27 Replies to “The Sound Of Settled Science”

  1. Scientists are too arrogant to admit they don’t know everything, CERN antimatter study confirms…

  2. Hmm, I copied the italic text and overwrote it. No visible tag, but seems to have screwed with something. Seeing if this fixes it.

  3. Julie “Let Them Eat Cake” Payette.
    Another government bureaucrat telling us what’s good for us.
    This time, because we’re causing “Climate Change,” – not her, of course, just us – we need to be give some of our money to the government.
    That’ll fix things. Sometime. Not sure when, though, but soon. Maybe.

  4. Let me get this right. If we compare the universe to North America, and I’m sitting in office as I write this, the distance we’ve travelled outward into the universe in relation to North America is most likely less than the width of my desk, (5Ft) and yet the scientists seem to know everything about it. Wow!! How wise can they get??
    Enjoy the video!!

  5. Ok…
    authority of higher being ….gone
    authority of parents ….gone
    authority of marital status …..gone
    authority of teachers…..gone
    authority of elders ….gone
    authority of superiors….. gone
    authority of merit …gone
    authority of experience …gone
    ..and so on
    Same goes for the respect ( except for the form that is celebrated in penitentiary environment)
    Why in the world the last traditional institution called “the government” should keep and hold to any authority or be respected?

  6. .
    Wow, even liberal scientists and astronauts are stupid. Liberals don’t have anyone on their team with a brain. They all appear to have the same mental disorder. They know what’s right and everyone else can buy in or die. A lot like the Jihadi boys eh wot?

  7. Xiat..? Most pertinent Question.!
    ….followed immediately by J, with another, most pertinent observation…
    Arrogance and the two groups feed off each other eh.? Liberals and the Islamics..until we are all gone, then the cannibalism will begin…Me.? I’d much prefer to move to the US long before that crap starts here.
    For I fear this country is now possibly beyond saving…simply TOO Many votingSTUPID air breathers without a stitch of intelligence or sense of history to understand how our society came into being nor how we prospered….until somewhere around 1964 when we initially became infected with Marxism…. (socialism ya see….”Medicare for all” they said). And what do we have now..?? A system that is stacked in favour of those with millions and political power who can get an MRI in 20 min, knees replaced on demand, while waiting lines are filled with migrants – refugees clogging up our system leaving those of us who damn well PAID for 40+ years and have to wait 2-3 years for non life threatening medical attention. Sorry but that completely PISSES me the F off. ALL on the Liberal Diversity Multi-cult Plate.
    Our Current GG is …… fill in the blank cause the words I would like to use are simply not for tender ears. Ignorant – Liberal ..?? and let me simply say I would Capitalize the third letter of the alphabet to start the noun I would use to describe her and most of the females in the Liberal Caucus.
    Will Canadians really WAKE up..?? I’m doubtful when I read the many comments on blogs/newspapers from this stinking Liberal guy at that Progressive University. They are brainwashing our young…and many of us are getting old and usually not listened to.
    K…Rant over, now back to Steely dan and another bottle of Pinot Noir……have a great weekend all.

  8. My valiant and sad efforts to understand some of the basic concepts of physics in recent years has shown me how stupid it is to refer to “settled science”. Interesting point – there are substantial criticisms regarding the accepted big bang theory, but nobody likes to study them because they get attacked for helping the creationists. They’re not advocating creationism, they’re just accused of helping them and that’s bad enough.

  9. there are several “theories” besides the big bang. The 2 main ones are a pulsing (through a worm hole) and the disturbance in the space time continuum. But then there are few more questions that throw a wrench into the cogs of theory. Did time precede the big bang, or start with it. And then there is the fact that time, space, and mater have not been proven to exist outside out observations, which can not be used as proof. Both creation and science point to the same question, but in different context, “were is the starting point?”
    A person with an IQ of 150 SBS or greater has a lot of questions, and few answers, were as a fool with an IQ of 120 or less has all the answers. Don’t despair if you don’t have all the answer, you are in good company:-)))

  10. I believe in “Intelligent Design” … the self proclaimed deep thinkers in the sciences believes in “Empty Design” … everything just is. For no reason. From no point of origin. Just stuff. Randomly crashing and burning and turning itself inside-out. These brilliant minds have studied the minutiae of our Universe. They have discovered “the building blocks” of all matter … but ignore the questions of WHY it matters. They take it on faith that there is “no reason” for anything. No creator. No purpose. No real order, just stuff reacting to other stuff according to the number of electrons bouncing about. No nothing. Think about that for a moment. No reason for anything.
    When one believes there is no reason and no purpose to the entire Universe, then anything and everything is equal, relative, and nothing matters. So when a Communist movement slaughters 75 million humans … so what? Universal science doesn’t care. 6 million dead Jews? So what? just marvel at the science of Nazi rocketry!

  11. That was the field of my doctorate, particle physics, otherwise known as high energy physics. It seems everyone in it loves cosmology, it’s sort of like the scientists’ version of mythology. The fun thing is, you can’t really prove anything (in direct opposition to Richard Feynman’s famous dictum) so you can say anything you want, and top physicists go around saying “I believe” rather than “the evidence seems to indicate” or even “I think.”
    Well, I have gotten out of the field so much since then I have not even followed up on the current debates. I do have one comment. Protons and antiprotons are strongly interacting particles. And even though Lee and Yang got a Nobel for disproving conservation of parity in weak interactions, I have always thought it is still paramount in understanding strong interactions. If they really did find a discrepancy, however minute, they would have a heck of time reconciling that with conservation of parity in strong interactions.
    Ultimately, of course, even if you believe in the Big Bang, nothing is really proven. Where did that humongously dense, incredibly small “particle” that exploded come from? How did all the physical laws come about? To me, there is really no better answer than “God created it that way.” That’s fine by me. I am really not interested in cosmology per se. I thought physics was all about things you can measure and try to explain. I believe that was what Richard Feynman thought too. At least he said so.

  12. Maybe it’s just me, not being a physicist, but my comment for all of these things is always what I think might be this basic fundamental concept of scientific questioning, “Ok, so what happened before that?”.

  13. I was not amused by the headline, however, in a roundabout way, the CBC did highlight GG Payette’s comments. I’m also quite surprised that ”Le Petit Justin,” when campaigning in rural French Canadian Catholic Quebec, often talked about his stint at ”College Jean-de-Brébeuf” and his Catholic upbringing. We all remember his performance at his Father’s funeral at the Notre Basilica in Montreal complete with a Cardinal (can’t recall his name) at the head of the celebrations. Now Just Trudeau praises Julie Payette when she claims that Divine intervention played no role in the creation of the universe.

  14. No…I don’t remember Justine’s performance at his father’s funeral. I was too busy celebrating.

  15. I think what’s really lost in Trudeau’s response, is the MP with the bright red turban, standing behind Trudeau nodding obediently in agreement with what Trudeau was saying,,,,all the while wearing so proudly his religious head wear! haha
    You can watch this using Sask Watch link at Nov 4th 12:03
    If the poli parties were reversed, the media party and late night comics would be making a complete mockery of the video.

  16. Yes I must admit Payette blew it for me here. Not a good start to her formal public career.

  17. I love how PM Socks always doubles down when he or a fellow Lefty says something extremely stupid. And there is always that annoying shill in the background who are instructed to nod and smile in awed agreement.
    The GG is one more wet sock embassment to Canada!

  18. Re: ”We all remember his performance at his Father’s funeral at the Notre Basilica in Montreal complete with a Cardinal (can’t recall his name) at the head of the celebrations.”
    Sorry, that should read ”Note Dame Basilica.” The Cardinal was Jean-Claude Turcotte.
    I don’t want to be disrespectful to Pierre Trudeau. It was a State Funeral, and 3000 people attended including Past US presidents, past PMs and world class leaders. I’m merely showing the hypocrisy of Justin Trudeau to have used the Catholic Church as a tool for gaining political popularity then later on ridiculing it to gain brownie points with Gigi Payette.

  19. I read this a few days ago and brought it up in a debate with an atheist, materialist believer in scientism. The result was not pretty. My opponent quickly became a incoherent wreck sputtering gibberish and “so are you”s all over the place. I found it funny.
