14 Replies to “Embrace Hollywood”

  1. Host Jimmy Kimmel will have to perform the most impressive balancing act since Phillipe Petit walked a tightrope between the World Trace Center towers.

  2. Behavioural scientists need to develop a checklist to identify these guys that’s along the same lines as other serial criminals.
    Feminist ally – check
    Supports tyrants – check
    Uses political activism to deflect from crimes – check
    A blatant hypocrite between activism and lifestyle – check
    Manipulates the media – check
    Holds meetings in hotels and trailers – check
    No one in the industry dares criticise them – check
    Young people are always leaning away from them in photographs – check
    If you see these signs then phone the authorities collect: 1-ope-nse-cret

  3. I remember reading stories some 20 years ago that speculated about Spacey’s private life. He thought it was nobody else’s business and remained tight-lipped.

  4. After 20 years of hard use I’d speculate he doesn’t remain “tight-lipped” now…butt that’s a tail for another time.

  5. The title is a little ironic, isn’t it Kate? 🙂
    Rather it should be “Be embraced by Hollwod”.

  6. I simply cannot COUNT the number of times I fell “accidentally” naked on top of a 14yo girl in my bedroom … oh wait! … yes I can! I recall doing that when I was 14 (she was 16 though) … does that still count? And it was no “accident” … just lucky. And again, multiple times, when I was 15/16/17, and the gals were 16, 15, and 17 respectively. Probably “statutory something” or other … but we were all consenting adolescents. What I call “normal” and “natural” behaviour. Yeah … the 15yo’s were HS Freshgirl’s + Sophgals (I was a Senior) who were rather excited to be “initiated” into our local “HS culture” … I cannot imagine the sexts we would have sent had we owned I-phones back in the day!? I am certain we would have made it onto someone’s police blotter. But! … !!?
    After that? AYFKM? 14 will get you 20!! And my moral compass wasn’t/isn’t spinning wildly in all directions like Hollywooden PIGS. I’m no Roman Polanski … that’s just SICK. and twisted. But we all KNOW that is the “next taboo” to be shattered by the conscience-free leftists … child sex … and pedophilia. “Because that’s the way they do it in Europe” … where everything and everybody is kewl (according to the Left).

  7. I just heard that he was arrested for arson!! Just kidding.
    Did we really expect that after Hollywood was ridiculing Trump for weeks on end that there would be no retaliation??? The draining of the swamp has just begun!!

  8. My family had a garage, bulk station and filling station. In the 60’s, there was an old Jewish fellow from Winnipeg who traveled west every month or so to buy metals such as copper, brass, silver, anything he could find. He always stored his truck in our shop at night. He always drove a new 3 ton truck, and was doing this as a hobby in his retirement. My mother often invited him for supper at the house. He encouraged us kids to become bankers and lawyers. Interestingly, two of my sisters married bankers.
    He often spoke of the ”Hollywood Marxist scum” that was ”Destroying the social and moral fabric of the United States.” He also despised the Kennedys and especially Jackie after she married Onassis. He despised Pierre Trudeau comparing him to a ”Winnipeg Flood.” We thought he was hilarious.
    When my Dad and I were alone with him, he often spoke of the ”young men and women” who fell prey to directors and managers who used their influence for sexual favors. In hindsight, he knew what he was talking about, and when I saw Spacey’s story, was quite surprised that our old Jewish friend knew that kind of thing was going on in the 60’s.

  9. It does really make you wonder if most of these people aren’t chasing money or fame, but the power it brings so they can cover up their perversions. Bill Clinton, Anthony Weiner, Podesta, Weinstein, Spacey, Polanski et al.
    And remember that naked guy that Justin Trudeau let off the hook for “breaking into his house”? What was up with that?

  10. Money and power are what is good. With that, you can do what you want. And people cheer you on. And give you awards.

  11. Spacey is a pedo.
    He either sets the homosexualist cause back 50 years (which is why the community so vehimently opposes him) or it launches this behavior into mainstream.

  12. ”And remember that naked guy that Justin Trudeau let off the hook for “breaking into his house”? What was up with that?”
    I heard that someone had broken into Trudeau’s house however i never heard that the guy was naked??

  13. I was always curious to see why that guy did what he did, leaving knives as a signature.
    I believe Trudeau let him off for brownie points with the bleeding hearts.
