Liberal rule since Pearson was elected in 1963. (Joe Who’s months in office had no effect.) The Liberals thought they could put anybody, anything forward as their candidate for prime minister and they’d be elected. They had the idea that the PET effect would work once more.
    We won’t have a change in the federal government until the Clown Prince is out of the way and Canadians have finally had enough of the Liberals.
    I doubt we’ll be rid of Hairdo any time soon. If he steps aside, it wouldn’t surprise me if the Liberals anoint Soapy as his successor.

  18. Last year I hosted my extended family for Thanksgiving. Knowing the guests would range from Reaganites to Sandersnistas, I hung this on the front door:
    Politics Free Zone!
    NO discussion of politics allowed.
    Violators will get no pie or cake!

  19. Oh, good grief! I grew up with people who flew model airplanes–free-flight, control-line, and radio control. I even built a few free-flight planes myself while I was in high school (gliders and rubber-powered).
    I started on that nearly 50 years ago. Nobody had any problem with youngsters doing that. In fact, I read articles in model airplane magazines of children flying multi-channel R/C planes without any difficulty.
    The only legal requirement for flying radio control models at that time was that since amateur transmitters were involved, a permit to operate them was required. The reason was that the equipment used a specific part of the radio spectrum which, as I remember, was just above 30 MHz, making them VHF hardware.
    Getting a permit wasn’t difficult and I remember my father sent in an application when he tinkered with R/C. One day, he received a certificate in the post, complete with his own VE7 designation.
    No R/C modeller that I knew would ever fly in bad weather. A lot of time and effort went into building the planes and nobody wanted to jeopardize that. Besides, the planes can’t fly high enough for ice to become an issue.
    De-icing equipment would add an enormous weight, as well as expense, to a model. That idiotic requirement will kill that part of the hobby.
    As for looping a plane, that’s always been a measure of an R/C flyer’s skill. Evidently, the bureaucrats who came up with that doozie never saw radio control models in flight.
    What’s next? Banning children from getting their own amateur radio callsigns?

  20. The Liberal Party’s biggest enemy is their greed and arrogance. They simply cannot resist the temptation to enrich their own bank accounts with bribes and taxpayer money or refrain from insulting nonleftists.
    Their second and third biggest enemies are a unified Conservative party and a strong NDP party. The CPC can take economically conservative Liberals who disagree with tax’n’spend/high deficits and the NDP takes ideologically socialist Liberals. Strong CPC/NDP divides the vote on the Liberal’s left and increases support for the right of center conservatives. That hinges on the CPC not having bimbo eruptions from the hard right that turns away moderate, right leaning Liberals. Otherwise the Liberals can then pull out the old cliches that conservatives have a hidden agenda, hate women and will let the religious right will take away rights from minorities.

  21. I suspect you are exactly right, that we’re stuck with Trudeau as PM, in majority government no less, for bare minimum 8 years (i.e. 2023), more likely 12 (2027). And I know I’m supposed to root team Conservative and all.. but Scheer’s a bloody empty suit. If Canadians have the choice between pretty-boy empty suit “A”, whom they’ve already elected, and pretty-boy empty suit “B”, whom they haven’t, they’ve got absolutely no compelling reason to switch their votes.
    But then I made my peace with Trudeau being an 8+ year PM shortly after he was elected, and that no Conservative leader had any hope of dethroning him in 2023 anyway. Trudeau’s a nitwit, surrounded by more nitwits, and his government is pretty bad, but I seriously doubt anything’s going to stick to him in sufficient quantity / strength to wake Canadians up from their happy Liberal slumber. It’s Canada’s default state of being, after all.

  22. Further to my earlier comment about the radio control planes, Transport Canada’s bureaucrats have truly flipped their wigs.
    The proposed regulations will require a minimum of $100,000 insurance. Try and find an insurance company that’ll sell you a policy for that sort of thing, let alone for a reasonable price.
    TC also expects people to sit exams and keep logs when they fly R/C planes. Apparently, it believes that a model aircraft is no different than a full-size plane.
    What mystifies me is how models have become the jurisdiction of a government agency in the first place, let alone what the applicable legislation is.
    Being a ham myself, I can understand the requirement for a radio callsign because one is operating a transmitter. But that would be governed by what used to be called Industry Canada. However, since it’s for purely recreational purposes, using equipment that can’t be easily modified and, more than likely, has to be certified by the Canadian government, shouldn’t require a set of examinations. After all, one can operate citizen’s band radios without official certification.
    This sounds to me that not only is the Liberal government attempting to control the citizenry under the guise of “security”, it’s looking for ways to filch even more cash from people through not-so-hidden taxes, fees, and surcharges.

  23. “just lie back and enjoy it”
    I think it should be “close your eyes and think of Mecca”.

  24. So long as the Corpse, LCTV, Mop n Pail, Glowbull, and the rest of the idiots in the media keep giving PM Selfie Sockboy a free ride, and the simple thinking Canadian public keeps eating their pablum, you might be, sadly, correct.
    Canadian voters are largely stupid, at best. I present to you, Morontariowe as a prime example.

  25. This is illustrative of the pathetic state of progressive politics in Canada, where Liberal supporters are not trusted to be able to think for themselves and require talking points from the Comintern before speaking to their families and friends. The Liberal Party clearly has complete contempt for its members now. Can you spell the word SOVIET?
    I blush to think that I used to work as a Liberal political staffer on the Hill back in the days of Trudeau the Elder. Back then I supported such dreadful things as the NEP. I’ve reformed … honest. Mea culpa. Mea maxima culpa.
    Mind you, back then Liberals would have ridiculed and mocked party apparatchiks who dared to suggest such insulting drivel as taking points for the family Thanksgiving table.

  26. Welcome to you. My paternal grandparents and aunts and uncles voted Liberal for decades until Trudeau the Elder and then switched to the conservative side. The Liberals had left the classical liberal side and Trudeau the Elder reminded them too much of authoritarian socialism and why they escaped from the Soviet Union in 1926 when they had the chance.

  27. Given the carnage among the right whales in the St Lawrence River, I move we declare said river a “tanker-free zone” if not a “shipping-free zone”. If it saves one whale ……

  28. I think the last classical liberal PM that this country had was St. Laurent, though I’m far too young to remember him. Pearson is a bit iffy with me. After all, he did force us to adopt the current flag design, didn’t he?
    By the way, the flag debate was only the second time that closure had been invoked. The previous time was during the–ahem–TransCanada Pipeline debate. (Now where have we heard that name before, eh?)
    Both occurrences were during Liberal governments.
    After that, PET used closure almost regularly.

  29. “ diversity is one Canada`s greatest source of strength “
    that is the stupidest lie ever.
    western civilization became the biggest success in the history of the world without diversity ( ok maybe there was half a percent of diversity but even without it we would have accomplished as much),
    and if western civilization is now in decay it is in great part because of the diversity being imported in large numbers – imposed on us – and quickly replacing us and replacing what is great about western civilization.

  30. replacing what is great about western civilization.
    According to a well-known former community organizer (or was it the person he’s married to?), western civilization was never great to begin with. After all, anything that was created or invented in the west had to be either stolen or the result of slave labour.
    So, I guess it was his job to put all us uppity westerners back in our proper place, wasn’t it? Of course, we now have a prime minister and his public puppet (you can probably figure out who’s who) who’s continuing that great work. Even nationhood is something to be despised now.

  31. Was reading the comments under the”Govt propaganda in question”
    Some pretty funny comments, I guess the average commenter is not ready for talky points from headquarters.
    Hopefully the Hair Apparent will keep his Obamination supplied staff into the next election.
    Who needs separation this country is crumbling on its own.
    The current crop of “leaders” are all candidates for the famous French Haircut.
    Utter fools and bandits.

  32. “I think the last classical liberal PM that this country had was St. Laurent,…”
    Yes, he believed that social programs that were brought in had to be affordable. Pearson began the switch to a Liberal/Marxist ideology.
