17 Replies to “O, Sweet Saint Of San Andreas”

  1. The good news is, they are killing themselves. Release a criminal from the state pen, he don’t check if you are a Hillary supporter before car jacking you. Maybe the Koch brothers can pay them to move their camp to DiCaprio’s neighbourhood… since they care more, why don’t they want the homeless living on the school grounds at the private school their children go to?

  2. I think the pop-culture term for this is a self-fulfilling prophesy. Progressives, Hollywood and the gaming/tech industry in Silicon Valley all believe that the future is a dystopian wasteland with roaving bands of bloodythirsty criminals amidst a few heavily barricaded oasis run by oligarchs. Then there’s a few normal people venturing out to find a promised land of civilization far, far away.
    Perhaps California’s policy preferences are creating what they expect – rampant economic inequality caused by a middle class disappearing into friendlier states leaving only the NIMBY rich in control of dependent and poor peasant class denied the economic means that leads to upward mobility, the insane and crminals. But everyone who remains gets the opportunity for a free college education heavy in social justice, postmodernism, identity politics and intersectionality which pretty much guarantees festering resentment leading to violence and warfare…the progressive’s self-fulfilling dystopian future.

  3. much like the rest of the world there is no shortage of stupid in CA. All of Canada would be as bad a California if it was warm year round.

  4. Democraps … esp. CA Democraps … are the “Party of Unintended Consequences”. CA Democraps LOVE … absolutely LOVE “homeless”. They keep the “homeless” like pets in our sunny state. Massive bureaucracies are created to support the homeless. For massive amounts of $$$ tax dollars. They treat the homeless as harmless, lovable, “victims” of capitalism. They push the narrative that “everyone in the country is only one paycheck away from homelessness”. “Je sui les Homeless” (pardon my pigeon French). So we all must “support” the “homeless”.
    Now it appears another of their false narratives that … “our prisons are filled with innocent victims of the WAR on drugs” … “our prisons are filled with non-violent drug offenders” … meets up with the false narrative of the “cute, harmless, homeless victims of capitalism’s WAR on poor people”. When the resultant conflagration in ever-expanding homeless encampments spills onto the streets of suburbia … the nice, well-meaning, virtue-signaling Democrap voters in the State will have to clean-up (once again) the “unintended consequences” of their false beliefs. Their immoral virtue-signaling will come home to roost … in shanty towns down by the river. Violent shanty towns. Best to keep your liberal daughters indoors.

  5. The California Liberal rich love wading through the “us and them” squalor playacting as “ladies”, lords and barons of medieval Europe.
    Liberals create it because it serves them.

  6. Ah, no. Once a cobra bit Chuck Norris in the leg. After 5 days of excruciating pain – the cobra died.
    But I’m a little confused why so many people who just got out of jail would want to continue to hang around each other.

  7. Honor and respect Mr.”Chuck Norris” with utmost reverence and most solemn respect. May your name be whispered with quiet dignity amongst all warriors of truth and justice, whilst loathed as bright terror in the ears of the Liberal Progressive hiding low in the shadows of their dark rocks.

  8. *
    “would want to continue to hang around each other”
    steve… you ain’t gonna score beaucoup fentanyl
    from dear old grammy.

  9. The California Liberal rich love wading through the “us and them” squalor playacting as “ladies”, lords and barons of medieval Europe.
    Not just in California and not just liberals. We’ve got lots of lefties here in Canada who take great pleasure in behaving that way and ensuring that the status quo that they created remains intact.

  10. Like Vancouver. The downside of that mild climate is the survival of the unfit and/or undeserving. Here you’ll freeze to death if nobody, not even you, is both able and willing to keep you warm and fed. When the all the prey/hosts die, the predators and parasites starve. In a harsher climate, the prey/host is more likely to toughen up and clue in soon enough – “You want to use me to death, I think I’ll kill you back, first.”

  11. “…But I’m a little confused why so many people who just got out of jail would want to continue to hang around each other.”
    They aren’t getting a lot of invitations to nice parties. Who wants to hang around with them?

  12. Calif. has the perfect climate for communist austerity and the outdoor living that entails – the new homeless can use some hovel construction tech from Venezuelans.

  13. If you ever look right over the border fence outside Tijuana on the Southern CA border … you will see the template for CA’s “new” eco “Tiny Homes” … made from recycled corrugated fiberglass and automobile hoods. The homeless shanty towns being erected alongside every freeway ROW in CA are being built by Tijuana “Tiny home” construction experts. Here at the invitation of Jerry B., these “New-normal, eco-builders” are really TEACHING all the McMansion builders a thing or two. How to live “lightly” on the planet … including how to die of hepatitis and drug overdoses by age 38 helping control the population. Jerry is so proud of how he has “transformed” CA.

  14. Guess we are going back to survival of the fittest. Every left wing socialist needs some segment of society to feel superior to. It makes them feel successful when they have someone to look down on. After all what else would they have to talk about at their “lets all hate Trump” cocktail parties.

  15. On the money, LC Bennett!
    This shit is the *PRIMARY* reason I finally made the decision to re-locate to Phoenix, AZ and get out of Mexifornia about two months ago.
    Brown and the Democrat-controlled legislature has driven CA into a massive ditch and, what with all the “progs” infesting all the halls of power, there is no going back.
    Over the course of my lifetime (am a 4th generation LA native, one of the very few),  I have watched my beautiful state slowly, inch by inch, be dragged down into the gutter by these bastards.
    I will never go back. Not even for a final trip to my beloved Napa Valley.
