17 Replies to “Google Is Evil”

  1. I stopped using Google years ago when I learned they were data banking your surfing info and selling you out to whoever wanted the data – essentially selling your privacy out as the price of using their service – more internet corporate pond scum who make money on your content and dictate draconian terms of use = there are lots of alternatives use them.

  2. I use Duckduckgo as a search engine. It doesn’t always give the same results as Google but at least they (don’t claim) to track you.

  3. But hey, we can’t call a dumb liberal hack “Climate Barbie”, otherwise the pearl-clutching cucks who supposedly represent conservatives in Canada will come down with a terminal case of stupid.

  4. Seems to me there’s a tremendous opportunity for someone to offer a “conservative’s favourite” search engine (i.e. non censoring, non data collecting, etc.). Almost half of US voters support Trump (and I’m thinking if the election were re-run today, Trump v. Hillarious, all of her whining about the Electoral College would be squelched as Trump would win an over-whelming popular vote majority) and believe a significant number of them would abandon Google in a nano-second.

  5. Absolutely, use duckduckgo for a search engine, use Opera for a browser and use email other than gmail. Apart for youtube there is plenty of alternatives. Ungoogle yourself folks. It is not difficult.

  6. I studiously avoid Google … however I cannot avoid YouTube … so I know they have a complete dossier on me … which definately includes my pissing and moaning about leftist politicians … and my love of high end audio … hence my email being spammed with right wing pac’s and audiophile websites. Yes. Google is Evil. God knows what else they “know” about me ?

  7. Brave is another good browser choice. It uses Chromium for the rendering engine but Brendan Eich (Mozilla honcho who got canned over a couple quid to Prop 8… also invented JavaScript) built Brave’s network around some serious privacy concerns. Its got a few problems (I have to restart it every few days but I’m usually going on several windows with tons of tabs), but its pretty solid.
    As a rule you should keep this in mind, If the business is giving you something for free … YOU’RE THE PRODUCT
    But for all of you trying to “unGoogle” yourselves, you’ve all lost. Recaptcha (that thing which keeps spammers away from the small dead animals) is a Google project. Sorry to bring the bad news.

  8. For an example of evil Google ‘communism vs capitalism’ and this appears top of page:
    “In Communism, the community or society solely owns the resources or the means of production. On the other hand, in capitalism, the resources or the means of production lies with a private owner”
    Unbelievable. Joseph Stalin’s quote comes to mind:
    “A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic”

  9. I tried a handful of different search engines and the results that came up were not nearly as good as what google gives. And Opera is a closed source browser owned by the chinese. Yea that’ll be safe.

  10. Was happy with Opera for years, your mileage may vary. Feel free to trust google if you like.

  11. What are my options for phones and search engines?
    If you want a phone that makes phone calls, does e-mail, can send telegrams (AKA text), and only occasionally need a browser, Blackberry Classic.
    OTOH, if you can root your Android phone and get to the bootloader, you can completely de-googleize it. Android is open source, once you get rid of the google bits, it is OK.

  12. Search engine: DuckDuckGo
    Browser: Pale Moon; Brave; Opera.
    Can’t say re: phones; except there are android versions of those browsers.
