19 Replies to “Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors”

  1. Oh come now, our pet Presstitutes do not need to be paid to regurgitate the party line.
    For them this is natural as breath, they just need their “little” egos stroked in a timely fashion and all is good.
    Just as release of their own emails showed the “Press” are a corrupt and incestuous bunch of propagandists, there lying by omission is still their finest skill.
    Now of course money is good but flattery is even better, the Podesta Emails showed how “independent” our lovely “journalists” are.
    Donna Brazil the finest media rep money can buy.
    And ; It’s a Lemon.
    Truer words seldom spoke.

  2. The JFK files apparently show that 40 journalists were on the CIA payroll. How many are today? Hundreds?

  3. I continue to URP-up a little in my mouth any time I read more about this story. I am growing tired of the bile produced by this whole SICK affair. And … yes … I predict some deep state Judge will grant Fusion’s TRO in hopes that the House Intelligence Committee will just go-away … or at the least DELAY the truth-OUTing until the midterm elections when the Democrap-sandwich-makers will regain House seats and squelch this Committee’s fact-findings … or even IMPEACH our (reportedly) “Urinator-in-Chief”.
    Beware the Lefist Media Complex. Where there are NO ethical FIREWALLS that should prevent the dissemination of LIES like this.

  4. As Vice President (Obama’s-Feckless Former) Biden said; This Fecund Big; what’s that Joe used another word? Wait a minute! Isn’t the Sell-out JournOlists; which appear to be Columbia School of Journalism Graduates the ones earning $$$$$ by false accusing the POTUS #45 Whitehouse as Not Genteel enough for The Columbia School of Journalism delicacy?

  5. Well it certainly seems that they never even remotely thought that trump could win. Much as Weinstein thought he could never get caught.
    But once the ability to wield power is lost those who are repressed/intimidated are no longer. And the knives come out…
    Not of this would be happening were it not for trump.

  6. Agreed ! The swamp in and out of government would be deepening … if SHE was changing the drapes in the Oval Office. Perhaps MY President has STOPPED the “progressive” drain swirling of the Lefist-run State bureaucracy, Leftist Media, and Leftist Entertainment.
    The ENTIRE Leftist-Cabal needs to be OUTED!!!
    Truth-OUT … NOW!!!
    Reveal all the depravity
    PS … If Sessions doesn’t get his ASS in gear … I will be leading a charge to replace his ass … with someone who will start opening REAL investigations and convicting the REAL colluders and conspirators.

  7. ” If Sessions doesn’t get his ASS in gear ” Kenji
    Sessions made a deal with Mitch to recuse himself… Sessions is the problem, he wanted to be AG so bad that he betrayed America,,Full Stop.. useless sniveling little turd
    The DWS communications with Loretta L was the crime that they covered up… Hillary Controlled the DNC & the Money behind Hillary was George Soros… Fusion GSP arranged for the DNC Server to be wiped (CIA Crew). The whole Russian nonsense is smoke to cover Debbie W S… obstruction of justice
    Sessions & Mitch need to GO… Bring in the NJ no nonsense Chris C as AG… The Senate won’t Control him

  8. Sessions has NOT recused himself from the fusion case. He has to be careful to not interfere with Mueller at this point – let him do his job. If Mueller truly gets into a conflict of interest Jam and resigns (or is fired – though I think that won’t be necessary) then Sessions will get active.
    But as it now stands this is part of muellers job and sessions is right not to get busy – there’s lots of time and getting this dem scandal to peak in fall of 2018 would be a good idea.

  9. KenJ, it goes one hell of a lot deeper than just the left. The Bush clan is as deep in this as any one. They supported Hitlery, should well have known her corrupt past.

  10. “The JFK files apparently show that 40 journalists were on the CIA payroll. ”
    You beat me to the draw on this one – it’s a foregone conclusion that the corporate media has whored out to any monied or powered interst with the juice to dictate copy – these days there is little difference between the DNC-CIA-MSM – they only operate as separate business units of the same owners.

  11. Mueller is an FBI mechanic(Fixer) who is DIRECTED (Bush) to obtain results, He is just a beard and someone wants to pressure Trump for cover. The FBI under Mueller & Comey just dance around Justice….The justice System is Corrupt, but nobody wants to be the one to drop the dime….Think of Donna Brazel (insider).. She doesn’t want to be indicted for actions of DWS.. but she knows.. That George Soros wanted confirmation that Hillary would not be Indicted.. and he got that from Loretta Lynch via DWS …Nobody looking????

  12. If you’re a corrupt “journalist” in the United States afraid of being outed then come on up to Trudopia as we don’t pay our corrupt “journalists” through a second or third party we do it right out in the open and we force the taxpayer to pay for it. Oh, and you’ll never get caught as corporate Media corruption is mandatory and a Trudopian right. Americans are amateurs when it comes to corrupting their Media.
