8 Replies to ““The truck explodes. The camera goes blank.””

  1. Powerfull Stuff.
    thanks for posting that Kate…
    Having served myself…I salute these two men…
    Steadfast courage-duty-honour.
    Stories you will never ever hear in that disgusting filthy swamp known as the MSM

  2. Indeed. Hurdling out of control into Western civilization. A vehicle of FUNDAMENTALIST religious HATE aimed at innocent women and children … if not at the brave soldiers attempting to slow the destroyers. The loss of our noble defenders hurts. It hurts badly. When a dirty nightshirt Muslim FUNDIE is killed … an Angel gets her wings.

  3. The irony here is that we have had young men like Yale and Hearter standing guard on the wall for thousands of years protecting our way of life. Whether it was one of the “Brylcream Boys” in the last war or a British “Tommy” in the First World War, or a “Red Neck Marine” in the last skirmishes it doesn’t matter they were all ‘Standing their post’ on the wall. But, here is the irony, the very people that these guardians on the wall have protected for centuries are now demanding that the wall be taken down. For the invader the rules have never changed but we have seen the rules for the defenders evolve over the last hundred years or so and now we find that we are unable to defend ourselves. Now instead of a wall to keep the invaders out we have become accustom to bovine acceptance of having to walk through screens and obstacles like this:
    We have submitted to a practice of meek servitude at airports, shopping malls, sports venues, government buildings, you name it, all for the sake of being seen as….? What exactly, to be called “White Supremists”, “Mysoginists”, “Haters”, by the very people that our guardians on the wall are protecting! These same people that are trying desperately to disrupt our societies by demeaning Law Enforcement, Free Speech, the right to assemble, the right to self protect. The final straw is taking place in America and Britain now as the will of the majority is being flaunted. All the stops have been pulled in America to overthrow a duly elected President and in Britain the Remainers are throwing everything they can to prevent Brexit. The last two guardians on the wall are under severe attack and the sheep behind the wall are aiding and abetting the invaders by battering the wall from the inside. The irony is strong, unfortunately it seems there are too many, too dumb to recognize it.

  4. Powerful stuff is right.
    Great comments above. Everything the corporals in the last few centuries have worked for to give us the freedoms we now have is being undermined by deadly stealth from within by our own people.

  5. Nononono! If it had done it right during those past centuries by not having all those grunts oppose those who would cross our borders, we’d be living in a golden age right now, enjoying the peace and blessings of Allah, or is it Mao…. Moloch, maybe?
    Just think of present-day events as a way of correcting those mistakes by our ancestors whose selfishness and lack of foresight have denied us the paradise that is being promised.
    (The preceding comments were made tongue in cheek.)

  6. This is exactly why these spoiled rich black footballers are scum-suckers for taking a knee when the rest of the country stands to respect these men, their families, and their immense personal sacrifices.
    In a fair world, Marines would be making the millions while arrogant pricks like Kaepernick played games for a grunt’s wage.

  7. I want to and for some time now expect to check out in a similar manner. My Lord and Creator has pulled my ass out of the fire too many times to count. I cannot, CANNOT chalk it up to ‘luck’.
    the namby pambies at the chuch I attend cluck away about forgive forgive forgive, well, if the enemy is intent on wiping out your people, who the fcuk is left to do any forgiving?
    no, my attitude which has worked for decades is, if I am doomed, I WILL take out as many of *them* as possible. they see it in your eyes. not a whit of fear. all in His hands. bring it on. the ‘hesitation’ shows that quick calculation that just happened in *their* head called, ‘wtf? what did I miss? why isnt this grey haired old man begging for mercy? what does he know that I dont?’
    Praise God Almighty !!!
