The Vain And Malevolent Left, Part 376

According to Canadian professors Sal Renshaw and Renee Valiquette, being dishonest about course content, and about the subsequent likelihood of getting a job, is “a pathway to social justice education” and therefore, they insist, “the ruse is justified.” The lecturers in question admit that for many students “social justice” claptrap has a poor reputation and is actively avoided, which prompts the professors to sidestep that reputational challenge by simply lying to students about what it is they’re paying for.

One of these.

16 Replies to “The Vain And Malevolent Left, Part 376”

  1. I am so glad my children are old enough to have missed the crap going on in “higher” education today.
    I’m concerned my grand-children may get there before it is cleaned up. Good thing they’re all interested in STEM, at least there may be a chance to avoid some of this.
    They’ve all been told no access to education funds if they go into stupid stuff.

  2. The fact they are interested in STEM isn’t going to help. My son is taking his first high school science class in grade nine in Ontario. In his words the class is his “global warming propaganda course”.

  3. Yikes, but we have a few years yet before even getting there.
    Give your son a lot of credit for recognizing the issue, tell him to hold fast.
    And play the game. Not going to be able to get ahead if not given good marks.

  4. The good news – nobody is interested in their nonsense courses. More good news – they’re actually sufficiently vain and stupid enough to brag about their scheme,which tends to nullify it.

  5. Things have definitely changed since I was an undergrad more than 40 years ago.
    Back then, I learned the basic principals of engineering, such as strength of materials, fluid mechanics, and thermodynamics. To broaden our education, each term we were required to take something outside of our discipline, which usually meant an arts course.
    Along with it, I acquired the discipline needed to practice my profession later on. Then again, most of my professors had experience in industry and knew what would have been expected of me after I graduated.
    Nowadays, those same principals appear to no longer be emphasized as much. I’ve encountered students and recent graduates who couldn’t tell me how to calculate a beam load or determine the voltage through a resistor.
    Instead, though, they knew all about certain social issues and what their “rights” were. I doubt that any of them had any idea of how to use a screwdriver or a multimeter.

  6. yea…most have the “rights” thing down pat…the part they missed is RESPONSIBILITY.
    Nothing but whinning Snowflakes the lot of them thanx to unionized so called teachers – Marxist agitators is what I call them….and all confirmed Trudeau / Butts voters.
    We need a DRAFT in this country…3 Years Service.
    We need to De-Certify Public Service Unions – Stat.

  7. In an ideal world those professors would be invited to a meeting to discuss a promotion and then given termination papers. I think they might begin to understand the problem with deception “for the greater good”.

  8. I am spending my children’s inheritance on their children’s PRIVATE school education.
    “The school’s youngest students (K-2) traced their hands, colored them with their skin color, and made a poster reading “Stop thinking your skin color is better than everyone elses [sic]. Everyone is Special!””
    There’s no bloody way any of my family will “educated” in leftist factories of racial divide, HATE, and disinformation. My grandchildren will be taught that there is NO social “lesson” to be learned by skin color. The ONLY social lesson that matters is what can be learned about their CHARACTER.

  9. When I went to high school the grade nine science course was biology, as you got into the higher grades I think I had to do one chemistry course and one physics course, after you got those out of the way you could take more of bio/chem/physics. I think my son’s mandatory grade nine science course “ecology” has replaced biology, so the program is ripe for environmental brainwashing.

  10. Is Ohm’s Law considered to be fascist?
    (sarcasm = on)
    Of course it is. It was derived by a European. After all, nothing was created or discovered in the west unless it was stolen or the acquired through slave labour.
    People like Michelle Obama told us so.
    (sarcasm = off)

  11. Of course,Ohms Law is one of the reasons windmills and solar panels will never be more than sideshows in the supply of usable power.
    Therefor I fully expect the Federal Liberal Party to pass legislation repealing said law and fully expect the entire NDP and half the so called conservative to vote in favour.
    Can’t cure stupid, but I am baffled by the number of Canadians who insist it is OK for the helpless and clueless to be in charge.
    from the municipal level to the Federal we have elected true fools and bandits to watch over their comrades.
    Go along, to get along and then complain about the ineptitude and corruption.
    Never mind I am Weasel, We are Canadian.
