69 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. TOP 10: Opiates seized from ISIS; more accusations against Tariq Ramadan
    The first story has major implications. The accused is the grandson of
    the founder of the M.B. and the public face of academic Islam in Western
    Europe. The M.B. is far more dangerous to Western nations than the jihadis
    who kill and maim because subverting the will to survive, to prevail, to
    even publicly discuss the threat of Sharia, one imposed step by step by step.
    TOMMY ROBINSON – We Are Walking Into Oblivion – With Brittany Pettibone – (GR8brit channel youtube)
    A sixteen minute interview with a brave and patriotic Brit. Britain, like Canada
    will need many like him to prevail.
    He has volunteered to serve on the front lines.
    The increasing Islamist jihadi attacks that Britain, France, Belgium and Germany
    is the trailer for a movie of large scale conflict, chaos and bloodshed.

  2. McKenna seems a bit full of herself. It’s obvious she’s learning on the job, has a lot to learn on the climate file. It’s also time she got over being called “Climate Barbie”, although it have connotations politicians have been called worse. She herself needs to stop bringing it up.

  3. McKenna’s problem is ;You can’t cure stupid.
    She chose to brag about her ignorance of the Climate Change/Global Warming issue prior to being appointed Minister.
    Then she goes on to demonstrate her continued willful ignorance of science and the scientific method.
    Climate Barbie is a self chosen logo.
    She swans about imagining she models the Emperor’s New Clothes so beautifully.
    While the poor taxpayer is treated to an aging naked hysteric, lecturing on indulgences.
    Very much the way career feminists always depict themselves as young, slender fems,as they morph into old men.

  4. Tesla electric car co. lost 671 million dollars last quarter.
    Now that it has been revealed the $7,500 tax break will be stopped,
    The car company will probably go bankrupt.
    (We are once again ready to crunch through Tesla’s (NASDAQ:TSLA) 10-Q released a short while ago. As we already know Tesla’s loss in Q3 was over $600 million, far exceeding my guess of $450-500 million. The average price per delivered unit dropped by over 13% in Q3. That is a whopping decline in average selling price of over $13,000 per unit.)
    Can I still use the electric pumps to charge my lawnmower?

  5. While Tesla stock was down most of the week it rallied on Friday to close at $305.95, removing much of the loss. I wouldn’t bet against a religion.
    Captcha: road nissan

  6. It was st 360 less than 2 weeks ago.
    Im not saying they are going bankrupt but they are in very very big trouble.

  7. We all may get a chuckle out of the climate Barbie monikers. But the place for their genesis is on the private forums, not a medium that wants to have credibility as a legitimate news provider.
    Although the left wing media gives back handed slurs to conservatives, I have never heard the CBC single out any individual conservative with a personally denigrating name.
    Also, Christopher Wilson denying he ever called her that shows his cowardess. If you say something either stand by it or apologize.
    Don’t care for climate Barbie and her Marxist ways, but she stood her ground. Good on her. Maybe Rebel Media might start reporting “news” and criticizing policy instead of personal name calling.

  8. Nothing worse than a whiny female politician pleading for special treatment of women politicians. I guess she does not get political satire. No sense of humor — that is not uncommon with females and Liberals. Also, she waltzed into that job with the overly expensive climate conference junket complete with elaborate photo sessions, so the name Climate Barbie fits. I do not think she is a very skilled politician.

  9. Rebel is edgy. It is part of the brand. They also straddle the line between traditional media and new media. The CBC is paid for by taxpayers so it would be highly inappropriate for them to engage in name calling, but other outlets have done so. I think it is satire and a legitimate comment for an outlet that takes a political stance beyond straight reporting. It is a variation on Gonzo journalism and a legitimate part of today’s media mix.

  10. AGW RIP.
    “The latest forecast suggests this modified Arctic air mass will dominate through next week.”
    Climate Barbie unavailable for comment.
    “Extended period of winter weather — Temps 10 to 15C below normal. Details.”
    “Another round of snow for B.C. and Prairies”
    “The coldest air of the season is flooding into Western Canada, creating widespread snow and temperatures 10 to 15oC below seasonal in areas.”

  11. I agree with Smitherenzes’s take on the “Barbie” issue.
    I’ve always found name-calling demeaning to the conservative brand. If we argue that we are better than liberals, progressives et al. why lower ourselves to their low standards, using their tactics? Also, I’m sure we huff and puff when one of our own is derided in some way. I recall many a time when commenters on conservative blogs were offended by media and the commentariat referring to our PM without the title, simply as Harper.
    The only thing I disagree with in Smitherenzes’ comment is lauding Min. McKenna’s reaction. IMO, she still hasn’t put the “Climate Barbie” incident behind her, despite the apologies extracted from some of the ones who did the name-calling. What her reaction shows is that women, by and large, take things far more personally than men do. (I am a woman, BTW) And given the kind of climate we live in, why give the opposition ammunition? That goes for commenters and media, no matter how “edgy” they want to be.
    Not that I’m defending McKenna. I’m going to claim a tiny victory against her. I used to bristle every time she said during interviews that we had to do something about “carbon pollution”. So, because I’m no scientist, with Wiki’s help I found out that the human body is composed of 18.5% carbon. I tweeted that info. after I saw her again repeating that phrase. If you notice, during that latest interview, she uses simply “pollution”, not “carbon pollution”. So, I wonder … could it be?

  12. “why give the opposition ammunition”? It’s political satire. Most Conservatives take it in stride. Liberals (including Liberal media) are not the fair players they pretend to be. Liberals will attack Conservatives any chance they get. Does anyone remember the relentless and unwarranted mocking of Stockwell Day? There is also the gleeful reporting on anything that reflects badly on Conservatives.
    Now some may take issue with name calling because they find it too abrasive, but that is just a personal preference. I certainly understand that a certain percentage of people are put off by this type of edginess. I just happen not to be. Rather, I enjoy the satire. My guess is that Rebel attracts its supporters at least in part because of its pugnacious, underdog style. It certainly is not easy to earn dollars these days in journalism, and a new outlet playing it straight in this highly divided political environment will go nowhere.

  13. The report from the National Climate Assessment has just come out with its pronouncements of doom and gloom. Much is being made of the fact that the Assessment undermines Trump’s positions on things. Here is the rebuttal: https://wattsupwiththat.com/2017/11/03/what-you-wont-find-in-the-new-national-climate-assessment/ The author claims that the latest assessment should be taken with a mountain of salt. Unfortunately, the rebuttal will not get nearly the play that the NCA gets in the media.

  14. Right on cue. COP23 starts on Monday. Every time they hold these conferences there is a report the week before stating that things are even worse than they thought and worse than a year ago. How convenient. The bureaucrats need their talking points. But there is no collusion going on.
    With Trump in the White House and evidence piling up that temperatures and oceans are not rising, the screaming will be fierce this time.

  15. “It’s political satire”
    Maybe, but it’s misplaced, IMO. I can understand satire used in entertainment venues, but not in serious political commentary/news programs. While I admire Ezra Levant’s fighting spirit I wish he & some of his team had toned down the rhetoric before the incidents that discredited his outfit, causing reputable contributors to bow out.
    Anyway, I doubt I’ll change any thinking on this. Some commenters like to use a number of epithets in the same comment, I suppose thinking the name-calling adds weight to their comment. I disagree … but to each his/her own.

  16. “I wish he & some of his team had toned down the rhetoric before the incidents that discredited his outfit”
    You mean they should not have reported the truth about Charlottesville?
    Remember one thing – no matter what they say the Marxist portion of our population will always consider them deviant for their opinions. They would make themselves irrelevant like Scheer’s Conservatives by abandoning their base to please Liberals who will never vote for them.

  17. The coldest air of the season is flooding into Western Canada
    See? Climate change is real!
    Quick, call Leonardo de Crapartist! He’ll deal with it by flying on a luxury jet to a tropical paradise. There he’ll lecture the rest of us peons how we’re such terrible people for violating Mommy Gaia by using, say, electric heating or gas-fired furnaces in order to stay warm.

  18. Is it “name calling” when they self identify?
    This Minister bragged about how ignorant of the global warming climate change “issue” she was/is prior to her appointment by Mr Butts.
    Then she droned on for the next half hour confirming her continued ignorance of the topic and demonstrating an astounding ignorance of climate,history and the scientific method.
    There was no name calling here she chose to be;
    “Climate Barbie”
    Quite proudly, her self congratulation of her ignorance and the arrogance of this stance all class Laurentian Elitism.
    The CBC is just making sure this label is fully fixed in the public meme,so their tight little circle can wail and point at The Rebel.
    Nasty Name Callers.
    Yes we “Know” The Rebel” are nasty Racist Rightwing Nutjobs..All the Presstitutes keep telling us that this is so.
    Just as they collude in private emails as to how they will “cover” or shape the “News”.
    To mock the current federal government is a Hate Crime, in the eyes of all their media enablers.

  19. “It kind of has the resonance of Columbus discovering America,” says University of Southern California sociology professor Manuel Pastor. “That is, a newcomer sort of not understanding there was actually a thriving population already existing in the area and thinking that this is a barren wasteland on which to build something new.”
    White people are moving into Hispanic and Black neighborhoods in Los Angeles and driving out Blacks and Hispanics. And that is a bad thing…according to a white sociology professor.

  20. Hollywood’s Demise: The End.
    “Hollywood’s Accused Harassers, Molesters, Rapists – The Rap Sheet, 67 So Far”
    “As the Harvey Weinstein scandal spreads like an STD throughout the entertainment industry worldwide, as the courage of those coming forward to name names inspires similar courage in others, we cannot allow ourselves to become so accustomed to the allegations that they lose their power to outrage.
    Although some male victims have come forward, the alleged victims here are mostly vulnerable young women and children. Worse, so far, all of the alleged abusers are the very men whose primary responsibility in any civilized society is to protect women and children.
    As a means to understand just how, yes, institutional these allegations are, here is a list (in no particular order) of the accused and their alleged misdeeds, which will be updated as needed.
    Unless otherwise indicated, these stand only as allegations.
    So far, 67 and counting…
    Is there any doubt the entertainment industry, that Harveywood is enabling an unspeakable war on women … and children?”

  21. Don’t forget the political cartoonists, they sure don’t deal in flattery. Some of our PC/Conservative leaders were sure not treated with respect…..Joe Clark, John Diefenbaker, Robert Stanfield,Stephen Harper.
    Political cartoons are cartoons with a message and they are not to flatter.
    I’m trying hard to recall cartoons of Chretien or Martin, there may have been a few.
    Politics is not for the thin skinned. Having so many outlets beyond the mainstream media to go after them doesn’t make it any easier to get used to, either for them or their families.No matter, it’s always going to be part of the political scene whether it’s straight criticism or some silly moniker.

  22. “Politics is not for the thin skinned.”
    Well, exactly.
    Minister McKenna should simply have done what every other politician would have done when subjected to media lampooning and caricaturing: she should have ignored it. Leaders past and present of far greater ability and importance have merrily disregarded the most outrageous depictions of themselves in the press. Think of the way US presidents are rendered in cartoons! Heck, even our “Sunny Ways” PM and Dear Leader is at least savvy enough to blithely pay no attention to such things.
    McKenna has only achieved one thing here: she has revealed she has a brittle personality. And that can only whet the media appetite for more satire at her expense.

  23. The left is extremely hostile towards any conservative news outlet — Rebel, Brietbart, and (in its time) Sun Media TV. The Liberals and the media used the Charlottesville event to paint Rebel as being supportive of White Supremacists. It was nonsense, but given the hysteria around Charlottesville, it was easy to do. I can think of no legitimate reason why Sheerer (and others) were cornered at the juncture and asked if they would ever be giving Rebel interviews again. Feeling the backlash, the politicians backed away from Rebel. (Hopefully some will re-think.) The intention behind this, of course, is to silence conservative views. The story at the time was that Rebel (specifically Faith Goldy) had crossed a line. Well, if any line was crossed, it was drawn by the leftists who see lines being crossed when anything does not meet with there agenda. Now regarding Charlottesville, I continue to think that it was staged, and Goldy was right in her assessment — just bad timing since the incident became a totem of political correctness.

  24. Anyone catch the millenials lining up overnight, in the “have to get it first” lineups for the new IPhone X? Please, someone explain the logic to wait overnight, for a $1300 phone with a marginal new feature or two! Yeah, I’m not tech ignorant, but this doesn’t make sense, particularly when these yutes will get a cell plan anyways. If they get the phone thru a provider, they will pay half the cost.
    How stupid are these yutes anyways?

  25. *
    “dan asks… How stupid are these yutes anyways?”
    uh, dano… ontario is bringing in a law to stop them from
    walking out into traffic and getting killed while texting.
    you’re welcome.

  26. Please, someone explain the logic to wait overnight, for a $1300 phone with a marginal new feature or two!
    That’s one of the reasons I stopped being an Apple supporter back when it still built proper computers. It’s long ceased being a hardware manufacturer and is now a peddler of “cool”.
    The operating system I use the most nowadays is FreeBSD.

  27. Wilson should just have repeated his question, ignoring Climate Barbie. If she refused to answer him, write her up as so. Don’t be flattering her when you do.
    Being “nice” doesn’t get you anything in politics. Not with these people. These people are in your face arrogant & beg a slapping around. Engage them. Walk on eggshells & you’ve already surrendered.
    Keep calling her Climate Barbie. She has demonstrated her weakness on this file as well as her political “skills” in managing it. She is a puppet, completely out of her league, just like Junior.
    Capitalize on it & destroy her. If she can’t take it, she’ll quit or they move her to another file.
    I go by Jordan Peterson’s take: never apologize, never back down.

  28. AGW RIP.
    Climate Barbie slurpies ’bout Ezra. Go get ’em, Ezra.
    “Environment minister Catherine McKenna confronts Rebel reporter over ‘climate Barbie’ slur” (NP)
    “Early freeze-up in progress on Hudson Bay – what a difference a year makes”
    “In contrast to 2016, when freeze-up along Western Hudson Bay was about as late as its ever been (early December), ice is already forming along the shore of northern Hudson Bay. There is much more ice than usual for this date, indicated by the dark blue in the latest weekly ice chart below:…”

  29. The terrorists and the Muslim Brotherhood are the hard Jihad and the Soft Jihad. The MB gets its power from the Terror of the hard jihadists; they come out representing the “peaceful Islam” (of which there is no such thing.)
    Just in case you don’t understand, not all Germans were Nazis, but all Nazis were German, or lackies thereof, and the rest supported them passively.

  30. Include Tesla in that discussion too. If ever there were two tech cult companies, it’s those two.
    Facebook deserves some dishonourable mention.

  31. I’m old enough to remember a former community activist telling his followers to punch back twice as hard. The left started this garbage. I’m no longer in any mood to be polite, least of all to a dumb blonde who has no business as a minister of the Crown. The reason cuckservatives lose every single time is because they get their a$$es handed to them, but hey, at least they took the high road to their defeats. Sheesh. No wonder this country is going to heck in handcart.

  32. G-G Spaced (*611 hours) Person?
    “NP View: The important thing is that Payette learn from her mistake
    Payette has a duty to serve as a unifying figure for all Canadians. Her comments on Wednesday fell short of the mark” (NP)
    “Space travel permanently changes the brain”
    “The longer an astronaut stayed in space, the worse the symptoms of VIIP syndrome would be.”

  33. Winning… resolving the opioid problem 3D style
    The United States military has been operating in Afghanistan as part of the war on terror for over 16 years now, and opium production in the war-torn nation continues to increase, year-over-year, coinciding with the rise of the opioid crisis.
    2017 looks to be another record year for opium production in Afghanistan. As reported by Business Insider:
    “The country has produced the majority of the world’s opium for some time, despite billions of dollars spent by the US to fight it during the 16-year-long war there. Afghan and Western officials now say that rather than getting smuggled out of Afghanistan in the form of opium syrup, at least half of the crop is getting processed domestically, before leaving the country as morphine or heroin.” [Source]

  34. You know Tanker, you are right. Nice guys don’t win, because the left never plays nice, they are just generally more polished with their attack words. Rebel needs to polish on occasion.
    I have been reading all the back and forth about whether to call Climate Barbie Climate Barbie and what I come away with is that the Rebel needs to keep up its attack mode but pick the times and places to be more abrasive.
    In my opinion PM Harper was the nice guy and look where it got him. All his “easy does it” policies have been or are being rolled back and the progressives are once again in charge of the Conservative party.
    Meanwhile in the US, Safe Streets Project Vows to Disrupt Antifa, Black Bloc Domestic Terror Riots on Nov. 4. Is the atmosphere of the Weimar Republic street battles slowly growing in the US?

  35. The problem with using Climate Barbie nickname is the fact that the liberals will use it to paint us as waging a war on women as the Democrats painted the Republicans.
