10 Replies to “Y2Kyoto: Hunger Down Under”

  1. “The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people’s money” ~ Margaret Thatcher

  2. As Bjorn Lomborg has written, when fresh fruit and vegetables become more expensive, disease and mortality rates will increase. Of course, this will be blamed on climate change.

  3. Mortality increase due to malnutrition. That is the plan. Get rid of 6 billion people one or another. If this doesn’t work they will try Stalin’s methods.

  4. Actually its called Energy Poverty to reduce Humankind…working well in Ontario and pretty much anywhere else the “greens” (Globalists-Marxists-Environmentalists), have taken root. How can ya afford children if A; your not a refugee-migrant B; when electrical bills top $1000/month..?
    Notley starting the same garbage…shutting down clean coal in favour of wind and solar…
    I truly Pray that Jason Kenney and the UCP can shut down Notley and her gang of Che Guevara acolytes… but I fear nationally we are in deep kaka…

  5. Nahhhh … they’re all just becoming good little eco-Socialists and growing their own vegetables in eco-victory gardens. The planet is slowly healing by following Michelle Obama’s White House gardening tips. It’s all good.

  6. With the B.C. commie GREENDP not far behind, killing Site C hydroelectric in favour of niche solar and wind.
    You can’t fux the stupid with the Greentards

  7. How can a country that is basically floating on oil {actually light sweet crude} that is in high demand in the worlds refineries, have a population that approaches starvation? Could it be the Wynn/Notley social responsibility type budgets? Naw can t be that. We know it can t be the Sunny Ways Approach cause we all know that budgets balance themselves. Therefore there can only be one conclusion, ITS TRUMPS FAULT!!!!!
