43 Replies to “Not so Red Rose Country”

  1. I voted Thursday. They haven’t fixed the way the leader is chosen. You pick your top 3 choices in order. That’s how Redford and Stelmach got in. The top 2 contender supporters pick the 3 rd place as their 2nd choice. Voila. The one no one thought had a chance now becomes premier. Whoa if Doug Schweitzer wins.
    I only placed 1 vote. My candidate. But almost everyone I talked to didn’t think that was an option.

  2. might as well call them the UPC party. You’re delusional if you think it won’t be another Red Tory same old crony PC party.

  3. I voted Thursday morning as well. A seemless process – I’m uncomfortable with the weighted ballot as well.
    I hope the party supports whoever wins. Knowing conservatives it’s not likely.

  4. “You’re delusional if you think it won’t be another Red Tory…”
    Ya you’re right. Might just as well do nothing.

  5. Just wait and see protest about whoever wins by the other two candidate’s who came in 2nd or 3rd. I hope immediately when the results are in that they throw their 100% support behind the leader and congratulate him. In the new party these two will have a good position in the party.
    ( This is posted before results are known.)

  6. I’m a Wild Rose supporter from way back and thought Smith should have resigned when she lost to Redford. Instead she decided to sink the party and what was left was salvaged by Jean. I supported Jean and think he is a very noble man. However Kenny, whom I didn’t like, showed a talent that both Smith and Jean lack and that is getting a clear message out to the voter. Klein had that ability as did Manning and Aberhart. Lougheed presented more of a feeling than a message similar to Sr Trudeau and JFK. I sincerely hope that Kenny wins the leadership because he does have the talent and the drive to get rid of the accidental government that thinks it is greater than God aka Red Rachel’s NDP.

  7. I figured that the race would go this way. We will have to wait and see if it was a good thing.

  8. That is a risk but kenney I know is very aware of the carpet-baggers coming out of the background and keep in mind he is The most Conservative provincial leader to have a solid chance at becoming premier – ever.

  9. Smith is on QR radio. That’s talk radio where the host has an opinion. Sorry, she abdicated her right to opinion when she stabbed every one of us in the back.
    I throw up in my mouth at the sound of her name.
    I agree with you about Jean. Met him a number of times and had personal conversation with him. He is a top drawer guy.

  10. I’ve been a WR supporter before Smith was even heard of, Stelmach brought in the Royalty Review & Alberta became Royally Screwed. Smith lost it for me when WR didn’t take the PC’s to the cleaners on Bill 50 the Land Use Act, which essentially allowed .gov to escrow your property for any reason & denied you access to the courts on expropriation. See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZRX5JKO-nDQ&feature=related or, Bill 50 Will Put Alberta Out of Business – Keith Wilson.
    Keith Wilson just recently endorsed Kenny over Jean & I think that is a sign of what direction Kenny will take this Party & Alberta. Granted, Jean isn’t too far behind Kenny on this stuff but his little eruption on “Lock her up” on Notley sealed the deal for me. A squish & right now we don’t need squish. blunt talk & stick it to media, if he has to.

  11. Pardon me, that’s bill 50 Electric Statutes Amendment Act, Bill 36 ALBERTA LAND STEWARDSHIP ACT was brought in conjunction with Bill 50 to smooth the raping on moving power around Alberta, with the end being export of oil sand’s surplus power to places like California, at business & ratepayer’s expense.

  12. Voted yesterday — Jason wasn’t my first choice, Brian was. But I thought they were pretty close and I’m OK with the result. If everyone pulls together we just may be able to get Alberta out of the hole it’s in right now.

  13. And conservative won.
    Jean a nice guy half and half.
    The last guy a progressive may as well join the real socialists that are the Liberals or the socialist extremists, the wholly misnamed new Democrats who are neither new nor democrats.

  14. So let’s hope internal bickering won’t create mayjem and, also, that the party actually puts forth conservative platforms.

  15. Smith made a mistake and has taken ownership of it. More things went wrong with the WR and PC’s than her floor crossing. Sure it was a bad move.
    Smith is a conservative. A libertarian on social issues but as hard core conservative as we get in Canada and a good voice for the cause. IMO she is carrying the freight while the WR and PC’s reorganize themselves.
    Notley has had an easy ride with interim leaders and party reorganization. Hopefully that is about to end. Kenney doesn’t have a seat and will have to still go with an temporary house leader.

  16. Very glad Kenny won, and with a really good majority. Very much admire and respect Brian Jean, but didn’t think he was the right person to take on Rachel Notley. Kenny is more of a street fighter, and won’t be the gentleman Brian Jean is come debate time.

  17. Kenny is a smart, articulate, experienced politician who’s won a lot of battles. A good choice.
    He might not be everyone’s idea of a conservative, but there is no candidate who’s going to please everyone.

  18. I’ll pass on Kenney thanks, more of the same, can’t wait for him to show up in the Homo parade.
    QUOTE: ‘”While other Western countries cut back on immigration during the recession, our government kept legal immigration levels high,” said Immigration Minister Jason Kenney.’
    Workpermit.com, Feb. 2, 2011: Canada welcomes largest number of immigrants in 50 years
    QUOTE: “I’ll never forget a constituent visiting me a couple of years ago, a man of Pakistani origin who came to Canada, a tremendous, typical immigrant success story. He took his life’s savings, started a small business, and ended up owning two Subway store franchises. He came to my office and broke down in tears because he said that he and his wife were almost single handedly running these two seven-day-a-week businesses and the stress on them and their family was intolerable and I could see that on his face. And he said we desperately need the help of temporary workers because we can’t find any Canadians, in this case in Calgary, to take these jobs.”
    Gov of Canada, Feb. 20, 2009: Speaking notes for the Honourable Jason Kenney, P.C., M.P. Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism at the 6th Annual Internationally Educated Professionals’ Conference

  19. Danielle Smith makes a better talk show host than politician. I actually enjoy listening to her. She’s one of the few hosts who actually listens to her guests, gives them time to make their case (even if she doesn’t agree with them) and isn’t constantly interrupting people and then arguing with them, like the dude whose show comes after her. When you ask people to phone in with their opinions, have the decency to listen.
    Jason Kenney worked long and hard for this victory. I can’t wait to see him lead the UCP in kicking Rachel and crew to the curb.

  20. Was the NDP in Ontario done after Bob Rae? Was the NDP in Saskatchewan done after Tommy “sub-normal family” Douglas?

  21. In terms of taking on Rachel Notely, a paper bag, full of dog poo, on fire, on your front steps, should be able to beat Rachel Notely. UCP would have to give the job to Hillary to have a chance of losing.
    But, then again, all the same peopel who voted for Bob Rae in Ontario, decided McGuinty and Wynne were great choices…

  22. The ndp have not formed government in Ontario since Bob Rae. He is hated by them.
    He became a Librano and was part of the chretien cabinet.

  23. I agree with those who are of the opinion that there is not a conservative in the bunch. Liberal lite.

  24. An interesting point. I have always been amazed at how people when voting for a roster of candidates such as for city council, people feel that they need to vote for the total number of seats in order of preference.
    Why cast a vote for those whom you don’t’ actually like. You have one or two folks that you feel should be elected then vote exclusively for those one or two without giving more votes to THEIR OPPONENTS …
    I think this is another case of low math skills and dumb shittery.

  25. I agree totally. Danielle is great on the talk show and the next guy, we have made that same comment
    re – interrupting and arguing.
    Was very leery of Jason when he returned to Alberta. Wondered if he was just another opposition party Federal who was looking for more exposure but he so far has proved me wrong.
    But I did for for him first. Brian Jean comes off as a super guy and does well in the House but felt he did not have the drive to keep up with the threats that are coming!
    Go UCP!

  26. So there are many here who don’t like the result…and continue to harken back to things in 2009/2011, feel no one is “Conservative” enough for them (times change right.?)… some of ya sound like the Anti Trump types.
    Get over yourselves. Done Deal.
    The Guy that won ..?? JASON Kenney..? will be one of the best premiers this province has ever seen. Brian Jean on the other hand would fall flat on his face dealing with the moron from Ottawa – especially in French nor garner any Quebecois support…all as badly as he would get chewed up by the reigning Communist in Edmonton and the sad sack of Anti Pipeline marxists/eco-nazi’s in BC. And this other guy…Schwietser – who.?
    There are 3 fights coming….I Believe with Jason, we are best served to go to battle.
    It’s high time to demolish the Marxist Indoctrinators in Redmonton..!!!Dominguez clearwater

  27. Re: Smart comments about Jason Kenny.
    61% support hardly makes him a ”questionable” leader.
    Adios Rachel.

  28. “61% support hardly makes [Kenney] a ‘questionable’ leader”
    I’ll say. Any vote over 60 percent is a politician’s wet dream. That’s a convincing mandate.
    I suggest you folks in Alberta quit carping over the details and rejoice. You now have an alternative to the NDP. So what if it might seem squishier and more liberal than you’d like. What other alternative is there?

  29. I like Brian and Jason and I am happy with the results. Brian had a few Bozo eruptions along the way and paid the price for them. I hope that Jason rides the sock puppet like a rented mule. I’m so pissed off about the way Alberta is being treated by the Feds. I want Jason to really take the gloves off.

  30. This is a disaster. The worst case scenario I envisioned from unification has happened. Before, with Jean at the helm, it was clear that Notley didn’t stand a chance of re-election. Now I wouldn’t bet a dollar against that happening. Kenney is an idiot, the chunky loud and ineffectual bloviator that conservatives seem to love lately (Trump, Ford). He’s going to be a disaster. Instead of focusing on real issues like healthcare choice he will blow hot air at Ottawa and pay too much attention to pipelines. Alberta’s problems mainly originate from Edmonton, not Ottawa.

  31. Healthcare?? Pipelines?? Notley’s re-election and subsequent disasters!!
    At the time of writing, he’s only been the leader of the UCP for 26 hours!!
    You must be having a real bad day!!

  32. Watch for floor crossing POS Jansen try and cross again now that she knows Kenny’s going to remove her from the public trough squealing to high heaven.
    She can join her fellow traitor Smith in walks among the oilsands

  33. I know most people don’t know which is how we got Stelmach and Redford. Sad. I did give a second choice this time though, just to hopefully cancel out someone else’s, second or third choice from becoming first.
