20 Replies to “If Women Ran The World”

  1. Wow. That is awesome to see and hear those teo together. Their verbal styles are so different but they shed a great deal of light on the “intellectual rot” of the university. I have to say that Peterson is undoubtedly Canada’s real gift to the world. He is amazingly brilliant and principled thinker.

  2. I agree. So far I have only watched specific parts of selected topics of this lengthy video. Peterson is a stalwart defender of freedom and a bulwark against the rapid cultural Marxism takeover of our society.

  3. Canada and the USA need many thousands more like them if we are to save ourselves from
    the no longer distant hell on earth the demonic left have spent their time planning for us.

  4. It’s pretty clear that the liberal arts university model has failed. To summarize the discussion: university has abandoned the grand narratives of history, teaching critical thinking and has instead become blatant indoctrination centers taught by second rate thinkers who follow idiotic philosophers and postmodernism.The students end up intellectually stunted, neurotic and poor. Academics produce GIGO research and passively accepted the destruction of academia. The ever growing, power hungry administrative bureaucracy are the only winners.
    If that’s true then maybe reform is impossible and a new system must be created. Salvage the parts that are still valuable, uncorrupted and rebuild around that. Put a firewall around STEM and remove them from the non-STEM insanity. New higher learning institutions that puts real science at the core and teaches only verifiably solid knowledge from humanities and social science. World history, world religion, history of science, history of western civilization and art/music history without postmodernism pollution. Scrap policing students private lives and speech. Promise professors absolute intellectual freedom, no social justice imposed limits on research topics and free speech protection. I suspect lots of conservative, libertarian, classical liberal and nonconformist liberal academics would appreciate not having to hide their political beliefs and censor their speech and ideas for fear of being persecuted for offending progressive ideology. A place of higher learning that doesn’t allow the inmates to run the asylum.
    Let the old universities keep the sports teams, tenure system, high tuition, authoritarian administration, conformity, and social justice warriors.

  5. Wow!!!!!!!
    A conversation without interruptions!!
    How long has it been in the culture wars since I have actually heard an intelligent conversation.
    Totally unlike any media interviews either of these have had to endure at the hands of lesser minds.
    When you are competent, you can simply state your case…. you don’t need to out-shout or cut off others.

  6. “… that Peterson is undoubtedly Canada’s real gift to the world. He is amazingly brilliant and principled thinker. ”
    A terrible waste. What might he be accomplishing if he weren’t having to deal with the nonsense we have allowed to flourish in the universities and infest our society?

  7. So how do we engage the nurturing women in defence of their culture? It seems to me they are trapped too. They can’t fight against the tyrannical women because it is not in their nature. Maybe the way forward is for them to chose to nurture things and people that support the historical western values and culture and for them to let the other things wither and die without attention and support.

  8. Peterson is one of the most cited psych researchers in the world. His academic rating for citations is very high. Yet after becoming publics known for taking on thought police in the university and government, he was denied a grant for his grad students for the first time in decades.
    He raised the money via crowdfunding but note how the establishment ensures its ideological purity. And imagine how this is done in fields like climate science.

  9. Emotionally stable women will have no greater success battling crazy women. The problem is that they’re crazy, being female is incidental. This is true for men too. There were plenty of crazy men where I worked and the normal guys didn’t cure them. They worked around them, tolerated them, ignored them. Occasionally they confronted them but that rarely ended well – toe to toe yelling matches, push/shove (I don’t recall hitting or punching but sometimes it came close) and temper tantrums after the confrontation. The problems were never resolved in any meaningful way.
    I think you have to deal with crazy, regardless of gender, by refuting their arguments and elevating sane voices. You won’t cure the crazy but you offer the sane audience more options and perspectives. Another option is humour. Crazy people and zealots hate being mocked because they don’t have a sense of humour and they have very fragile egos.

  10. “…note how the establishment ensures its ideological purity.” Exactly, and it is the same in the political world as the American people are discovering. How dare anyone challenge our betters in the different parties. They will support each other before they do what is good for the people. Ditto here in Canada, the Laurentian Elite got rid of Harper and almost all of the few remaining Reform/Alliance.

  11. God, I LOVE Camille Paglia. I mean REALLY love her/him. Thank you, RP (and Kate) for sharing this fabulous interview (I’ve only listened to an hour of it as of now). And I now have come to admire self-admitted beta-male, Jordan Peterson as well. So how do I … a “fundamentalist”, heterosexual (admirer of the female form) Christian come to admire a stridently, militaristic feminist (in the original sense), self-identifying transgendered Athiest woman ? Well … I simply AGREE with everything she says. Yes, even her assessment of the world’s religions as high “Art”. That is a undeniable component of all “religion”. So … WHAT would the world become (as it is BECOMING) if women ran the world? Well, according to these two … the utter DESTRUCTION of the world. Men would (as they are) withdraw from the world as they could not, and would not, “compete” with women (either version of women). The world would become run by “feelings” and “impressions”, not by reality. “Safe”, “clean”, “renewable” (feelings, eh) energy would replace the “nasty”, “dirty”, “unsustainable” oil, coal, gas, and nuclear energy. Our fully functional (and miraculous) grid would be dismantled to make way for “healthy” forms of energy.
    Here are a few of the other BRILLIANT observations by this pair of intellectual GIANTS (IMHO). And everything these two disdain springs from post-modernist, post-constructionist (read: tear it all down maaaaan) academic belief systems.
    Women’s Studies: Camille makes the salient point that Women’s Studies departments and curricula were invented out of thin air (and thin intellect). Camille correctly asserts that Women’s Studies should have been built on a foundation of BIOLOGY … not irrational hysteria. Yet Women’s Studies systematically DENY biology (and biological differences) at every turn.
    Modern Art: Camille expressed complete admiration for Andy Warhol as a seminal Modern/Pop Artist. While I don’t necessarily share her enthusiastic support of Warhol, she correctly identified his Art and his personailty as being “in awe” and in love with the world and with our culture. She contrasted his work and attitudes with that of Post-modernist Art, which is consumed with negativity and derision of everything that came before it. For example, a crucifix immersed in a jar of urine is celebrated (and funded) as high “Art”. Suffice to say that Warhol would never create such destructive, derisive Art. Camille is right once again.
    Academic conformity: Jordan Peterson made an amazing point about Academic conformity by observing the forces of natural selection that gave rise to zebras stripes. While biologists originally believed that a zebras stripes were camouflage for their natural environment, the theory didn’t match with the background colors of the African veldt. Lions had the natural camouflage of the veldt … zebras did not. What zebra stripes evolved-for was camouflage within the herd … thus making it difficult for the lions to choose their prey. He said that modern academics were behaving like a herd of zebras … all saying and agreeing with the same thing … so as not to be picked-off by the lions of politically-correct thought. Brilliant.
    Lessons of History: Camille bemoaned the fact that college students are no longer taught history. Therefore losing all context of; the world, humanity, social order, and cultural accomplishment. Education has become a false construct that describes UN-reality … that is distorting the world view of students.
    Differences between men and women: Camille correctly looks at the entirety of history pre-1960’s where the social order of the world was that men and women NEVER worked together. Rather, they worked separately, and successfully, with different roles that were largely selected by nature, and culture. Women RULED their world, and to a great degree, the men’s world as well. Anyone who doubts the power of the pu$$y … is in serious denial. Although our current culture of casual sex has bankrupted the natural value of women’s “charms”.
    Our successful culture built on MENS accomplishments: These two agreed that our modern culture and technological society is the GREATEST wonder of the world in all of history. The fact that EVERYTHING WORKS … power is always on, the internets and devices always work. That virtually EVERYONE in our society is free of (real) need. That our society is run by great armies of “invisible men” (think: middle class schlubs who are mocked and derided by the Left) … who simply make everything work. The leftists denial of men and their unwavering contribution to EVERYTHING women enjoy … is intellectually bankrupt.
    Religion: Camille, an avowed ATHEIST … loves and admires religion. Sure, she passes it of as cultural “Art” … yet she endorses TEACHING religion more fervently in our schools. Of course this is an anachronistic position for an LGBTQeUer … which is why I love Camille. She is a total iconoclast … but only from a position of intellectual honesty … not HATE.
    The 60’s cultural revolution: Camille cites the counterculture of the 60’s as being ALL ABOUT the body. She defines the movement as a positive force which celebrated love, beauty, sex, and peace. Yet her contemporaries have misused and misunderstood the movement for self-aggrandizement and negativity. Camille viscerally HATES … HER. That SHE completely missed the whole point of the cultural revolution of the 60’s, and instead used it to seize POWER. And I must add that even the Bible endorses celebration of “the body” and “pure physical love” through the Song of Solomon. Dedicated a whole Book of the Bible to it. God created our bodies for LOVE. And just LOOK how SHE and HER husband have abused that LOVE.
    How it will all end (is ending): The feminization of our culture and emasculation of our men is rotting our culture from within. Meanwhile, a great army of MEN from a certain religious male-dominant culture is flooding across our borders and spreading throughout Western civilization. Meanwhile, we systematically DENY our own masculinity which is our ONLY defense from the slow-motion invasion. We are choosing the form of our destruction … and it is Men. The enemy’s men. Our men are busy hanging curtains to hide the onslaught.
    I would definitely vote Camille Paglia as our first woman (well, sort-of, by her own definition) President. She “gets it” in a way that no other so-called progressive “gets it”. Yes, I would cross party lines to vote for a Liberal (in the tradional sense of the term). A liberal whose belief system is rooted in a populist viewpoint … not a pseudo-intellectual elitist totalitarian statist belief.

  12. brilliant discussion…
    watched and shared it a couple of weeks ago…
    might be time for the much loved SDA to upgrade sharing/posting features?

  13. Listened to this this morning! Via Five Feet of Fury. Excellent! The woman is a force of nature.

  14. Fascinating discussion. What recurs time and again is the intense frustration they both experience dealing with the intellectual low-lights who currently infest academia. In fact I get they sense they, Peterson especially, don’t quite fully comprehend the level of intellectual mediocrity they’re fighting and the lengths to which those mediocrities will go in order to protect their sinecures and the financial gravy train they’re riding in contemporary bureaucratic academic institutions. It’s very refreshing to hear two obviously very intelligent people in a back and forth on contemporary culture sans the infantile ad-hominems and platitudes which characterize what passes for “analysis” in most current mainstream media.

  15. When listening to or reading these two and Victor Davis Hansen, it reinforces a thought I’ve had for a while that the social sciences, while obsessed with pursuing “new frontiers of thought” have more or less abandoned the entirety of thousands of years of knowledge and human understanding and as a result destroyed the last few generations of educational opportunity. As the late great Les Bewley said, you could replace liberal arts colleges with library cards.

  16. Yeah, it reminds me of learning … “the new math” when I was growing up. And then … my children learned the new, new math. And now my wife is teaching common core math … which I like to call “deconstructed math”. Hey! Celebrity chefs love to “deconstruct” our food … so why not math? It sounds so … so … so … “intellectual”. But 2+2 still equals 4. New isn’t always better. “New” is often just mental masterbation, with a reverse grip on reality.

  17. “…the social sciences, while obsessed with pursuing “new frontiers of thought” have more or less abandoned the entirety of thousands of years of knowledge and human understanding and as a result destroyed the last few generations of educational opportunity.”
    That is because under Marxism thought all things begin in 1848, with upgrades in 1917.
    Captcha: centro dead

  18. It’s because government involved itself. Government takes over roads; hit potholes every second. Government takes over Sahara; shortage of sand. Government protects women; divorce rate climbs to 100%. Government cares about children; sixties scoop, residential schools, Anita (I need a) Lay grooms high scoolers for sodomy. Government takes over education; literacy drops, logical reasoning stops. Government certifies universities…
