40 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. And if you believe that I’ve got an orange grove for sale, real cheap, just outside of P.A. Contact me with your offer.

  2. Thanks Kate!! In my opinion, he wrote the book on Rock ‘N Roll. You had to hear this song on a Wurlitzer Jukebox with twin auxilliary 18” speakers.
    He was born Antoine Dominique Domino Jr. on February 26, 1928
    in New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.A. He was married to Rose Mary Hall in 1947 until she died in 2008. They had 8 children.
    He died on October 24, 2017 (aged 89)
    in Harvey, Louisiana, U.S.

  3. With the ongoing revelations about the Clinton, DNC, Russian collusion scandal unfolding in the States I started to think that it would make a great book. But I then realized it had already been written by Graham Greene about sixty years ago, titled ‘Our Man in Havana’, only this scandal has a delicious ironic twist to it. Christopher Steele, ex-MI6 operative approached by Clinton and the DNC and is asked to dig up dirt on Trump. Being a retired British agent and not having a great retirement package from the British government decides he can’t look a gift horse in the mouth and decides to give the Clintons and the DNC exactly what they want to pay for. (Not unlike a lot of climate scientists today.) Clinton and the DNC are overjoyed with what he gives them and they run with it. Steele is not unlike a certain vacuum repair/salesman who certainly sucked the money out of the intelligence community in Havana, but Steele has done it with aplomb. Not exactly as good as a Fleming Bond book but a real delight in watching this unfold in real time on the major US networks.

  4. I never read the book, but the movie is worth watching. Alec Guinness and Noel Coward are terrific! It’s hilarious when you see how British Intelligence is taken in by the fiction.

  5. Lovely comment.
    I find this exposed back room/spy-craft stuff endlessly entertaining myself. And isn’t spying all about politics anyway? Disinformation, stealing information, doubling agents, feeding known enemy agents good info with just a little bit’o BS to stir the pot, posting limited hangouts if you’re caught doing the dirty trying to shape perception and always maintain control of the information and the discussion and analysis.
    It’s about how people think or how you want them to think or how confused you want them to be. Rock them back on their heals and keep them on the hook guessing and thirsting for more. Intrigue.
    It’s romping in a field of idiots with hobnailed boots and claiming you’re tiptoeing through the tulips!
    What can I say? It’s nearly All Hallows’ Eve. The real McCoy, Tiny Tim, is scarier. IMO. I won’t link his version. Too subversive.
    I’m drinking shots of Cap’n Morgan Spiced Rum with a chaser. I bet you’re drinkin’ more than beer because of your frequent posting.
    Here is shot’o mine to you.

  6. Sweden: 7 bombs in 12 days
    Repeat after me: “Diversity is strength. Diversity is strength. Diversity is (boom)…
    According to Peter Sweden, 1 of 7 bomb attacks was reported in the international
    english speaking press. The attack on the police station.
    Are the other 6 bombings too much the “new normal” to report on?
    Is this Canada’s future? If not, why not? If so, why? Provide arguments for full marks.

  7. Will someone explain why we are paying millions to a trio of men who left the country of their own free will and were tortured? Where does responsibility lie? What role did Canada play or not play?

  8. I guess they did not factor in bringing in hundreds of thousands of immigrants into the equation.

  9. AGW RIP.
    Tesla Retreats From Muskow’s SolarCity.
    “Warmth is no Worry but Cold Kills”
    “It was ice, not global warming, that killed and entombed millions of mammoths and woolly rhinos in Siberia and Alaska.
    It was unrelenting cold and then ice, not global warming, that forced the Vikings out of Greenland.
    It was bitter winters, not heat waves, that finally defeated the armies of Napoleon and Hitler in Russia.”
    “Tesla Continues Wave of SolarCity Layoffs
    Tesla has fired more than 200 additional employees from their SolarCity subsidiary, some of which claim that performance reviews never took place.”

  10. Liz J.
    I was wondering the same thing and had a long conversation with a friend about it just yesterday.
    To wit: Why Canada feels an obligation to compensate these three muslims allegedly tortured in Syria. Perhaps it’s turbo-charged virtue signalling like the $25 million sent to help the Rohinga (sp?) muslims in Myanmar.
    Can’t you hear the incredulous laughter in the back rooms of islamism?!?!

  11. Leftism’s inherent contradictions exposed.
    “Catalonia’s parliament declares independence from Spain” (global)
    “Spain imposes direct rule after Catalonia votes to declare independence” (grauniad)
    “Germany’s left in crisis as voters leave in their DROVES for populist parties
    GERMANY’S left-wing parties are facing a major crisis as increasing numbers of voters are turning towards more populist groups after growing tired of liberal immigration policies and a lack of proper leadership.”

  12. When I saw this yesterday on BNN, reported by the ever smiling bimbo from Calgary, I couldn’t help but think that this is a Gerry Butts manipulation of the NEB.
    These morons want us to believe that Canadians will purchase EVs en masse, despite the 50% + premium for them, and their lack of range.
    The Lliberals are all about fakery and manipulation, just witness their water carriers throughout our Kame Street Media

  13. I guess we are now responsible for Syria’s sins. I suspect that other “victims” will soon be lining up for compensation. I do not believe this nonsense would be going on under Harper. It is a dangerous precedent and easily open to exploitation. I think Trudeaus support in the Muslim community makes him vulnerable on these kinds of settlements. Do not expect the current government to make Canadian interests a priority. Is this even being reported elsewhere or discussed? Canadians are typically kept in the dark on issues that touch on immigrants or Muslims.

  14. “America’s stock market”. What does that even mean?
    The Chinese Shanghai (SHCOMP) Index is up 9.6% this year.
    The Dow Jones Index is up 18% this year.
    I have a feeling you have no investment experience.

  15. The Canadian dollar is down against the USD.
    The British pound has been crushed by the USD.
    The Australian dollar has been range bound between $0.70-0.80 and is currently trading at $0.76.
    The Euro had been crushed by the USD and this year has rebounded strongly from $1.05 to about $1.20 and has since fallen to about $1.16 (where it was in 2016).
    A smart investor would have bailed out of the Euro back into the USD in September if they could predict the future.

  16. PET POT Cemetery Report.
    Watch/listen as Hassan defends Liberal Justine. No selfies; but, backs turned against Socks.
    Justine’s bubble has burst.
    “Prime Minister Justin Trudeau heckled at young workers’ summit
    Dozens of young people at a summit on jobs in Ottawa took aim at Justin Trudeau. Venting their frustrations about everything from lack of employment to pipelines. Tom Clark has the details of Trudeau’s rough ride.”

  17. I suspect a money laundering scam. The government gives these guys ten million dollars and they give 5 million back to the Liberal Party.only

  18. We keep hearing the phrase “diversity is strength”, I would like to know how, when you have Multiculturalism policies that are more conducive to to a nation of division. We could be left with a population so diverse there is no incentive to work toward a cohesive society, they can live in their own little enclaves
    When we cede to all comers, set aside our way of life and tenets that built this country we stand for nothing to even defend.

  19. Fats was one of the ORIGINATORS of modern Rock and Roll. He will be sorely missed, but thankfully, we have his music and performances recorded for all time.
    Watch this LIVE rendition of Ain’t that a Shame (a hugely seminal R+R tune). Listen to the pounding rhythm of the song and watch the guitarist and drummer moving their bodies to the groove. They are FEELING the music. Then look at the awkward WHITE audience swaying and clapping totally out-of-sync with the music. Sorry … but there has GOT to be a genetic disconnect between black folks and white folks. These WHITE kids are just PAINFUL to watch. And they clearly have no idea of the genius performing for them. But the good news is that these WHITE kids actually BOUGHT the 45’s and PAID Fats for his music. At least they got THAT right.
    RIP Fats! Your life’s work will live on (hopefully) … FOREVER.

  20. Mohammed’s Death Cult Includes “A Quebec man”.
    MSM’s political correctness kills.
    “Quebec man accused of ‘honour-based’ assault on daughter because she removed hijab in public
    Gatineau police say the level of violence escalated once the man discovered the girl was removing her hijab when she was away from the family home”
    “GATINEAU, Que. — A Quebec man has been charged with allegedly assaulting his teenage daughter over a year in what police are calling “honour-based” violence.” (NP)
    “Jihad Report
    Oct 14, 2017 –
    Oct 20, 2017
    Attacks 44
    Killed 711
    Injured 855
    Suicide Blasts 6
    Countries 9”

  21. No,this is NOT Canada’s future.
    The Muslims will take over this Country quite peacefully,having elected 11 MP’s in 2015, probably another half dozen in ’19, and another dozen in ’23. They are taking over by stealth, no need to get ugly about it.
    By 2050,they should constitute a big enough minority they will control Parliament,the justice system,complete with sharia Courts,and will have the msm completely cowed.

  22. There would be plenty of jobs if government would just butt out of the way and let wages and prices find their free-market level.
