34 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. On Reader Tips, a while back, Kate posted the song ”Around the World” by the McGuire Sisters. It was one of the songs in the 1956 movie ”Around the World in 80 Days” derived from the famous book by Jules Vernes.
    This is an alternate version of the song by Nat King Cole, and the instrumental version by the City of Prague Philharmonic.
    The Globe Theatre in Regina will be featuring a special show on this theme in January.

  2. Two weeks ago, Swedish researcher Annika Larsson of Upssala University announced that she had discovered a thousand year-old Viking textile with ‘Allah’ inscribed on its hem. Major international media outlets rushed to publish news of Larsson’s supposed discovery.
    Muslim Vikings and Abuses of History
    Journalists and scholars alike are eager to point out historical objects, texts, and events that show peaceful relations between the West and Islam—or indeed, that make it difficult to distinguish between the two. One can easily find hundreds of news articles, often based on the latest scholarship, touting “How Islam Created Europe” or insisting “California has always been Islamic.” The drift of such pieces is, almost invariably, to suggest that present-day fears about a ‘clash of civilizations’ between Europe and the Islamic world, or about the possible dangers of immigration to Europe from the Middle East, should be dismissed in light of the long historical record of Euro-Islamic exchange and amity.

  3. PET POT Cemetery Report.
    “I also believe that President (Donald) Trump’s threat to terminate NAFTA is not a bluff… I believe this threat is real.”
    “Dairy farmers watch NAFTA closely” (manco-op)
    “‘Napping on NAFTA’: Harper blasts Trudeau government handling of negotiations”
    “WASHINGTON – Stephen Harper has come out against his successor’s handling of NAFTA negotiations with the United States, with the former prime minister declaring the negotiations in real peril in a memo titled, “Napping on NAFTA.”
    The memo was obtained by The Canadian Press and it criticizes the Trudeau government in several areas: For too quickly rejecting U.S. proposals, for insisting on negotiating alongside Mexico, and for promoting progressive priorities like labour, gender, aboriginal and environmental issues.”

  4. Hateful poster campaign targets outspoken Prof. Jordan Peterson
    In what is labelled a “Community Safety Bulletin,” controversial University of Toronto Prof. Jordan Peterson — now a household name for his free speech advocacy and his refusal to use genderless pronouns — is painted as someone to fear who has “open associations with neo-nazis and the alt-right” and has even been referred to as a “Nazi philosopher.”

  5. Mueller’s clown show needs to be shut down. Anonymous sources and leaking late on Friday does not reflect well on his investigation. Conveniently takes all the focus off of the Clinton corruption for the weekend.
    CNN exclusively reported the news Friday, citing anonymous sources connected to the probe.
    The news channel reports:
    A federal grand jury in Washington, DC, on Friday approved the first charges in the investigation led by special counsel Robert Mueller, according to sources briefed on the matter.
    The charges are still sealed under orders from a federal judge. Plans were prepared Friday for anyone charged to be taken into custody as soon as Monday, the sources said. It is unclear what the charges are.
    A spokesman for the special counsel’s office declined to comment.

  6. “There are still classified documents that haven’t been released. Trump claims it for ”security reasons.”
    We can’t blame Trump for this. He wanted to release it all but bowed to illegal last minute FBI and CIA objections. Trump granted a six month extension during which his people will read the material. They are covering up their own screw ups and the fact that George Bush I was a CIA operative in Dallas that day.

  7. Very interesting!
    scar said “George Bush I was a CIA operative in Dallas that day.”
    Can we follow up? Please provide your sources/links.

  8. “the koran itself puts the lie to any and every attempt make islam look peaceful”
    Well this would explain why Vikings were into rape and pillaging. It’s their Muslim heritage. Now how will they explain the blonde hair?
    In another year or so I’ll bet we will be reading about how Ahmed the Red discovered North America.

  9. Encounters between the Norse and Muslims might not be so far-fetched. A year or two ago, I watched a Youtube video made in Denmark, I think, in which an historian suggested that Muslim raiders made their way north to as far as Iceland several hundred years ago. Their purpose was to kidnap infidels for their slave trade.
    The ideas presented in that documentary were supported by first-hand accounts written by people either directly affected by those raids or shortly after they had taken place. Apparently there is also evidence that those raiders landed in other locations in northern Europe (Ireland, I recall, as one of them) for the same purpose.
    I believe there have also been accounts of slaves in the Middle East during those times who had a distinctly Nordic appearance. Those raids might be an explanation for their presence.
    I’m, however, a bit skeptical about this as it was the first time I’d heard about it. However, I do find the idea intriguing.
    As for the Norse really being renegade Muslims, I think that’s simply revisionist hogwash.

  10. More homering whtei racism. No?
    “Astros’ Yuli Gurriel may be punished for racist gesture made toward LA’s Yu Darvish
    Gurriel, a 33-year-old from Cuba, made the gesture shortly after homering to start Houston’s four-run second inning” (redstar)
    “World Series: Why would Yuli Gurriel do that?”
    ““I did not want to offend anybody,” Gurriel said, as translated by Astros coach/interpreter Alex Cintron. “I was commenting that I did not have any good luck against Japanese pitchers in the United States.’’”

  11. Also, the “Vikings” or Norsemen also found their way down the Dnieper River to the Black Sea to raid and trade. “A History of Ukraine”, by Paul Robert Magocsi.

  12. AGW RIP.
    “Snow alert for Britain” (iceagenow)
    “Record setting October snow in one Minnesota city” (kmsptv)
    “Gale-force storms, snowfall threaten men’s World Cup opener”
    “SOELDEN, Austria (AP) Bad weather forecasts are putting in doubt the season-opening giant slalom of the men’s Alpine skiing World Cup on Sunday.
    Gale-force storms and snowfall have been predicted for the Rettenbach glacier, a day after the start of the women’s race on the same hill had to be lowered because of fierce winds.”

  13. “There are still classified documents that haven’t been released. Trump claims it for ”security reasons.”
    54 years after the fact, what portion of that file could still be a security threat??”
    Well, among other factors when it comes to declassifying such material, there’s this: 54 years isn’t necessarily long enough to ensure that persons of interest named or identified in certain documents are now dead. It would only take a couple of names of people in their eighties or nineties to create such restrictions on release.

  14. CNN received leaked information re. an indictment FIRST, from the Mueller team. Is it any wonder, with the CNN ties to Fusion GPS?
    “CNN’s reporting on the Trump-Russia dossier has left out at least one crucial fact: the close ties between the network and the opposition research firm at the center of the dossier controversy.
    CNN’s reporting on the dossier, led by justice correspondent Evan Perez, has been favorable to the firm, Fusion GPS, and hyped the dossier’s credibility. Left out of Perez’s reporting, which has relied largely on unnamed sources, is his personal closeness to Fusion GPS’ operatives.”

  15. A number of years ago, PBS’s Nova had a documentary about the Norse. One thing that was mentioned was that the Norse were largely traders and their influence can be seen in many European cities.
    As you mentioned, there is evidence that they did indeed reach the Black Sea and possibly even further. It’s quite possible that they acquired goods that were made in Muslim-held territory, which would explain the presence of Islamic symbols mentioned earlier.

  16. PET POT Cemetery Report.
    Liberal Justine say, P.B. Morneau’s My Boy.
    ““Morneau Shepell wins business because we are good at what we do.”
    “Morneau Shepell breaks silence, strenuously denies it has benefitted from Bill Morneau’s position” (NP)
    Andrew Coyne: Bill Morneau can’t fix the problem, because clearly the problem is him
    Had Morneau’s failure to divest not been reported, he would still own the shares, still be legislating in ways that affect their value, still in secret”

  17. Exactly. I forgot to mention that this movement of peoples, of raiding and trading groups, migration of tribes such as the Magyars etc, around Europe is why everyone’s DNA listing is so long. These “expeditions” of whatever nature usualy also resulted in the impregnation of some of the local fair maidens. My own DNA originates in the Gdansk (Danzig) area but has traces of far eastern tribes.
    Captcha (kid you not): place place

  18. It is to say, funny, that Chretien promised to get rid of NAFTA for a number of elections and now that Trudeau II is accomplishing it the Liberal sheep have their knickers in a twist, I’m not laughing.

  19. Update: Non-whtei racism in MLB’s Whrld Series.
    Cuban sent to purgatory; punishment delayed while Who’s on First.
    “*They give them funny names.”
    “Astros’ Yuli Gurriel won’t miss World Series games after racist gesture in Game 3
    Gurriel will be suspended for five games without pay at the beginning of the 2018 regular season for the gesture toward Dodgers pitcher Yu Darvish” (NP)
    “*Abbott and Costello – Who’s on first”

  20. Many of the Norse actually settled in the regions where they traded. Marrying and starting families was bound to occur.
    According to the Nova documentary, many of them eventually became part of their local communities and, with time, were members of the local aristocracy. I’m sure many of those marriages would have been to establish political, and thereby, trading alliances.

  21. I personally believe that, had PM Harper been re-elected, there would have been zero problems with NAFTA and Canada-USA relations. Stephen Harper and Rex Tillerson were ex-oilmen, they had their own ways of dealing with communications. Trudeau is the last person on earth who would understand that.

  22. Listened to some NPR knob at 3am last week who suggested California is a derivative of caliphate. Maybe it is? Couldn’t be bothered to fact check.

  23. The Liberals were so vehemently opposed to the original FTA that they were willing to fight and lose an election over it. I have to wonder if they have changed their position of 30 years ago or are just blowing smoke.

  24. Trudeau is the last person on earth who would understand that.
    That’s because he is, to use a somewhat antiquated phrase, behind the 8-ball.
    Simply being “nice” to everybody isn’t enough as it doesn’t mean they’ll be that way in return.

  25. That is one festival that needs to be shut down. The organizers are clearly racist. From the article it seems that they apologized to the singer and apologized to the “people of colour” in attendance. But no apology to the white volunteer who precipitated the incident because it must have been her fault for having a racist mindset. Do these people not know that diversity is our strength?
