69 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. “Trump Administration allowed the publication of a federal climate report, begun under President Barack Obama”
    3D edit…
    “Trump Administration forced to allow the publication of a federal climate report, begun under President Barack Obama”

  2. So, why do you think that she was selected for the job, then? So she can play the “woman card” when times get tough? Junior went about selecting women as his criteria for Ministerial portfolios from the git go. Fifty per cent women. Tell me, are they all qualified, or are they just there because they are women? Can they do the job that they are selected to do? What are Climate Barbie’s qualifications, other than being a woman?
    She has an MSc from London School of Economics & Law degree from McGill. Is she a qualified scientist to lead on the climate file? Not even close. This woman has been handed a file on which she knows nothing about, academically, or work related. Just like Junior. She does not question her instructions, as she is there as a mouthpiece only. She is a pipeline to the UN & their fraudulent “climate BS”.
    Climate Barbie got her name for spending thousands of taxpayer dollars promoting herself, with a photo shoot while she was “at work” on my dime at COP21. That work is now costing me & Canadians cash money, every time we spend on heating our homes…just for starters.
    As far as I’m concerned Carbon Taxes are taxes on life. There is no government anywhere that has that mandate in my books. We aren’t their damned property, to be taxed just because we exist, eat food, or breathe the damned air.
    As for Democraps using the “woman card” on Repubs, I’ll remind you….they lost the last election. Badly.
    Paint this woman as one who will charge your kids a fee to breathe air, to live, while she swans around at COP 23 on your f/n dime dreaming up new ways to tax you to death!

  3. Must have been forced, he wouldn’t allow something to be published he knows to be false, would he…either that, or it’s some kind of 3D thing…
    …or maybe he’s re-evaluating the Paris thing…
    Ultimately, Trump chose to trigger a withdrawal mechanism that will take more than three-and-a-half years to complete, leaving time for his aides to hammer out a plan that would alter US commitments while remaining a part of the agreement.
    Cohn, along with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, had said a complete withdrawal would harm US negotiating power on climate issues, adding that a seat at the table was necessary to advance American interests on the issue.

  4. Who gives a shite. At this rate Trump will win by a landslide in 2020. The normies aren’t buying the PC crap peddled by the perpetually offended left. Punch back twice as hard. Nice people finish last. The left made sure of that. If you can’t punch back, don’t piss on the people who do. And screw any sanctimonious cuckservative who hasn’t figured out yet this ia a war for western civilization

  5. “What are Climate Barbie’s qualifications, other than being a woman?”
    I would say that these are her qualifications:
    1. First and foremost, she garnered 32,111 votes in the riding of Ottawa Centre during the last federal election. This result gave her almost 43 percent of vote and she was therefore duly elected as an MP.
    2. The Prime Minister selected her for the portfolio, a decision perfectly in accord with parliamentary procedure.
    We live in a democracy, not a technocracy.
    And that’s a good thing, in my view.

  6. Paul Dewer won Ottawa Center in the 2011 election with 52% of the popular vote. He never made it into cabinet.
    Margin of win is like margin of error. A statistic. It doesn’t make you qualified for anything.

  7. We live in a democracy, not a technocracy.
    Personally, I’d rather live in a country in which those who hold public office are intelligent and adept, which would make a nice change from what we have right now.
    I often get the impression that the only way to get a federal cabinet minister to laugh at a joke on Monday morning is to tell it to him or her the previous Thursday.

  8. So, I checked her out, too. Beat the incumbent commie by only 3000 votes in Ottywah Central. Basically split the vote between one group of Climate Barbies vs the other wannabees. No other real contenders. The riding is over populated with left-leaning, or commies. Civil servants, mostly. Well educated & well married, though. Anyone involved with the UN over the last 30 years is an elitist commie. They all hang together. They marry each other. I rank her up there with Alison Redford, another elitist commie. I expect that they correspond, if they don’t actually have lunch together. She’s probably in contact with our dear Rachel, out here on the prairies. Exchanging ideas on how to tax the air we breathe. Soul-less commies.
    No qualms about imposing a fraud on people & it appears you’ve drunk the koolaid, too. Very blase about it.
    You should read some of the comments on another post: Communism Turns 100.
    You got kids? What’s their future going to be like in this country, with the likes of Junior, Butts & Climate Barbie running the place? I don’t have a dog in this fight, I don’t have kids.

  9. Ottawa Centre is rather too full of itself — in that sanctimonious, leftist way. My goodness, though, I did not realize that McKenna beat Paul Dewar. (It’s not my riding.) That was rather mean of those lefties to boot Paul Dewar. I suspect it was an anti-Harper vote heavily coming from public servants. Well, you reap what you sow, and now they have Climate Barbie. (I am afraid that name is going to stick.)

  10. You are right, Climate Barbie is going to stick. Getting all huffy about the moniker just drew more attention and added more glue.

  11. “It doesn’t make you qualified for anything.”
    She won the election for her riding. That means she is qualified to a) sit as an MP and b) be selected as a cabinet member by the PM.
    You don’t have to like McKenna, or agree with her politics, to accept that she is qualified to be the Minister according to the only thing that matters here: the constitutional process that determines who will govern Canada.
    If you don’t like her (and I have no time for her myself), a simple solution: use the same process to turf her and her party from office in the very next election.

  12. “No qualms about imposing a fraud on people & it appears you’ve drunk the koolaid, too. Very blase about it.
    You should read some of the comments on another post: Communism Turns 100.
    You got kids? What’s their future going to be like in this country, with the likes of Junior, Butts & Climate Barbie running the place? I don’t have a dog in this fight, I don’t have kids.”
    Read my last to “abtrapper”.
    My response wasn’t about whether I like “Climate Barbie” (in fact, I have little or no use for her or her party); it’s about whether she is qualified to be the Minister, which she is, whether we like it or not.

  13. “Personally, I’d rather live in a country in which those who hold public office are intelligent and adept”
    You mean some sort of unelected junta or committee of the best and the brightest?
    Sure, that’ll work…

  14. “My goodness, though, I did not realize that McKenna beat Paul Dewar.”
    I understand that, whatever his politics, Dewar was a very hard-working MP for his riding and well respected for it by his constituents.
    I have no sense of whether McKenna is quite so devoted to the riding. But if she is not, and the voters start longing for the days of Dewar, it could be her Achilles heel in the next election (remember, she didn’t win by very much in the riding).

  15. I see you have modified your argument. If you had merely stated that Barbi was qualified to sit as an MP and cabinet minister by virtue of the fact that she won the seat you would have no argument from me but you went further pointing out statistics to bolster your position.
    Again, the margin of her win adds nothing to her qualifications.

  16. “I see you have modified your argument.”
    I haven’t modified a thing. My “argument” began as a response to a comment from “PO’ed in AB” (on November 4, 2017 8:37 PM).
    I’m not sure quite what fantasy world you live in if you believe that the winning party in an election will somehow have a full slate of MPs to choose from who possess the exact professional qualifications needed for each particular cabinet portfolio.

  17. Exactly.
    In the US the cabinet is picked from outside the Congress. Presumably people with qualification.
    In Canada we get unqualified MP’s like Barbi occupying portfolios they have no business being in for the very reason you point out.
