Too far.

I know it’s bait, but this goes too far. Grow thicker skin and never go full Maduro.

75 Replies to “Too far.”

  1. olde Rance did say he was a libtard, and sure as h*ll works hard to prove it. Up, miss Kate, butt Rance is like bowel movement, it give one relief even tho it stinks. The relief is that Rance is only part time, there fore he needs only patial intellect.
    As to the dumb asses who think Trump is dumb. A person can only asses the intellect of another person up to their own intellectual level. Sooooo, if you are dumb, you will asses others as being so.
    Yah, LC Bennett and Paul really carry it in here on this. Tho I’m one who hates regulation, BUT, as we have seen in the past , Ferguson and LA riot come to mind, the lies spouted by the LLSM can do damage and cost lives, so until the LLSM can regulate themselves, they will need help. Jail time for lying articles that cause riots and result in serious property damage and/or injury and death. 85% of MSM is leftards, and that is troubling, as I would like to see it closer to 50-50, then it would balance out.

  2. Canuckguy, yet, you’re a guy blogging anonymously because of your smarts, achievements and of course, billion dollars, right?

  3. the msm has been fudging the story in the interests of increased circulation since the days of the wild west, turning murderous gunslingers into frontier heroes.
    etc etc.

  4. Nah, he’s using his real name, just like you you dipsh*t. You really are as dumb as a shiny turd!

  5. Couldn’t agree more. But I’m old enough t remember when the US Lefties wanted to take Fox News off the air.

  6. ” It’s called a FINE. ”
    It’s called fascism, and the Ministry of Truth for that matter.

  7. Trump is brilliant at ginning up know-nothing tards into a froth and getting them to project their hopes and dreams upon him. Just like Hugo Chavez.
    And he is republican Hugo Chavez. He’s always been Full Maduro.

  8. @UnMe
    Coming from the China, ISIS, and ANTIFA troll support, another retarded UnMe comment.

  9. “It’s called fascism, and the Ministry of Truth for that matter.”
    So you support providing a broadcasting licence for the K.K.K?
    What’s your anti-facisist stand on citizen concealed carry, “Stand Your Ground”, and Castle Laws that allow citizens to arm and protect themselves in their home and on the street?

  10. the day President Trump welcomed Merkel to the white house the media went crazy with a story about Trump being such a woman hater that he refused to shake her hand because she is a woman.
    Yep. Now we know that Trump should have invited Merkel to the Lincoln Bedroom, greet her with a chubby poking out of his robe, and demand that she watch him shower.
    I am literally beside myself with schadenfreude over the cratering Hollywood and liberal elites. They have revealed themselves to be anti-liberty, anti-free-Speech, anti-gun, anti-religion, anti-gender, anti-white, anti-capitalist, anti-family, anti-foetus, anti-carbon, anti-wealth, anti-decency … NASTY … human beings.
    Just WAIT for the coming story that Weinstein had people offshore procuring little girls for his sexual pleasure. The Left are depraved … and their depravity is being exposed. Bill Cosby is looking like a choirboy by comparison.
    And just THINK of ALL the years that there was NO REAL opposition party to these cretins who have completely run amok over our culture. Thank you President Trump! Thank you American voters! You cast a ballot for the FED-UP Party.
    Unbelievable captcha; Stupples YOUNG

  11. I don’t believe that Trump should threaten NBC’s license. There should however be a system in place to rate MSM sources based on credibility, much like hotel rooms are rated on the number of or lack of cockroaches under the bed.

  12. Or like restaurants that receive Grades of A-B-C-D-F … from the Health Dept. depending on the likelihood of poisoning their customers. Yeah … NBC is poisoning their customers and deserve a grade of F … and be shut-down before they kill any more brain cells. Disinfect the network like we need a disinfecting of “the swamp”

  13. Elections have consequences. When NBCCBSABCCNN are wholly-owned subsidiaries of the DemocRat Party, and they are, should the Republicans NOT pull their licenses?
    And gee, didn’t Barry unleash the IRS on his political enemies? Why yes, he did.
    The Republicans haven’t gotten an even break from the US television media since it was invented, and this year the media are drumming up actual riots. Where is it written that only the Dems are allowed to fight dirty?

  14. “When NBCCBSABCCNN are wholly-owned subsidiaries of the DemocRat Party, and they are, should the Republicans NOT pull their licenses?”
    No that’s not how a free civilized country works. Sorry, take your power fantasy elsewhere, fascist.
    “The Republicans haven’t gotten an even break from the US television media since it was invented”
    Oh FO. Fox is highly slanted to the right, and now there’s a whole network of ‘alternative media’ like Breitbart (almost all of which is terrible).
    ” So you support providing a broadcasting licence for the K.K.K?”
    “What’s your anti-facisist stand on citizen concealed carry, “Stand Your Ground”, and Castle Laws that allow citizens to arm and protect themselves in their home and on the street?”
    Yes to all of the above what does this have to do with TV?

  15. “Yes to all of the above what does this have to do with TV?”
    That’s great to hear!
    The support for firearms ownership and personal protection establishes your belief in those fundamental human rights, as well as your claim to defend “freedom of speech”. They go hand in hand.
    So you do support the right for the K.K.K to be licensed by the FCC, do you also support the rights for ISIS, Hezbollah, and Hama’s to attain an FCC broadcasting licence?

  16. Lance,
    The FCC regulates & licences ALL Broadcasters in the USA. The History of Congressional investigations of Corrupt game shows (NBC) and unethical behavior by Corporate Executives have always been the rule.. The fact that ABC was NBC#2 before Congressional action and the reasons why.. Helps Trumps policy position…The power is Congressional & they can ORDER the FCC to pull a licence after a complete review.. There are Hard & Fast Rules that the FCC enforces and Stations have lost their licence… Racketeering ETC,, Not a Network YET…
    Any American, or many, may challenge (properly formatted) the Licencing of a Network & the FCC must investigate that issue, the Network MUST respond to each complaint (much like any legal action)…If the FCC got 53 million complaints it would take years to grant the licence renewal
    The FCC has lost control of more than one issue IMHO.. The laws that apply to “LIVE” Sport broadcasts are been violated.. The time domain is being manipulated illegally for production effects.. You don’t know if you are seeing a real game in real time, or a Post Produced fake (The Gamblers must love the delayed WIRE Advantage)
    BTW: Today I found out that the W in SJW does not stand for Warrior in Hollywood..

  17. Because only really, really stupid people successfully run a campaign to get elected President of the USA.

  18. “Trump is as dumb as a stump.”
    And he keeps on winning – so much winning. I believe that every so called stupid word that comes out of Trump’s mouth is deliberate. It is an appeal to his base. The main stream media is so discredited that the more outrage that Trump can trigger in them, the firmer his support. The main stream media have turned themselves into raving lunatics.

  19. Perhaps President Trump should have explained that no more … “wardobe malfunctions” … will be tolerated at NBC … that they need to cover-up their NAKED bias. Their NAKED HATE for our President.

  20. CNN and the New York times have published this fake news a while ago;
    … 17 USA intelligence agencies had evidence Trump was colluding with Russia…
    it was completely false and completely fake news,
    now why should such people be allowed to do that?
    why should they not be warned they could lose their license for publishing false/fake news?

  21. if you say the truth about muslims and the koran, blacks and their high crime rates, gays and the fact they are over 80 % of aids/hiv cases or women who are usually not as good as men at many things, liberals will get you fired.
    there are many documented cases
    I have a bad memory but one comes to mind; the CEO of Mozilla Firefox was fired because 5 years before he had donated money to some anti-abortion group…
    why can’t we fire people who publish fake news?
    why can’t the media’s licence be taken away?
    or should only liberals be allowed to fire non-liberals? would that be less like maduro???

  22. I didn’t look it up … but I recall the Mozilla CEO was found to have donated to a group that Supported CA’s Prop 8 … the anti-Gay Marriage Proposition. The Gaystappo CANNOT be crossed. It is worse than kicking puppies and lighting them on fire. Ridiculous.

  23. Bingo. In Canada Kenji, its a virtual BLACKOUT on Islamic crap from Europe or for that matter right here at home, just as there is in all the EU, UK Scandianvia etc.
    “Nothing to see here – move along”
    CBC, CTV, Global & most print is nothing short of Full on Marxist bullshit.
