Are We Still A Member Of This Thing?

US Vice President Mike Pence is promising the US will bypass the United Nations and give aid directly to beleaguered Christian communities in Iraq, vowing the days of minimal support filtering down to persecuted believers ‘are over’.
In a snub to the UN’s humanitarian programme the US State Department will no longer fund their ‘ineffective’ relief efforts, the Vice President said, and will now funnel support straight to faith-based organisations after claims from religious leaders in the Middle East that bilateral aid failed to reach people on the ground.


31 Replies to “Are We Still A Member Of This Thing?”

  1. Good indeed, now recognize Kurdish independence for an encore and inform everyone who disagrees that Kurdistan from now on receives Taiwan treatment, they earned it, in spades.

  2. Finally! … a reaction to the WORLD WAR on Christianity. I really hope MY President can prevent the Christian holocaust from expanding. Winning! For Christ.
    … meanwhile … the press is still confused as to why a New York “liberal” Playboy, Hillary donor, and Pu$$y grabber (talk) … was supported by the “Religious Right”. How MY President … who doesn’t even carry a BIG Bible like Billy-Bob … who never attended a Gawd-Damn-America black liberation church … could GET the Evangelical Vote. Your moral superiors in the Press still DON’T get it.

  3. The really good part starts when “the world” casts it’s gaze on PM Socks to pick up the slack.
    Yeah like he needs a reason to spend.
    No what I’m referring to is another reason for the blu-libs in caucus to revolt.
    Surely Willy Porno will need to demonstrate fiscal prudence at some point to keep the blu-lib vote happy.

  4. I wish I could read this, but it will be a cold day in (Buna, Texas) before I have a MeFaceSpaceBook something.

  5. ?
    the UN? isnt that like so many of those *other* charities, er, ‘charities’ where 3/4 of 1 cent per dollar goes to the target group, the rest to the fundraisers, employees, office expenses, advertising, local officials, did I leave anyone out?

    Trump lauds ‘great potential’ of the United Nations
    President Trump said Friday that the United Nations has “great potential,” and he expects it to soon start operating in a brand-new manner.
    “I have to say the United Nations has tremendous potential. It hasn’t been used over the years nearly as it should be,” Mr. Trump told reporters at an Oval Office meeting with U.N. Secretary General António Guterres.
    The president described the U.N. as “a power to bring people together, like nothing else.” He added that he has “a feeling that things are going to happen with the United Nations that we haven’t seen before.”

  7. The corrupt officials at the UN must be defecating bricks right now, as they see this could be the beginning of the end of the UN if the only Country that pays for it starts to run their own programs.
    I’d like some UN supporters to name ten programs that have been successful,for the people they were allegedly trying to help, just ten that actually worked. Okay,five.
    I’ll help: Oil for Food, Rwanda Peacekeeping, Tsunami relief,in which the U.S. Navy got there six days before anyone from the UN showed up, um….oh yeah,the Suez crisis……Attawapiskat,Fort Mac fires, The Toronto Maple Leafs resurgence, boy,there sure are a lot of them!
    Here’s list of triumphs and tragedies,note that the “triumphs” have attached qualifiers, such as in removing famine:”Food and Agriculture Organisation and UN-sponsored emergency aid management can take some of the credit.” Note that word “SOME”.
    We’re a member until a Canadian gets to be Secretary -General. I’d suggest Bill Morneau as he’s so good with figures.

  8. I don’t know. I would check VP Pence’s facts. I am sure there would be a good number of pallets of condones that made to the ground!

  9. “…Kennedy Assignation File…”
    A complete list of everyone he shagged? Any surprises? Marilyn Monroe still the most famous?

  10. The taxpayer is being looted either way, and now the USG is subsidizing faith-based organizations ie religion. This is not okay. It is not the USG’s job to protect Christianity or any religion the world over, or to save communities/people.

  11. Yes it is. It is USG job to advance western civilization and subjugate the competition. That is exactly what the leader of the civilized world should be doing… with fire and sword if they dare to look funny at him.

  12. “It is USG job to advance western civilization and subjugate the competition.”
    Bzzt. The USG’s government’s job is to protect the rights of its citizens.

  13. And USG protects the rights of its citizens by making sure that allies are protected and outside threats are eliminated, viscously.
    Moreover, you do not get to talk about citizens since you believe in open borders and in particular in alleged rights of koranimals to invade the civilized world.
    The only reason you preach isolationism is the same as the only reason you preach open borders: you want the western world destroyed.

  14. In your case there ain’t much mind to read. Like I said before, every time you pretend to be libertarian is to damage the Occident. It is not massive stupidity, it is not coincidence, it is premeditated enemy action.

  15. So then, you believe in “cultural genocide”? So then, you condemned Bill Clinton’s bombing of Serbia to protect Muslims? I’ll wait, while you pull your panties out of your ass crack …

  16. The government must not spend a dime of taxpayer money helping anyone in foreign countries. That doesn’t stop you from helping them. Please feel free to reach into your pocket and show your love by giving money to your favorite overseas persecuted group.

  17. AWESOME NEWS FROM PENCE! The christians are being attacked with no help in the Middle East!
    Trudeau on the other hand has given 40+ million to 4! I wonder where he thinks this money is coming from! WESTERN SEPARATION IS A MUST and we demand to leave taking on none of the debt of this current LIBERAL GOVERNMENT!

  18. “Please feel free to reach into your pocket and show your love by giving money to your favorite overseas persecuted group.”
    Thank you for your permission to do with my money what I want. I’m sure the Saudi Princes do also. That’s why we have so much Muslim love for all religions going around./
    Since you apparently do not know, the United States of American was founded as a Christian nation on Christian principles and the Revolutionaries met and organized in Christian churches. Nevertheless, they enshrined Freedom of Religion in their Constitution and honestly tries to uphold it.
    Which Muslim country does that?
    Furthermore, since American was founded as a Christian nation upon Christian principles it is incumbent upon them under President Trump to reclaim America’s Greatness by reestablishing those original principles which made America Great.

  19. “I wonder where he thinks this money is coming from!”
    He will borrow whatever he needs and spend what ever he wants and as a parliamentarian he pays no taxes and as a Trustfund baby born with a silver spoon protruding from his orifice he will never pay a nickel.
    (thank you Stephen Harper for eradicating the penny, couldn’t you just make them out of copper alloyed scrap metal so that Zoolander had to pay something?/)
    *just a joke you fecking ankle biters*

  20. Gee, maybe we could import Christians instead of muslims, that would reduce the danger to Christians in the Middle East.

  21. The government must not spend a dime of taxpayer money helping anyone in foreign countries.
    Agree or disagree?

  22. *
    “unme squeals… as unimpressive as your ability to argue a point.”
    “The only outrage here is the continued persecution of people for
    committing non-crime such as drug dealing and owning guns.”

    unme, sweetie… i thought you be embarrassed to show your face
    after mounting a defense of canada’s biggest opiod dealer ever.

  23. Disagree. If it is in the strategic interest of the people that the government represents it is allowable.
    Ultimately the people will decide whether or not their interest has been served by the government that they elected.
    Government can purchase and deliver items that private citizens can not. Military grade arms and many types of medicine come to mind.
