
Saudi Arabia announces anti-corruption arrests.

Dubai: Saudi authorities have arrested a number of princes and former ministers on corruption charges, a Saudi broadcaster said on Saturday.
The arrests came hours after King Salman Bin Abdul Aziz established an anti corruption committee, headed by Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman.

I read this as the Islamists being taken down by the Reformist. That would be welcome.
Or it could just be a power solidifying move.
It might even be anti-corruption…but I’m a cynic.

12 Replies to “Interesting.”

  1. Or just a corruption crackdown – a sign that the royal family is making steps to reform.

  2. As I asked rhetorically on Zerohedge, “How can there be corruption in Saudi Arabia when all wealth flows from the king through a succession of princes?

  3. “Corruption, Money Laundering”… ? Move to Trudopia and join the Libranos or work in the Trudopian Media. What might be frowned upon in a country like Saudi Arabia is business as usual for a select few in the Trudopian empire. Oh yeah, and bring your backward “culture” with you as it will be protected, promoted and imposed by our social engineers known as the Supreme Trudopian “Judges”.

  4. I would probably just say that the King is dispatching his enemies and executing his grand vision. Corruption will still be rife but it’ll only be favourable to the King’s administration.

  5. Certainly an internal power struggle, “corruption” being the pretext. But is this a “young turks” revolution? Time will tell.

  6. From what I recall, the Saudi empire is a very precariously balanced deal between the House of Saud and the Wahhabi church.
    In the last full years the House of Saud has allowed the population to become a bit more liberal, and in the last few months woman were allowed to drive. This would like not be taken well by the Wahhabiests, not at all in fact I do believe.
    This could be the royal family paying penance.
    The Saudi kingdon is a very interesting place. When there were only a few thousand direct decedents of Saud, and the price of oil, it was easy to have balance. Think of it, even the least favorite son of the least favorite son had a place in Cannes and New York. Now the stipends for the lowest of the lows are barely enough for a decent place to live in Kingdom, times are tough. Over the last 20 years many of the Saud decendents have turned to the radical side of the Wahhabi church, unhappy with the Saud’s turn against purity to align with the infidel (that’s us 😉 ).
    Anyway, enjoy. If you look on carefully, there is a lot of unrest and homegrown terrorism in the Saud kingdom. Grab a big bag of Skinny Popcorn and watch the show.

  7. I too, am a cynic as regards anything and everything emerging from the Bedouin families of the ME. I’ve seen Lawrence of Arabia … which is a wonderful work of non-fiction about these tribespeople. But I HOPE the vipers den that is the house of Saud IS getting a REAL Arab Spring cleaning. Perhaps the Saudi’s can inspire our (apparently) feckles, fearful, Attorney General. To clean America’s house. To punish those who have SOLD America to the highest bidder, er “donor” to a “charitable” Foundation. IF this is a serious and productive change in Saudi Arabia … then I hope Mr Sessions is paying attention, and starts paying-back the vipers in America’s den. Mr Sessions! “Tear-down that swamp” Put a REAL end to America’s long COLD winter. MY President has launched the USA into a BIG Beautiful Spring of a BOOMING Stock Market, low unemployment, EPA restraint, constitution-loving Judge to the SCOTUS, Fair Trade negotiations, and Uuuge Consumer optimism. Now is the perfect time to lance the many boils that festered for the last 8-years. Come on, Mr Sessions … join the PARTY!!!

  8. “I read this as the Islamists being taken down by the Reformist.”
    There are more than 6,000 Saudi princes. “A Reformist” is taking all 6000+ other Saudi Princes down?
    By the way, …the meaning of REFORM is to go back to roots, original meaning, as in ‘the Reformation’, which was to go back to what was before, not to what people think should be NOW according to what is current popular thinking, but was before now, …in the beginning.
    To think this is a good thing is to think of present Western values, not original Saudi Arab values.

  9. actually lance, youre right on both points. things rartely happen for 1 reason esp in politics.
    it can be both a power consolidation and a corruption sweep.
    my hunch, a tad more on the sweep. maybe, just maybe, the top tier in SA realize if they dont do SOMETHING, it could get really really ugly. 1789 ugly.

  10. Duhhh! why is the American Intelligence corrupt remnants of the –Feckless or Complicit–Obama Administration still pushing their false narrative?
    Fear of the proof These Remnants are still and have being putting Their Self-Interest ahead of Their Oaths of Office?
    The Middle-East (Near East as a “muddying tool” in the U.S. Dept. of State) is now moving out from under the Boot of Obama pressed on the necks of the American Generals. The feckless-indifferent-complicit attitude of President Barack Obama for the cruelty initiated by Iran has ended.
    Krystal and the other Never-Trumps have wasted millions of dollars, some a direct grab & conversion of American Tax-dollars. Now lost time; wasted wealth & unnecessary cruelty and Death is just something a Muslim would normally avoid in concern it may be Dog-Shi’te to be scraped off their sandals or bare feet.
