25 Replies to “All Cultures Are Equal”

  1. Every 5 years I dig up my mom and talk to her.
    So far I have not gotten sick however, I do get very dirty during the digging.
    I wonder how this started in the first place?
    What is wrong with people of other cultures?

  2. When Instapundit first linked to the story about the plague in Madagascar, my response was something along the lines of: “Without knowing anything about Madagascar, my best guess is that 14th century behavior causes 14th century diseases.”
    It’s depressing, but perhaps not surprising, to see that I was right.

  3. I would PERSONALLY … want each and every “multiculturalist” who insists on flooding our nations with “diverse” peoples … actually DANCE with the Madagascaran DEAD. Actually participate in the cull-tures they insist we need to embrace. Let Frau Merkel embrace some plague-soaked bodies as she “celebrates” her own “diversity” … then … Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and … “socks”.

  4. Gotta love progressives, all the old ills are coming back.
    Everything our ancestors laboured so hard to remove from the world or at least their part of it..Plague,Polio,Measles,Slavery,Piracy,Systemic Corruption,Extortion…Malaria..they are all coming back.
    The “progressives “openly embrace myths and madness, cozy right up to the 14 century creed that still practise and endorse slavery,piracy and extortion.
    Individual rights are ignored ,the collective AKA The Government knows best , just as the King was Regent.
    And the Anti-Vax movement is amusing as typhoid.
    We need an Island..just for these special people.

  5. The “progressives “openly embrace myths and madness, cozy right up to the 14 century creed that still practise and endorse slavery,piracy and extortion.
    To progressives, those times were a “golden age” and they must help us to return to days at all costs. After all, being a serf was absolutely wonderful, wasn’t it? Who could pass up a chance to be poor, ignorant, diseased, oppressed, and on the verge of starving?

  6. I’m all for letting this problem run its course.
    Also I just learned this week the country has an annual plague season. How about that!

  7. Imagine the stench in a place like that!!
    Mother of Jesus! The world is going to hell in a handbasket!

  8. Tell that to Tom Petty. He wanted a last dance with Mary Jane. Eww.
    And by dance, he meant what Baptists say dancing leads to. Eeww.
    condoms recommended

  9. And still there are those who are confused as to why cultures that dig up their dead for a dance haven’t landed a man on the moon.
    Sometimes culture is the problem, no -scratch that – Culture is nearly always the problem.
    My motto: Not racist towards people, but most assuredly prejudiced towards culture.

  10. Don’t you know? Those cultures that don’t dig up their dead for dancing haven’t landed a man on the moon, either.
    Thank goodness for that secret studio in Area 51, eh? (Isn’t it the same place that was used to perpetuate the lie that the earth is round?)
    Maybe we should ask a certain former astronaut about all that…..

  11. I strongly suggest someone send Billy Idol over there for a national broadcast of “Dancing With Myself.”

  12. Why go to the bother of burying your dead in the first place? Why not just decorate your home with the bodies? That way, everyday can be a celebration?

  13. *
    oh, c’mon you bigots… truly, who among us hasn’t wanted
    to see our highschool sweetheart just one more time.

  14. “I have participated in as least 15 Famadihana ceremonies and I’ve never caught the plague,” one person said.
    Now that’s some solid science coming at ya! LMAO
    (Probably believes in man made global warming too.) heh.

  15. Turdoo believes all cultures are equal. I don’t know who originated that pap but Shiny Pony is a believer.

  16. “Who’re you taking to the dance?”
    “I dunno. I’ll have to see who I can dig up.”

  17. “…by dance, he meant what Baptists say dancing leads to. …”
    My last girlfriend, having Mennonite ancestry, told me Mennonites are forbidden to have sex standing up because it could lead to dancing.

  18. I began my university studies in a transfer program at a church-affiliated college. In the same town was a Bible school and I had some friends who were students there.
    Once in a while, when I stopped by for a visit, I’d chat with someone and, often, the fact that I was a student at the college came up. The reaction I received was usually one of horror as that institution was regarded as a “den of iniquity” because the college sometimes held dances on campus.
    So, yeah, the comment from your former girlfriend sounds familiar.

  19. Makes you wonder how they celebrate their dancing dead once they land their welfare butts in a Canadian city near you.
