40 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. That nickname might be more applicable to a certain American politician (wink-wink, nudge-nudge).

  2. Re: Great Canadians barroom singers.
    I had almost forgotten Michael Bublé, although he’s now way past barroom.
    The video was not made for Bublé’s song, although it goes with it in near perfect harmony.
    The Lincoln guy ( Matthew McConaughey) and Scarlett Johansson were hired to film a video for Dolce and Gabbana , an Italian firm that sells expensive clothes, jewelry etc.

  3. AGW RIP.
    “‘We will be toasted, roasted and grilled’ IMF chief sounds climate change warning” (grauniad)
    “Electric cars emit 50% less greenhouse gas than diesel, study finds” (grauniad)
    “Engineering Professor Believes German ‘Energiewende’ Close To Death As Inadequacies Become Glaring”
    “Just a few years ago, no party dared to express doubts over the Energiewende (Germany’s transition to green energies), or to question it for fear of being accused of environmental blasphemy and treason. But as the technical and economic problems of the Energiewende become ever more glaring, people and politicians are now speaking up.
    One Germany engineering professor, Dr. Ing. Hans-Günter Appel, is now asking if the project “is near the end”
    So far Germany has installed some 100,000 MW of wind and solar capacity, more than enough to more than supply the country during a windy and sunny day. But unfortunately the sun doesn’t shine 24 hours a day and the wind often stops blowing, sometimes for days and even weeks. They cannot be relied on.
    At times these two source of energy put out almost zero power.”

  4. The $93 million the Trud’eau/Morn’eau lads are tossing at the Phoenix pay fiasco will get eaten up fast…they’re hiring people already retired to help them…double dipping I presume….no guarantee it will ever get resolved.

  5. Blockbuster scoop on Tucker Carlson’s show last night:
    “According to Carlson’s source, the actual collusion with the Russian government in Mueller’s crosshairs appears to be between Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta, Clinton crony and DC power-lobbyist Tony Podesta (his brother) and former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort.”

  6. George Soros getting ready to contest the coming Ontario provincial election. And here you thought it was going to be a fair election between competing political visions.
    “The Working Families coalition — presumed dead just a few months ago thanks to new restrictions on campaign spending — has sprung back to life with an advertising blitz to plague the Progressive Conservatives.
    Bankrolled by unions, Working Families helped swing the 2003, 2007, 2011 and 2014 Ontario elections to the Liberals with attack ads against the Conservatives.”

  7. “I do think it’s totally legitimate to ask people … at certain points of interface between an individual and government office, it’s legitimate to ask them to show their face. That can be done as a matter of policy or common courtesy. It doesn’t require a bill. I think it’s overkill,” he said.
    And therein children lies the whole problem. “Common courtesy” is a two way street, when our elected leaders cede the ‘common ground’ the battle, nay the war, has been lost. The laws and customs that Canadian generations have sacrificed for to make the country what it is are being eroded day by day by ceding the ‘common ground’ that make us Canadians. We are being told by our so-called ‘betters’ that we must be more understanding, more accepting, more tolerant, more diverse. The more we do the more is asked of us. How about we start demanding a little more understanding from our elected representatives about our position instead of accepting the dictates from minorities that haven’t contributed squat to create this country. Common ground cannot exist if someone thinks they are above the ‘common’. Today we are becoming so diverse and accommodating that Canadian, indeed Western common courtesy is nothing more than a doormat for every refugee and immigrant that expects to be treated as guests when they come into the West.

  8. Our man in Foreign Affairs Chrystia Freeland appoints trough pig Bob Rae to a $2K/day gig. Rae is going to solve Burma’s Rohingta crisis. Yeah sure he is.
    Maybe it’s payback for Rae’s help in getting her elected in his old riding….
    Just sayin….

  9. “Rae is going to solve Burma’s Rohingya crisis. Yeah sure he is.”
    How much did Muslims have to abuse the Buddhists to piss them off enough to get killed and run off. Aren’t they pretty much pacifists?

  10. Ken: Correct. No matter how many Gay Pride parades Brown walks in or how many times he states Climate change is real, how many conservatives he bars from nominating contests, he remains the arch villain of the Ont “progressive” coalition supporting permanent liberal rule. I thought abortion legislation was under federal jurisdiction, but whatever, the coalition will always find something to oppose the PC party, even when the leader’s policies are indistinguishable from Liberals.

  11. PET POT Cemetery Report.
    Liberal Justine, say its not fair for payday goldplated payrolls, pensions, perks, etc.
    “Trudeau says government working ‘diligently’ on Phoenix pay system” (glob)
    “Senate pulling out of Phoenix pay system, citing ‘unnecessary delays and errors’”
    “The Senate has confirmed it is dumping the beleaguered Phoenix payroll system after 18 months of struggles to ensure its employees are paid properly and on time.”

  12. Liberal Wynnetario.
    Wynney meets abortionist Dr. Kermit.
    “Ontario makes it illegal to protest outside and near abortion clinics” (NP)
    “Doctor Kermit Gosnell found guilty of murdering infants in late-term abortions”
    “A Philadelphia doctor was found guilty Monday of murdering three babies born alive in an abortion clinic, Fox News confirms. He was acquitted in the fourth baby’s death, and found guilty of involuntary manslaughter in the overdose death of an adult patient.”

  13. Draining the Swamp.
    “Establishment Republicans Fall Like Dominoes: Luther Strange, Bob Corker, Jeff Flake Gone”
    “Today the Trump movement collected the scalp of America’s number one Never Trumper,” Andy Surabian, a senior adviser to the Great America Alliance—a sister organization of the PAC—told Breitbart News exclusively on Tuesday afternoon.
    “Jeff Flake represents everything that is wrong with Mitch McConnell’s failed vision of the Republican Party.
    President Trump’s America First movement is on a winning streak now that Jeff Flake has been left on the ash heaps of political history alongside Luther Strange and Bob Corker.
    And rest assured that Mitch McConnell and the rest of his Never Trump establishment cohorts are next on our agenda.”

  14. AGW RIP.
    “Tuesday snowfall a record breaker”
    “Tuesday’s snowfall shattered daily snowfall records dating back to the 1930s.
    A total of 55 centimetres fell on Tuesday and into early Wednesday, according to Environment Canada, leading to poor road conditions across the region.
    Twenty-three centimetres fell on Tuesday — that much snow hasn’t fallen on Oct. 24 since 1933, when 15.2 centimetres was recorded here.”
    “Another 32 centimetres has fallen so far today — just shy of a record 35.6 centimetres set in 1918.”

  15. Anyone else noticing that Scheer is completely off the liberal/lsm radar? I might be mistaken here but I seem to remember full guns blazing when Harper was elected leader. Why do they think this guy is not a threat?

  16. It could be because he’s not!! It is unfortunately the truth, until Scheer gets a backbone and adopts policies that most of Canadians espouse over the dinner table, you know like no burkas, limited immigration, decreased taxes, decreased foreign aid, stronger military, better education that would include mandatory Canadian history, stronger rules for Canadian citizenship, and a host of other issues that the snowflakes find abhorrent, maybe then the Liberals will see him as a threat till then he’s as big a patsy as Dion and Ignatieff.

  17. Canadians don’t think like that. They’ve drank bongo’s Kool-Aid. Big government, climate change, all the social issues. That’s Canada today.
