9 Replies to “Remembrance.”

  1. Stupid Muslim scum. What’s with the constant senseless murder? You do not DESERVE to live in our peaceful, beautiful culture. Now is the ONE time I wish these dogs were Pit bulls, or Presa Canarios … that could have turned loose on this Muslim scumbag. Once this cold blooded coward was cornered by the RMCP … they should have turned some attack dogs loose on the scum and let them tear him limb from limb … Real Medievil Game of Thrones type mayhem … and eat his liver while he was still conscious. Ain’t no virgins in their make-believe eternity that wanna be with a man who has no liver …
    RIP Nathan … you will NEVER be forgotten by your fellow Canadian citizens.

  2. At least Cpl Cirillo’s dogs remember him, unlike our PM and government, who have again made no mention of the anniversary of these attacks.
    I guess they don’t want to alienate their Islamist constituents.

  3. Here is great story about another canine friends It has a remarkable ending.
    With the deadly flames of the Tubbs Fire bearing down on his property, Roland Tembo Hendel knew it was time to round up his family, dogs and cats flee.
    But there simply was no room for the family’s flock of goats.
    “By 11:10 we could see the first of the flames across the valley,” he wrote on his Facebook page. “By 11:15 they were growing larger and the winds went mad. We had loaded up the dogs and cats, but Odin, our stubborn and fearless Great Pyrenees would not leave the goats.”

  4. curious, the name Cirillo is locked in my mind. funny that. next time Im in the capital I will make my way to the cenotaph and shed a tear for that wonderful defender of freedom and genuine family man.
    regarding muslimes and doggies, moi is known to give my part mastiff a huge slobbery smooch right on his mouth and right in front of the niqabs bunch observing. the more the look of ‘disgust’ the more I like it and motivated to repeat as necessary.
    do they have a rule that earthquake search dogs are not allowed to look for muzzies in the rubble?
