10 Replies to “Blowout 199”

  1. Euan
    What fun you are all going to have. Pray tell how is the development of the HGV electric engine coming on and do you envisage they will have extra heavy duty fuel pumps for those ? Your analysis is just for the A9 as you say they have to start somewhere the alternative A92/90 would also be fun to calculate I guess is that traffic any heavier, historically I guess so. (Mind it was empty last time I drove up there last year a sure sign that Aberdeen is in far worse state than most accept)
    Phasing out in 15 years eh, I’m guessing future wars will be interesting with all those electrical power points and queues of trucks, tanks and planes lining up to power the onslaught.
    It does seem that the benighted Nicola is intent on leading you all to hell in a handcart.
    captcha was speed police, now thats something else anyone knowing the A9 knows about.

  2. *
    my scottish cousins, with the exception of one who got
    stabbed and lost a kidney
    , never go anywhere requiring
    automobile travel.
    they just head for a bus shelter (it rains a lot there) and
    down a few litres of buckfast before hitting the local pub.

  3. The Kurdish people DESERVE their own autonomous nation. Far MORE than the imaginary Palestinians. Sadly, the Joos don’t live anywhere near the Kurds … otherwise, the WHOLE WORLD would be calling for a Kurdish homeland. Every country bordering the Kurdish lands are complete basket cases, from Turkey to Iran to an Obama-dismantled Iraq. Let’s see how the Kurds govern themselves.

  4. It just seems like Scotland is going through a lot of contortions in the name of junk science to solve a non existing problem. It also means if the grid crashes (and it will) no one will be going anywhere. Unusual lack of logic for the Scots.

  5. In a previous post which included a large offshore wind farm project, I couldn’t help thinking about how easy it would be for a belligerent Navy to knock out the site or conversely, tying up Royal Navy resources in defending it.

  6. @ DSV, the halo of St Nicola is losing its shine, but not fast enough. Academia, the media and political establishment are all besoted by Greenthinking and none of them can work out that simply pissing money away makes us all poor.
    Captcha ENEL SOUS – wtf does that mean?

  7. @ Peter J – A point I have made before, in the 19th Century all the smart Scots got on board ships and went to Canada. We are currently consumed by nationalism, political correctness, Greenthinking and blaming others.

  8. @ John Chittick – the new offshore windfarms planned are now GW class. All you need to knock one out is for an anchor from a stray trawler to rip up the submarine cable to shore. But this has been the case too for our offshore oil and gas industry where pipelines have always been vulnerable.
