Too far.

I know it’s bait, but this goes too far. Grow thicker skin and never go full Maduro.

75 Replies to “Too far.”

  1. When the MSM controls the narrative of the Nation there is no reason they shouldn’t be investigated for accuracy and journalistic responsibility to the truth, in order to maintain a “licence”.
    That’s what licenses allow, like a drivers license or a firearms licence, abuse it and you lose it.
    The right to free speech and the right to bear arms are indeed rights, until they are used as weapons by individuals and organizations against the public. The fake news reporters have every right to stand on a street corner soapbox and say whatever crap they want evry day of the week.

  2. For an industry that is dying it never ceases to amaze the way they continue a narrative that has lost their audience. MSM whether TV or print are mostly losing money. Trump taunted them during the campaign by saying he would last longer as the reporters represented failing business plans. The best they can muster in response is the ‘integrity and professionalism’ of their trade. Said with a straight face when it has been proven time and again that they are the main purveyors of ‘fake’ news.

  3. Exactly. Why in the world would anyone let all that success, wealth and power fall onto his lap?

  4. Trump is a loose canon populist and occasionally resembles a monkey in a cage throwing feces at obnoxious passers by. You can’t accuse him of abandoning principles when what passes for them are mercurial to begin with. His “political” genius is his ability to read the crowd, and mostly correctly. Far better people can’t do anywhere near as well.

  5. The right to license implicitly gives the government entity that issues that license to regulate. That is why we should try to limit that right as much as possible.
    Take a license we all accept, the right to license motor vehicle drivers. The licensee can have the license suspended or revoke for a myriad of transgressions as defined by the state. This is necessary because motor vehicles are operated on public roads, and potentially can adversely interact with other users of those roads.
    Stations that telecast and broadcast (radio) have always been licensed, under the argument that they use public airwaves (i.e. electromagnetic radiation frequency bands.) And the federal government had always assumed the right to regulate, such as imposing “community decency standards” on nudity and language, First Amendment or not.
    So what President Trump proposes is not new or different. It merely adds veracity to the regulations. That is indeed a slippery slope, but we are down that slope already with the above. Surely insuring veracity is as important, at least, as prohibitions on nudity and language.
    Though I don’t believe newspapers should be regulated because it does not use public domain, traditionally they have always self censured by separating news and comments (a practice the NYT and WP, among others, no longer adhere to.) The TV and radio stations should at least do the same, and leave commentaries out of the strictly news sector, advertised as such. Broadcast of false news ought to be at least censured if unintentional, and cause the stations to be disciplined by suspension or revoke of license if proved to be intentional. They fancy themselves to be the Fifth Estate, so they should take pride in only broadcasting real facts as news.

  6. Brave words coming from someone with an unemployed substitute drama teacher as his Prime Minister.

  7. Yep, free press should be as untouchable as free speech and free association. I’m sure the media and journalist would agree because they so consistently try to ensure that everyone’s rights are protected regardless of politics, race, gender, etc. That no matter how incompetent or stupid you are, your constitutional rights should never be infringed upon by the government./s
    I find the Trump vs. progressive media amusing in the same way I found Palin and the Tea Party vs. progressive media amusing. The ugliness, hypocrisy, class snobbery and double standards of progressives are so clearly revealed.
    I think voting for Trump was a huge FU to the entire political class and chattering class by angry, frustrated voters. The ensuing skirmishes and sniping I would imagine has a similar quality and appeal as watching a snake vs mongoose battle or rooster fighting. Instead of that we are watching the tightasses in the upper classes become completely undignified and roll around in the mud with “deplorables”. Everyone gets dirty but dragging down the pretentious “elites” off their high horses and ivory towers has been worth it. It is like voters are being given the opportunity to give elites the middle finger over and over again.

  8. The political and chattering class should be thankful that angry nonleftist populists are expressing themselves in a democratic fashion instead of how class conflicts were fought in the 20th century.

  9. President Trump is trolling with this.
    He is saying this to get a discussion and expose’ on the Media Party’s perfidy into the open. He is shining a light. JMO

  10. The Progressive MSM has every right to quit the regulatory public airwaves and set up shop on the internet.
    Plenty of subscribers and advertisers if you have a product of any value to sell.

  11. Trump was hired by America to be a bludgeon. Hey, look! There he goes…bludgeoning again!

  12. Your article states Trump went too far and compare him to Venezuela’s Maduro?
    NBC scares Americans falsely claiming Trump wants to increase nuclear arsenals and the government has no recourse? Media can lie and attempt to control elections in their never ending attempt to bring Communism to the world without any controls?
    Government can only regulate swearing and nudity but not lying about nuclear arsenals?
    I miss Kate.

  13. Well said as was LC Bennett’s comment.
    Too far? Not far enough yet. The swamp scum are still floating.

  14. Mr. Trump should institute a Ministry of Truth in order to regulate the Lügenpresse.
    I would expect about 60% of Republicans to support such a move.

  15. This is what annoyed me with Bush. He never fought back and it just got worse, in the end he probably thought they were laughing with him. The only thing Trump can do is push back just as hard. We sensitive Canadians can’t handle the reality that politics is a blood sport.

  16. I’m one of those evil free speech absolutists. Meaning I think that government not infringing on free speech should be considered the bare minimum of free speech rights. Regarding the freedom of the press and free speech – it is unnecessary to interfere or increase regulation because the abysmally low trust ratings for the media/journalists proves that people have accurately evaluated the quality of the reporting.

  17. Mr. Trump should institute a Ministry of Truth in order to regulate the Lügenpresse.
    I would expect about 60% of Republicans to support such a move.
    Yea and 99% of leftists want that only against the right. Except the right want to control the obvious attempt by leftists to actually destroy and rebuild the west in their image. We see all the time that all the left does is destroy things. They need to be controlled to keep them in their place. The results of them not in their place is all the evidence we need.

  18. Correction: MY President’s genius is to actually LISTEN to the people of America (not the soulless corporations), and OBSERVE what has been systematically destroying America. And THEN, to actually DO something about it … notwithstanding a two-faced GOPe who are STILL aiding and abetting the destruction of America. And HER genius is? And Jeb Bush’s genius? Mitch McConnell’s genius? Yeah … didn’t think so.
    Am I happy that MY President has “implied” weaponizing a Federal Agency against a sector of America? Nope. Not happy with that at all. However, what’s worse? A fully open and transparent Tweet about the FAILings of our major news network(s), or quietly ACTUALLY weaponizing the IRS against the American people? Or weaponizing the Justice Dept. (literally) through “Fast and Furious”. MY President joked (in private) about how rich men could grab pu&&y with impunity … while rich libs actually DO grab pu&&y and ti++y under cover of their power and wealth. Big difference my friend … big Fffff-ing difference.
    The libs and pompous “Never Trumpers” completely lose sight of the intentional TRANSPARENCY of this presidents musings via Twitter. They appear to be much more comfortable with LIARS who hide their evil deeds and thoughts while “tickling the ears” of an unwitting public. THE PEOPLE “get” Trump in a way the political LIARS never will.
    In my opinion … all MY President just accomplished was to … “start a conversation” about FAKE News and the responsibility of licensed broadcasters. And isn’t THAT the highest calling of the day … to “start a conversation”? Maybe it IS time to put a knee to the head of NBC!?
    Oh ! And Paul, LC … brilliant mates … brilliant!

  19. Another thing that is happening slowly (because the left did learn that going slower gives them bigger gains) is the destruction of every institution that makes our culture successful. The left and the leftist media are together trying to make this happen. You really are blind or support it to not see what is happening.
    Leftism builds actual dictatorships. The left like to blather on that any country that isn’t their vision of utopia is a dictatorship. The US constitution and bill of rights are good examples of conservative thought while Venezuela is a great example of what you finally get with leftist leaders.
    The conservative populace needs to continually keep the leftists in check. And to do so does not make it a dictatorship.

  20. “Ministry of Truth”
    Most people want doctors and surgeons licenced for ethical practices and behaviour, as well as police, judges, teachers and anyone else definitively sanctioned by society as public service.
    The MSM should be held to the same standards of “truth” to hold a licenced “badge of public trust”. They should also be held to the same standards of investigative scrutiny for malpractice as anyone one else who is licenced.
    Otherwise the internet has plenty of room for the fake news providers and other unlicensed entertainment.

  21. I had to chuckle at either CBC or CTV a couple of days ago. The wedding anniversary dance of former President Obama and Michelle was shown. They were obviously both enamoured of each other. The woman broadcaster made some nice comments. Then she said “You would not see that with Donald Trump and Melania”. The absolute pettiness of it all!

  22. Patrick, well said, both times.
    Like a CNN female host said after the US election last fall while I was watching in the clinic waiting, “We have to do whatever it takes to get rid of him (Trump)”.
    Patrick’s statement, “Another thing that is happening slowly (because the left did learn that going slower gives them bigger gains) is the destruction of every institution that makes our culture successful. The left and the leftist media are together trying to make this happen. You really are blind or support it to not see what is happening.” bears repeating. The Bolsheviks went too far too fast, these scum are taking it slow, a part of an institution here, another there, bit by bit. The frog does not feel the water slowly heating.

  23. Trump is laying the groundwork just as he did with the NFL. He knew the majority of the public were sickened by the players taking a knee so he chummed the water with a simple paragraph and started a firestorm that may run it’s true course – which is to end their tax exempt status and tax payer funded stadiums.
    this is the same. He knows the majority hate the press so he’s picking a fight, knowing that progressives are too stupid to know they’re being baited into a fight they will lose.

  24. Excellent point. Licensure is intended to ensure core competency. To PROTECT the public from quacks and frauds (like the entire MSM).
    Another … *sigh* personal story to illustrate: I JUST had a hip replacement (BTW Canadian friends … my incredibly popular surgeon made my first appointment within a week, and performed the surgery on the exact date I chose) this past May. I had put the surgery off way too long, and the results are nothing short of miraculous. And let me say that I appreciated the rigor with which every single entity involved in my surgery was licensed and regulated by various public agencies. My Doctor, The hospital, The Nurses, The medical products (titanium, plastic, ceramic), even the cleaning staff … by (most likely) dozens of regulatory and licensure agencies. I am SO glad that some agency had review authority over ALL their work. Is the regulatory process infallible ? Of course not. But let me say that there is NO WAY I would ever become a medical tourist travelling to India for a massively invasive surgery such as hip replacement. And my surgeon told me he has performed over 4,000 hip replacement surgeries … no substitute for a successful track record.
    Yes … I am thrilled that so many actors involved in my surgery were licensed. And I ALSO like my Doctors and Nurses to be very … very … highly PAID. I hope they ALL make more $$$ than me. I never envy the wealth of highly skilled people. In fact I welcome it.

  25. Exactly keaner, and thats why they call you keaner. Thats a nick name that will never be bestowed on anyone in the 1600 dollars a month media morons world. And canuck guy, when you create 10 billion in wealth building high rises all over the world, then you can call him dumb, cause right now, we all know who is dumb, for sure.

  26. It is important to understand that progressives *want* to have regulated media and “ministry of truth “. Why? Because every organization not explicitly conservative or libertarian/classical liberal inevitably drifts to the left and will be controlled by leftists. Even explicitly conservative and classical liberal/libertarian organizations tend to move left (ACLU).
    If you call for government and bureaucrat regulated media then in the end only progressive journalists will be given credentials. Conservatives, libertarians, bloggers, private citizens and everyone progressives disapprove of will be banned. It’ll be like universities…only like-minded individuals need apply. Progressive authoritarians will be the media gatekeepers.

  27. Actually, I am ok with Trump’s idea of taking their licenses away if they are broadcasting demonstrably fake news. What exactly is a broadcasting license for? Such a license is a privilege and abusing the license deserves some sort of penalty. My main contention is that the government should not be the one to decide, rather a group charged with assessing objectivity and accuracy.
    Trump is not dumb, but everything he does gets hopelessly twisted and misconstrued by the media. How else to fight that?

  28. “I am ok with Trump’s idea of taking their licenses away if they are broadcasting demonstrably fake news”
    Great idea. When FOX news broadcast that Birmingham is 100% Muslim their broadcast license should have been taken away.

  29. Sickening media comment — petty, petty, petty and totally groundless. Note to the media. We are sick of hearing your anti-Trump digs. Enough already.

  30. I disagree, Lance. You won’t find a more corrupt bunch of useless, partisan hacks as the US corporate media. They deserve to be put out of business. AFAIC Obama never hesitated to use the machinery of the US government against his enemies and Trump should do the same.

  31. “You won’t find a more corrupt bunch of useless, partisan hacks as the US corporate media. They deserve to be put out of business.”
    True. But they’re doing that to themselves.
    “AFAIC Obama never hesitated to use the machinery of the US government against his enemies and Trump should do the same.”
    Wrong. Let the bastards implode, and by all mean encourage the process, but resorting to Obammy’s sneaky tactics isn’t the answer.

  32. Well, since the government is not allowed to restrict the press, then we’ll take the better and easier route.
    You media like NBC? You’re fired.

  33. ‘…The woman broadcaster made some nice comments. Then she said “You would not see that with Donald Trump and Melania”. …’
    She was telling the truth. Her industry will never show you that if it’s President and Mrs. Trump.

  34. I think it is perfectly legitimate to ask this question. Many years ago the vision for broadcasters was to inform viewers of what was going on in their country and in the world around them and attempting to do this in the most fair, balanced and factual way possible. Today, there is no such attempt for many stations (CBC and CNN are the ones that stand out to me personally) so we have to ask, what are these stations in our society? If they are purely platforms to push a particular interest, let’s not licence them like we do today but rather call them out as the political mediums that they are.

  35. Never go full Maduro?
    Lance, comparing Trump to Maduro is quite simply insane. You never said that about Youtube, Google, or Facebook censoring the world. You never said that when Obama put in a kill switch for the internet. You never said that when Obama went after Drudge and Fox. What are you smoking and does Kate know you’re wandering around free?

  36. It is as if Trump’s people read my comments, and suggest my ideas to him…about a year ago, if not before that, I said on a few different blogs that if I was Trump and was President I would find a way to take away the license of those who publish fake news.
    it is illegal for pepsi ( to give one example ) to say a bottle of pepsi contains as many proteins as a quarter pound of ground beef or that pepsi regrows hair on bald heads,
    and it is illegal for pepsi to say of coke that it will make your hair fall out and will destroy and cancel out any protein you ingest… then why is it legal for the media to publish fake news?
    Could be coincidence, could be Trump’s people analysing what is being said on the internet…we will never know…
    me pretentious? maybe…but I have been under rated and under appreciated almost my entire life…I might put it in a book one day.

  37. You meant to say something about the MSM INSISTING there are no such things as “No Go Zones” throughout Europe. You mean THAT kind of a LIE ?

  38. @Rizwan
    “Great idea. When FOX news broadcast that Birmingham is 100% Muslim their broadcast license should have been taken away.”
    So what’s with the over dramatization with you apologist types?
    It’s called a FINE. When you fine them enough over and over for infractions, they eventually stop the bad behavior or face serious judicial arbitration to maintain their licence.
    It’s already on the books, it only needs to be enforced, that’s Trumps point.

  39. A few coments from above that I like and agree with,
    … … …
    Paul | October 11, 2017 12:36 PM | Reply
    When the MSM controls the narrative of the Nation there is no reason they shouldn’t be investigated for accuracy and journalistic responsibility to the truth, in order to maintain a “licence”.
    That’s what licenses allow, like a drivers license or a firearms licence, abuse it and you lose it.
    … … …
    Marck | October 11, 2017 1:01 PM | Reply
    Too far? It’s the MSM who has gone too far with endless left wing propaganda.
    … … …
    doowleb | October 11, 2017 1:56 PM | Reply
    Your article states Trump went too far and compare him to Venezuela’s Maduro?
    […] Government can only regulate swearing and nudity but not lying about nuclear arsenals?
    I miss Kate.
    … … …
    LindaL | October 11, 2017 4:11 PM | Reply
    Actually, I am ok with Trump’s idea of taking their licenses away if they are broadcasting demonstrably fake news. What exactly is a broadcasting license for?
    […] Trump is not dumb, but everything he does gets hopelessly twisted and misconstrued by the media.
    … … …
    well… someone who gets all their news from the main stream media will of course believe Trump is dumb because the media edits and spins everything and puts everything out of context with the goal of making Trump look stupid and/or evil…anyone who is not aware of that, and who falls for that, is the one who is dumb.
    it is like people who believe that magicians can actually saw women in two ( and then put them back together ) because they saw it on tv, they are quite d-u-m-b.
    the day President Trump welcomed Merkel to the white house the media went crazy with a story about Trump being such a woman hater that he refused to shake her hand because she is a woman…
    yet within 45 seconds I found two different pictures of President Trump shaking Merkel’s hand – that same day – as he welcomed her ( with a warm smile ) into the white house and once while they were at their podium addressing the crowd ( that same day).
    it was one of the biggest news of the day yet it was completely false.
    Who is dumb here? Trump? me? or the people who believe the media like they believe what they see in magician show?
    People who say Trump is dumb are as dumb as people who tell me magicians can really saw women in two and then mend them.
    ( and now about Paul’s comment ) Yeah some of what Lance says makes me miss Kate too.
    Maduro? seriously?…

  40. Heh
    Isn’t it interesting how Trump irritates those settled in their ways?
    It is doubtful the president would think of shutting down or limiting press or free expression, it is probably likely that he wants to irritate.
    Some say that it is not presidential.
    The only difference is the syntax, Trump shoots from the hip as it were, other presidents wrap their shit in flowery “inclusive”, “sophisticated” language for the plebeians to swallow.
    The only difference.
    Some like it, some don’t.
    This here guy is enjoying it something fierce.

  41. I dunno, now Trump has the left learning about free speech and defending the first amendment.
    Last month they hated free speech.

  42. “Last month they hated free speech.”
    Bingo, in a nutshell the left hates “Truth”, anything that challenges their warped view of reality and “Social Justice” agenda especially facts & logic is their enemy.

  43. Stephen Harper was smart but, unfortunately, he wasn’t brilliant.
    Trump is brilliant. Maybe once in a while – rarely, in fact – he needs to be reined in, but it’s much wiser to give him a free hand.
