The 9th Mile

Jimmy transitioned into Papa Doc so slowly, no one noticed.

“And any fan of mine who’s a supporter of his, I’m drawing in the sand a line, you’re either for or against, and if you can’t decide who you like more and you’re split on who you should stand beside, I’ll do it for it for you with this. F— you,” he said toward the end, raising his middle finger.”

Next time, tell us something you didn’t see in the media.

30 Replies to “The 9th Mile”

  1. Why even put this negative, inflammatory crap on this site, c’mon Lance give your head a shake. Instead put something on about Turdeau and how the separation movement for the west is gaining traction.

  2. Twitchy has an excellent summary of some of his past lyrics. Any lefties making him a hero now are going to be real embarrassed.

  3. I’ve generally been very impressed by whatever I’ve seen by Eminem in his hit songs on the radio, though I’ve never listened to an album. He is a talented poet, and I could care less what his political leanings are: he’s really the wrong person to look to for insight.
    However, I don’t understand what this was. It was recorded as if it was a performance, but it was nothing more than the merest beginnings of a scribble, not a composition. It sounded completely unprepared and incoherent – like an alcoholic in a doughnut shop to recall the clever burn he made during a scotch-fueled rant the night before. He could have got equal mileage, and looked more authentic if he simply yelled “f*ck Trump” and gave the cameraman the finger.

  4. Projecting one’s irrational racism on others. How innovative.
    This is why I don’t care what singers, actors, musicians, playwrights, athletes or high stakes gamblers think about politics, economics or social issues.

  5. I’ve generally been very impressed by whatever I’ve seen by Eminem in his hit songs on the radio, though I’ve never listened to an album. He is a talented poet, and I could care less what his political leanings are: he’s really the wrong person to look to for insight.
    However, I don’t understand what this was. It was recorded as if it was a performance, but it was nothing more than the merest beginnings of a scribble, not a composition. It sounded completely unprepared and incoherent – like an alcoholic in a doughnut shop to recall the clever burn he made during a scotch-fueled rant the night before. He could have got equal mileage, and looked more authentic if he simply yelled “f*ck Trump” and gave the cameraman the finger.

  6. Colin Kaepernick is a “free” agent. Kind of funny if you think about it. Free at last.

  7. Put something about Justin Trudeau.
    In an exclusive essay for, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau opens up about wanting his sons to “escape the pressure to be a particular kind of masculine that is so damaging to men and to the people around them.”
    They could be taught to use the Women bathrooms.

  8. Good career move for an irrelevant wigger ? Dude’s rant in front of a receptive BET audience … reminds me of American actresses travelling to Europe to bash American presidents and culture. This rap-actress has found her audience.

  9. Dang I had high hopes for Eminem too. Oh well looks like it’s another musician off the list.

  10. I can’t hover over links when using my phone – I regret following that link to CNN’s website.

  11. Yeah, I think a lot of people are about to discover that antifa, BLM, SJWs,… don’t buy a lot of movie tickets, albums, jerseys, stadium seats, cars, books, …

  12. rap. droning on and on, monotone unintelligible lyrics crammed with obscenities and slang when you can make them out.
    *they all sound the exact same, regardless of who or what*
    c-rap, the canuckistan variation.
    did I say something racist?

  13. Unless they “sample” REAL music … that someone else created.
    However, I must admit there was some rap that I actually enjoyed. I was a real Tupac fan. He was quite talented. However, what I really like are artists who have incorporated some rap-style into their music. For example Beck … who I believe is a flat out GENIUS (no, not Jeff Beck … although I do like his guitar work). Also the Red Hot Chili’s have “sampled” some rap into their music. Music that borrows styles and reinvents it into something new is really something special.

  14. Is it really a good idea to use that kind of material on that particular audience?
    The first house burned to the ground might end up being his own since mobs don’t discriminate too much when they riot.

  15. The world that he was going to protect his sons from is called “toxic Masculinity” his words not mine. He also said that he would bring his sons up to be feminists.Wonder which bathroom these kids will be using?
