15 Replies to “Ben Shapiro vs. The Fascist Left”

  1. An interesting response to the hostile interviewer who quoted a study that said that transgenderism is not a mental illness would have been for Shapiro to observe that he was there to be interviewed. He didn’t appreciate being argued with or corrected.

  2. Shapiro’s message is so unbelievably moderate I don’t especially appreciate him. He is only radical in the opinion of violent hard core Marxist racists.

  3. I wished the piece would have shown more of what Shapiro had to say during his actual lecture in Utah. It seemed the attention was given to the buildup of violence. It was most telling that the “leader” of the protest stated he didn’t want Shapiro to speak and that he essentially didn’t care about the rule of law (i.e. the constitution’s irrelevant) – why didn’t the interviewer shine more light on the insane level of often violent forceful intimidation used by Leftist campus groups. He seemed to reserve his looks of disgust for Shapiro and his rejection of victim groups.
    Good on Shapiro for keeping his views is the sensible mainstream and for taking a real stand for mistreatment of a fellow colleague. That takes guts.
    As for Transgenderism being a mental illness – it was considered such by the World Health Organization as recently as two summers ago before political correctness took over. From Wikipedia this morning “Gender dysphoria (GD), or gender identity disorder (GID), is the distress a person experiences as a result of the sex and gender they were assigned at birth. In this case, the assigned sex and gender do not match the person’s gender identity, and the person is transgender…” So defining a condition as a disorder causing distress and dysfunction in a person’s life is different from being a mental illness how? The word shell games the media plays to hide the truth is truly breathtaking.
    As an aside one of my kids was taught an exercise in school during a casual “play day” on how to sound like the smartest person in a room even if you don’t know anything about the subject you’re talking about. Good tool for working in Government or the media.

  4. I cannot say with certainty … but didn’t the highly (“correctly”) politicized American Psychological Association define transgenderism as a mental disease just a few short years ago? Didn’t the APA define transgenderism as “gender dysmorphia” or whatnot ? But I suppose if some random undergraduate punk protesting Shapiro’s FREE SPEECH can summarily dismiss the perfection of the US Constitution … then the APA can summarily dismiss the correct diagnosis of a man who believes he is a “woman”.

  5. The appearance and words of the so-called “leader” give a strong impression of a perennial loser who will never amount to much of anything in the real world. This speaks volumes about his (her) followers and their future contributions, or lack of, to society.

  6. With all this gender neutral thingy why are the same sex partners being referred to as “his” husband or “her” wife? His and her, boy and girl, man and woman should be abolished in a true gender neutral society.

  7. They used to define homosexuality as a disorder.
    Redefining it as normal for political reasons is one of the many examples of why psychiatry is not a real science.
    I like Shapiro, the man is brilliant. I do disagree with him at times.

  8. A few days ago one of the writers at Powerline blog proposed a simple question to ask of any political candidate: How many genders are there?
    Can you imagine PM Socks answering that simple question?

  9. Can you imagine PM Socks answering that simple question?
    Of course he can, but he might have to take off his shoes and socks first.

  10. Shapiro is very bright and an excellent debater as he can think on his feet. He is perceived as a real (intellectual) threat to the mobs of mindless looters and thugs on the left as reflected in their obviously insecure behavior.
    In an actual institution of higher learning, the left would offer up their best to debate him. Few, even from the ranks of the professoriate, would be up to the challenge.

  11. At the end they say Shapiro is optimistic that things will get better.
    I am not.
    I think western civilization will not survive this dark age of progressivism/leftism/liberalism.
    There are too many self hating white liberals out there, before the end of the century western civilization will look like Detroit city.
    I doubt we can reverse this… voting and protesting can only slow down our descent into hell but not stop it.
    only a war or civil war could stop and reverse things, but I seriously doubt it will happen.
    with at least half of the planet’s white population being self hating white liberals VERY enthusiastically eager to see their race replaced?
    there will be no revolution, no war. we simply fade away.
