Things You’ll Never See On The CBC

ISIS, on the path to destruction.

The Islamic State group once drew recruits from near and far with promises of paradise but now bodies of jihadists lie in mass graves or at the mercy of wild dogs as its “caliphate” collapses.
Flies buzz around human remains poking through the dusty earth in the Iraqi town of Dhuluiyah, 90 kilometres (55 miles) north of Baghdad, at a hastily-dug pit containing the bodies of dozens of IS fighters killed in 2015.
“They should have ended up in the stomachs of stray dogs,” local police officer Mohammed al-Juburi told AFP.
“We buried them here not out of love but because we wanted to avoid diseases.”


16 Replies to “Things You’ll Never See On The CBC”

  1. So, Trump took off the gloves and allowed Mad-Dog Mattis to do what the ghey mulatto Hussein refused to do.
    Now, they really are the “J.V. Team”.
    Too bad they didn’t do the General Pershing pig-guts-in-graves thang. That would have been real comic relief.

  2. So, Trump took off the gloves and allowed Mad-Dog Mattis to do what the ghey mulatto Hussein refused to do.
    Now, they really are the “J.V. Team”.
    Too bad they didn’t do the General Pershing pig-guts-in-graves thang. That would have been real comic relief.

  3. This is just sooo sweet ….
    Death to those pigs … No one knows how to kill better than white men with a cause and a country to defend.

  4. I have always seen figures of 10-15k isis fighters now there are reports like these of 100,000 plus. Wonder what would be the accurate count of these scum that fought for isis?

  5. so in a fatalistic religion like islam if you die in the losing cause of allah do you go to hell because you didn’t win one for the big guy?

  6. *
    go to youtube to see american a10 warthogs doing
    gun runs on insurgent positions.
    it sounds like gawd is ripping down his zipper to
    pee all over these f@ckers.

  7. The old saying goes “The first casualty in war is truth”. Take what ISIS says, and take what our side says and the true body count will be somewhere in the middle.

  8. Mr. Obama … the Vietnam era phoned, and want their withdrawal strategy back.
    BTW … the AFP story was poorly edited, because the writer(s) gave credit to Russia (Putin) for actually bombing ISIS … and not noble “Syrian Rebels”. Someone must have screwed up. Someone must have forgotten to get the “correct story” from the White Helmets.

  9. in my next life I will be an aircraft designer taking inspiration from those flying tanks and their umpteen tonnes of ordnance raining down on the b&$#^$&$#ards. fine enough the ‘right stuff’ types in the mach 2 craft, I wanna SEE the debris flying up in my rear window. then ‘high five’ the infantry folks that saw the whole thing.
    the A-10 Warthog. reminds me of Thor’s Hammer. that’s a catchy name for the next generation. all part of the business of smashing everything the opposition brings to the table. smash it all. smash smash smash smash.

  10. Unreconstructed and unrepentant ISIS retreads, repatriating to a venue near you…soon.
    Courtesy of your tax dollars and your federal government in concordance and compliance with UN Agenda 21. Yeah!
