43 Replies to “It’s Probably Nothing”

  1. So, is the Clinton crime syndicate falling apart or is this going nowhere again what with all their soldiers scattered throughout the various US departments.
    Careful, more people might end up with bullet holes in the back of the head resulting in death by suicide.

  2. This is how you drain the swamp in Saudi Arabia.
    “Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, a billionaire investor with large stakes in major entertainment and technology firms, has been arrested by his countrymen along with at least 10 other princes, four ministers and an uncounted number of former ministers.”
    Trump must be smiling after receiving this in Dec. 2015.
    You are a disgrace not only to the GOP but to all America.
    Withdraw from the U.S presidential race as you will never win.

  3. Hey!!! Sessions!!!! Heyyyyy!!!! are you paying attention!?!?!?!?!!!!
    Start DOING your frikken JOB!!! You’re being outdone by a young man in a dress … in Muslimland!!!! Get your damn shit together!!! … or … we will find someone UP to the task.

  4. Simultaneous drying up of swamps on opposite sides of the Globe? I blame it on Climate Change. The political kind…

  5. Hillary and Bill are going to have it coming at them from so many directions they’re not going to know who to lash out at first.
    I actually think the old girl will have a (another) seizure and keel over before the fat lady sings.
    Hey it’s egg nog season, like a twofer for me.

  6. ” …he likely donated to bin Laden. ”
    Yup. Birds of a feather.
    Osama bin Laden and Billy bin dinkin’

  7. Saudi Arabia’s King Salman removed a host of prominent officials in a sweeping crackdown, in which dozens of princes and former ministers were detained. News outlets, including Saudi-owned Al Arabiya and The Wall Street Journal, reported Bin Talal was among those arrested. CNBC could not immediately confirm Bin Talal’s status.
    This is more about Saudi King Salman consolidating his power than it is about Clinton or Trump. The new king seems intent on strengthening Western and Israeli alliances. In the past (Bush 43 days and before), the Saudis seemed to want to sponsor and export Salafism/Wahhabism – anything to keep it from growing too strong within the home country. Now, King Salman seems to recognize Iran first and Turkey second as more hated than Israel. Although hated in the past, the Sunnis have always recognized that Israel never posed a danger to its neighbours. King Salman has identified the true dangers in the Middle East.
    If I have this right, I expect to see the rift grow greater between the Saudis and the Qataris.

  8. At this point who cares? I do think the Saudi Princes might want to look for better looking headgear designers,hard to get serious looking at them, they just look goofy.

  9. Hillary has expressed her sympathy to the family over Donna Bazile’s tragic suicide next Thursday.

  10. Actually Donna might have enough of a high profile in the swamp that she might not have to worry about her food, an unfortunate accident on a deserted road or suicide gunshots to the back of the head.

  11. The Saudis are a band of thieves and schemers. Who has been running the ME since WW II. Yes, the USA has propped up this bunch of religious perverts. Only since the Iranians have got stronger have the Saudis ‘adjusted’ their radicalism.
    It was not Iran who invaded other ME countries. It was Saudi backed Hussein. What did Hussein actually tell the CIA before he was executed? What level of complicity helped Hussein through Saudi auspices?

  12. I care, though I am still trying to make sense if it. I think this move could be pivotal regarding stability in the world. The Saudies have been major sponsors of terrorism. The new King is seemingly more favorable to Israel and the West. This could be a breakthrough for a more peaceful world, except –I am waiting for the other shoe to drop. What will the backlash be, and how might this move affect the world economy? Given what we know about Saudi relationships with Bush, Clinton, etc. and their relationship to the Muslim Brotherhood,and their involvement in the US economy, I think this could be a very big deal.

  13. “… look for better looking headgear designers,…”
    I understand that this is ancient Bedouin headdress.

  14. You know who understands the Middle East?
    The Middle East.
    The rest of us haven’t got a clue
    There are over 300 tribes in the ME. They are divided by every variable just like all tribes are. They all hate each other.
    I’m not reading too much into the Saudi putsch

  15. “so long as the Arabs fight tribe against tribe, so long will they be a little people, a silly people, greedy, barbarous, and cruel”. Read nothing more into this than the Lawrence of Arabia quote.

  16. Could it be that the Clinton crime syndicate has dossiers upon dossiers on lawyers in the department of justice beginning with the head honcho?
    How is it that all the criminal activity, the political/criminal activity, breaking the law in government service, nothing is good enough to bust these characters.
    Wanna do is not going to do it. Who is this Sessions guy? What’s in his bag? He seems to have weathered the confirmation hearings, could it be that dark side found the Sword of Damocles to shut him up?
    In the muddy swamp of politics, nothing is as it seems to be.
    It also seems that until the “journalists” become journalists, not much will change.
    They still rule the news, however fake it is.
    Blogs and other such don’t reach the wide audience so most people are ignorant about goings on.
    The “journalists” are doing their very best to characterize bloggers and other such as being fake news. Those that consume the characterizations they will never learn anything else than what they are told. They don’t have the need to dig. They have no curiosity about a story. To them, that is the end of the story.
    Such is the state of news reportage today.
    Captcha…STOP CITIZENS…is somebody watching?

  17. https://mobile.twitter.com/Imperator_Rex3/status/926939400990113792
    Great thread on KSA and US (trump) relationship, a must read, 3D chess.
    4 chan pol discussing the arrested prince also owns top four floors Mandalay Bay hotel in Vegas where shooting occurred. Claims Paddock was undercover FBI who was selling arms to ISIS in US in a Fast and Furious type scheme. Isis found out it was a setup murdered Paddock and conducted the massacre. There’s a helipad on top of Mandalay Bay, that prince had access too, guns were moved into the hotel thru roof helipad which is why no one saw anything suspicious moving in 23 assault rifles and and 5000 rounds thru main lobby. FBI is involved and is keeping a lid on what really happened as the Isis terrorists are still at large in US and to cover for their negligence. Isis left the hotel via helipad. Google helicopter video Vegas shooting, helicopter appears and shooting starts. Shots were fired from helicopter to create distraction to aid in Isis escape.
    20/20 had show last night with eye witnesses describing what happened and one witness, a paramedic, swears there was more than on shooter. This sh!t is getting real. Dots are connecting

  18. I forgot to add 4 chan POL also saying John Podesta was arrested last night under black out order, massive roundup coming Monday for others so don’t want any flight risks and worrying about extradition orders.

  19. Until the leaders in our Western democracies smarten up and stop wearing blinders while dancing to the tune of political correctness, and the so called United Nations stops putting despots and dictators in key posts, our caring is all for naught.

  20. That tale is astonishing, but it makes a lot of sense. I would be surprised if Podesta was arrested without Hillary, et. al being given a heads-up regarding possible Monday arrests. I will believe it when I see it.

  21. Yes Lev, one has to wonder about why the JFK murder has been a 50+year cover up. Could it be that there are too many closets who’s doors would be opened if they tried. Also many of the past pols and bureaucrats were involved or had knowledge and remain silent. The swamp is deep and wide, and Trump is not part of the swamp,”yet”. That is why there is a “Russian” inquiry, to see if they can remove him or black mail him. The left and never Trumpers are stupid and uninformed, they do not want their safe, delusional, world destroyed. If the truth of many in government is let out of the bag, there will be political blood letting on a scale never seen before.

  22. The Saudis have been playing financial Jihad ever since the civilized world made them rich. They aren’t as overt as their Shiite competitors nor their out-sourced Sunni Jihadists, but they are deeply involved in the spread of Islam, Jihad and resulting shariah in the form of wahhabi-based Mosque development worldwide. They are financially involved in censoring criticism of their retrograde theocracy in western institutions and politicians. Progressives from all parties appear to be in their pockets likely because they have been bought. Preferring (and financing) others to fight their wars for them, their long time nemesis, Israel is currently seen as the only competent warrior nation in the region to help contain their Persian Shiite competitors.
    The Saudis are every bit as evil as Mrs Clinton.

  23. Conspiracy theories are not my cup of coffee, but the silence around it says: international connection diplomatically inconvenient.

  24. say what you will…someone behind the scenes is assuring that Madame Pantsuit is no where near the 2020 election. First they took out Weinstein (goto fundraiser with celebrities)…then someone started leaking out the Uranium 1 deal. Now someone is compromising Donor #1….This is orchestrated…but, by whom? Who has the international pull and influence for something like this. The first inkling is to suggest Obama. But, I think it might be Jarrett. Let’s see who Donna Brazille starts cozying up to in the near future.

  25. It’s been my theory all along that the Vegas shooter was somehow tied in with dark elements with the FBI (see Garland Draw Mo contest attempted massacre) that either wanted this to go down or yet another case where the FBI was either monitoring or warned about this guy but screwed up yet again. How else to explain why not a shred of info has come out as yet? Rotten/Denmark.

  26. Or on a boar.
    This is getting real interesting as are Glenardo’s two comments. No doubt there will be ramifications in various international areas and possibly even in the US.

  27. No doubt there will be ramifications in various international areas and possibly even in the US.
    It’s interesting to see how the timing of this coincides with that of the release of the Paradise Papers.
    Does the mean that the proverbial is about to hit the fan?

  28. And without fanning the flames of a conspiracy theory who is really behind all of this. First the Donna Brazile book, then the Saudi arrests, the Paradise Papers, and the shooting down of a Saudi chopper with a bunch of high priced camel jockeys on board.
    Swamp draining? More Assange handiwork? I know, must be Putin doing some tootin?
    Whatever is going, I hope Shiny Pony gets some natural fertilizer splashed all over him.

  29. Nah. It was all caused by:
    – climate change
    – biased washroom policies
    – bigoted immigration policies
    – lack of gun control
    – cartoons of a certain religious figure
    – Donald Trump
    – Vladimir Putin
    – capitalism
    – whatever
    It’s probably all a giant conspiracy theory to besmirch Hillary Clinton’s reputation, isn’t it?
    And, yes, there are people who actually believe that. I spoke to some dipsy doodle leftie in an airport departure lounge a week ago who made that claim. Uranium One? No evidence whatsoever she had anything to do with it. A private e-mail server in her home? Nothing wrong in that at all, according to him (despite there being American laws saying otherwise).
