20 Replies to “What’s The Opposite of Diversity?”

  1. This should be forwarded to the folks in Ottawa currently debating M-103.
    Of course the irony would be lost on them as they get hung up on the fact that this should trouble them but they just won’t be able to figure out why.

  2. Speaking of HIDING your religious affiliation … when my wife FIRST applied for a public teaching job … one local school District (Mt. Diablo Unified) let her know in no uncertain terms that “her type” (my wife described her Christian group affiliations) were unwanted. At the time, the District was headed by a flaming lesbian. Not ironically, the Mt. Diablo School District has since been rocked by multiple sexual abuse (of children) incidents. And one of their High Schools is actually trying to LEAVE the school district. The District test scores are in the crapper, and anyone who has the $$ … has put their kids in Private local schools. But the District successfully STOPPED an openly Christian woman … who is one of the best teachers in her current District … from getting a job. Boy am I GLAD she was discriminated against.

  3. Canada has to be the only country in the world that allows immigrants in and encourages them to retain the traditions they were fleeing from. In fact our Prime Minister has advertised to the world that Canadians have no identity or traditions and they are welcome to bring in theirs.

  4. If Trudeau plays his cards right, he can be Canada’s first and last Gay, Feminist, Communist, Islamic sock Prime Minister, why? because it’s 2017.

  5. “The decision was that BDS and similar motions ”
    whats this ‘BDS’ he’s referring to?
    board of directors society? board of directors student?
    I dont see the full words in the posting prior to the initials ‘BDS’ so wtf is ‘BDS’?
    ah, http://www.mcgillbds.com/ boycott divestment sanctions
    I once applied for a IT related job in fort erie area with the CATHOLIC school board.
    despite my enormous tech skills and strong faith in the Lord, I knew leaving the interview my chances were NIL.
    anti-semitism has existed for 3000+ years. this is NOT news.
    curiously Jews still inhabit the globe. must be doing something right . . . .
    oh, ya, they dont spend their time inculcating their brats to hate hate hate hate another religion and fashion bombs.
    etc etc.

  6. This one of those movements ubiquitous to Canadian campuses where one can hide their antisemitism within an organization supposedly defending the poor wretched Palestinian “victims” of Zionism. It’s the oldest hatred and one that binds the left. There are some exceptions though so you can find a few who aren’t actually antisemitic, just anti-zionist (against the Jewish state of Israel). I suspect there is Muslim Brotherhood backing for BDS as those who support it are often Islamophiles including most progressives.

  7. I sent this note by e-mail to the Principal:
    Nice bunch you have there, Mme. Fortier.
    Radical anti-semitism carried on right under the noses of a French majority and they stand idly by, or secretly enable them. That could never happen……….again?

  8. I read his posting, very alarming that the university has sunk so low. I also read some of the comments on his post. Yup, the usual leftist and Islamic crap we are all aware of.

  9. “[Y]ou can find a few who aren’t actually antisemitic, just anti-zionist (against the Jewish state of Israel).”
    Though the difference is moot since, without Jews, there is no Israel.
    And it is one thing to take issue with a country’s policies, another to question its sovereign right to exist.

  10. https://enzaferreri.blogspot.ca/2014/11/israel-not-such-haven-for-christians.html
    Israel Not Such a Haven for Christians
    The Jerusalem Post and Charisma News report that Christians, despite their above-average level of education among the Israeli population, encounter major limitations when it comes to job opportunities and housing.
    The employment rate for Christians is 54% : 63.8% for men and 45.3% for women. The national average is 75% and 66% respectively.
    They are also victims of worse prejudice than that:
    Another issue that worries the church is hate crimes against Christians, including vandalism of holy sites. Israeli police and authorities have worked with the church to reduce the number of hate crimes, but Pizzaballa says they are still prevalent.

  11. No irony would be lost. Jew haters, gonna hate Jews. It don’t matter if it’s your local halal grocer, your MLA, your MP, McGill university… haters gonna hate.
    Stop treating them like they are human or have noble intentions. Even if they did, intentions are irrelevant only results matter. Safer to assume everything is working exactly they way they want and intended.

  12. Yes, BDS isn’t against Jews, it’s anti-Zionist. (The difference is a Zionist is a Jew who isn’t against Jews.)

  13. Historically McGill was run by racists pigs. They deliberately denied enrollment to large numbers of Jews so there were spots for Montreal Anglos. Nothing seems to change.

  14. Israel – “The employment rate for Christians is 54% : 63.8% for men and 45.3% for women. The national average is 75% and 66% respectively.”
    Virtually all the Christians are Arabs, and historically abused by Muslim Arabs. No surprise here. If they were part of the Hebrew speaking society they would do considerably better.

  15. https://enzaferreri.blogspot.ca/2014/11/israel-not-such-haven-for-christians.html
    Messianic Jew Chaim Goldberg confirms that in Israel, where he lives, he found much ignorance about the Bible, both the Old and New Testaments, and much hostility to the very mention of the name Yeshua (Jesus).
    Negative feelings towards Christianity and in extreme cases hate of Christians are not uncommon among the Jewish population of Israel.
    There have been many reports, as well as videos, of the intolerance displayed towards Christians and the attacks on churches and monasteries in Israel.
    But, they say, the most important issue is that Israel has failed to address the practice of some ultra-Orthodox Jewish schools that teach children it is a doctrinal obligation to abuse anyone in Christian Holy Orders they meet in public.
    Earlier this year, Michael Ben Ari, an Israeli legislator, publicly ripped up a copy of the New Testament in the country’s parliament, the Knesset, and threw it into a rubbish bin after denouncing it as an “abhorrent” book.
    A second legislator called for Bibles to be burnt.
    Although Mr Ben Ari was criticised by the Knesset’s speaker, he faced no official sanction despite protests from the church.
