20 Replies to “The “W” Word”

  1. I think it may be a good to to reread “Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds”. There is a reason its been in continuous production since 1841. It’s not a complete understanding of human nature, hysteria, mob mentality and irrational enthusiasm but it is a good place to start.
    It is not hard to see madness in our culture, politics and markets right now. The rapid acceptance of a new puritanical, fundamentalist religion – postmodernism. The widening political divergence between authoritarianism and classical liberalism/libertarianism (not left vs. right). Markets way into bubble territory, imo. The most worrying to me is the turn away from Enlightenment values. A rejection of universal human rights and individual rights while promoting a return to rights based on group identity. A rejection of the scientific method, free inquiry, and robust debate and a return of condemnation/excommunication of heretics. Worse, there’s a bizarre return to a kind of scientific alchemy in humanities and social sciences. A quote from the book:
    “An enthusiastic philosopher, of whose name we are not informed, had constructed a very satisfactory theory on some subject or other, and was not a little proud of it. “But the facts, my dear fellow,” said his friend, “the facts do not agree with your theory.”—”Don’t they?” replied the philosopher, shrugging his shoulders, “then, tant pis pour les faits;”—so much the worse for the facts!”

  2. Is this linked to something that is area limited? I’m only getting a white screen here in Oz

  3. Simpler than that. Just take the name the group gave itself; read ‘1984’; whatever they say they are for, they actually want the opposite.
    Anti fascists are just fascists.
    Anti racists are just racists.
    Ministry of truth is in charge of lies.

  4. Do you have a fakebook account? Perhaps that’s your problem. Create a fake account if you need one.

  5. Life of Brian.
    “We are all individuals now”…
    Having been “branded” a redneck,racist planet destroyer..exctera by every loser I have met..shrieking and flinging poo, this is what the losers do.
    i currently bask in the heat of losers melting down, daily on our TV and blogs.
    Nothing on the normal programming has held my interest for the last 2 decades, but Trump is a daily gift.
    Best Tv in years..
    The smear merchants are drowning in the blowback.
    So far every accusation they fling,every slander and malicious lie, turn out to be true..Just not of the persons accused but of the accusers.
    Popcorn and Good booze.
    Sure they shriek the Wolf is at the door, but we notice the breathe of our “shrieking saviours” reeks of the carrion they consume and the destruction of all who have received their “help” before us.
    Wolves are clean courageous animals when compared to the “progressive Wolf preventer”.

  6. I contend that the author of the article, Megan McArdle, doing the same thing that she accuses others of doing, only with fancier, more acceptable words to the pearl-clutching crowd.

  7. I contend that the author of the article, Megan McArdle, doing the same thing that she accuses others of doing, only with fancier, more acceptable words to the pearl-clutching crowd.

  8. yup. Read an article a while back about one of Trump’s old flames, a bi-racial woman who is now married to another billionaire, who stated that Trump was/is no racist, as he knew she was bi-racial, she even looks bi-racial. So this cow, bloviating in the article is a biased bitch, nothing more

  9. Yes, JR, I agree. Almost everyone I speak to about Trump thinks I’m a nutcase. The truth is, I simply LOVE watching Liberal heads explode every single day! It warms my heart.

  10. Oh can we PLEASE add “far right” to the lexicon of meaningless crap leftists spew?

  11. Oh and can we PLEASE add “far right” to the lexicon of meaningless nonsense expressions leftists spew?

  12. So what’s exactly wrong with “racism”, every race on planet earth has “it” but only conservative European Whites are accused of it.
    If you want true inclusion and diversity in the social pool, white conservatives should embrace some racism.

  13. thank you LC, Im in a library right now and the book is available for loan.
    your post can be reduced to one word: alchemy
    and all that entails.
    sign of the times !!!!
