39 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Published on Oct 24, 2017
    The Illinois Family Institute (IFI), Chicago, IL graciously hosted Aynaz Anni Cyrus and others at “The Danger of Islam” seminar on Oct. 08, 2017. Anni Cyrus of the Glazov Gang. A child bride in her home country of Iran, abused and imprisoned as a teen, she escaped to America and now advocates for women and girls, suffering under Sharia.
    (if the link doesn’t work go to the glazovgang
    and click on the way to stop Islam.
    Her public advocacy takes a level of courage and resolve.
    Ayan Ani Cyrus is a precious Persian.

  2. A dismissed domestic assault charge . A dead pedestrian. Nothing to see . Because when a Liberal does it , well that’s okay . Well she certainly has the high ground and can judge all of us Deplorables . Really .

  3. Temperature at Eureka Station, Nunavut at this hour is -31°C. They’ve recorded temps since 1948. Very low temp for this time of year. Darned global warming!!

  4. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-china-lawmaking-hongkong/china-extends-national-anthem-disrespect-law-to-hong-kong-idUSKBN1D40CH
    In the past few years, some Hong Kong football fans have booed the national anthem during World Cup qualifiers and other matches, mirroring protests in the United States where football players knelt during the national anthem, a practice denounced by U.S. President Donald Trump.
    China passed a new law in September mandating up to 15 days in police detention for those who mock the “March of the Volunteers” national anthem, a law that also covers the Chinese territories of Hong Kong and Macau but was not immediately given a legal basis for enforcement there.
    The National Anthem Law, which went into effect on Oct. 1, has now been included in an annex of Hong Kong’s Basic Law, or mini constitution, state news agency Xinhua said. It will also be included in an annex of Macau’s Basic Law, Xinhua reported.

  5. Beware Canada, Trump is about to end the legal status of Haitians living in the U.S. We should see a whole new batch of liberal voters flooding across the border in the next few months.

  6. For once, Goodale has been proactive. Heated trailers for the border crossers are already on order and will be ready by the middle of the month. Can’t have our guests sleeping in drafty tents.
    Winterized trailers will soon be replacing the tents providing temporary shelter to asylum-seekers who have crossed the Quebec-U.S. border, even as the number of irregular border crossings continues to drop.

  7. Still no photos or stories in the Canadian media about the two young men murdered in the New York City attack or of the Belgian mother of a two month old baby and toddler. I am disgusted by this nothing to see here mentality. Even CNN covered this.

  8. The weather channel is as vacant as watching a test pattern. Dimwitted dialog pumping glowball warming.
    Their daily hope is that someone will send them a phone video of a car sliding off the road in a snow storm. They then have ‘copy’ for the next 72 hours. zzzzzzzz

  9. I had a very disturbing lunch yesterday with a young gal who just completed 5 years at the UA (med sc).
    During the course of our lunch she said, “Paris is in France right?” Which was followed by,”Have you heard of Croatia?”
    It looks like she might marry into the family. Ay caramba!

  10. CBC 4 talking heads discussing The Rebel and Climate Barbie.
    This morning, the token coloured woman says “Name Calling Abusive”, with a straight face on a media that refers to people who question her climate religion, “Deniers”.
    Nice to see these Presstitutes giving Climate Barbie Story legs.
    By the time they are done lecturing us as to the proper manner to address their anoited ones, even their dumbest viewers will know;”CLIMATE BARBIE” is the Minister of the Environment.

  11. During the course of our lunch she said, “Paris is in France right?”
    She was probably thinking of Paris, Texas or Paris, Illinois. People often mistake that village in France for either of those two places.
    With regards to her education, I’ve heard that the hardest part about getting a degree in certain fields is to actually get accepted. Once in, graduation is almost guaranteed.

  12. Did a celebrated Somali-American legislator marry her brother?
    n its September 18 double issue, Time recognized Omar in its collection of women “Firsts” for being the “First Somali-American Muslim person to become a legislator.” As I noted last year, Omar is also probably the first state legislator to have taken out a marriage certificate naming her brother as her husband. If so, she is certainly also the first state legislator—Muslim or not—to be married to her brother (the marriage would be illegal and void ab initio under Minnesota law), while also having a “cultural” husband, who happens to be the father of her children. And if so, I want to emphasize, I believe that her purpose was certainly dishonest, rather than incestuous or romantic.

  13. Lefties want to control every aspect of our lives. We, the great unwashed, are expected to rely upon the government to make all of our decisions and do all of our thinking for us. To them, the only commandment that must be obeyed without hesitation is the 11th: “Thou shalt not question.” (Gee, doesn’t this sound like a certain religion of peace?)
    Because Climate Barbie is a federal cabinet minister, she is, therefore, superior to us as she now resides on Mount Olympus. How dare we have any doubts about her wisdom, her knowledge, her capabilities? She has acquired divine status, after all.

  14. The weather channel is as vacant as watching a test pattern.
    Yup. Its programming is rather limited and is repeated frequently. How many times an hour can one see the same “World’s Fiercest Storms” videos. It’s about as exciting as watching a channel that shows wood burning in a fireplace.
    It reminds me of the vapid CBC TV news feed that one can see in nearly every Canadian airport.

  15. I think I’ll stick with the Old Farmer’s Almanac for weather patterns and info and just deal with the rain, snow, wind as it happens. We can count on the weather talking heads to remind us what to do in any given situation….take your umbrella, wear sunscreen, bundle up for windchill, whatever.

  16. Except for a handful millennials who actually pay attention, I’ll bet her lack of knowledge about basic things is typical for many her age. (In fairness, I was also a bit dumb about the world as a young person, but I did know where Paris was.) One funny story I heard many years ago was about a young couple who rented an apartment with a fridge that required manual defrosting. They had never heard of such a thing, so the frost kept building up. Eventually they solved the problem by tying the door closed — finally a visitor seeing this clued them in. General knowledge is accumulated over many years. It has to be because heaven knows they are not teaching kids history, geography and other basics in schools these days.

  17. AGW RIP.
    cc: Climate Barbie.
    “An Avalanche Of Global Warming Alarmism Is About To Hit
    With the United Nations Climate Change Conference starting on Monday in Bonn, Germany, we need to brace ourselves for an avalanche of global warming alarmism. We’ll be told that extreme weather, sea level rise, and shrinking sea ice are all about to get much worse if we do not quickly phase out our use of fossil fuels.
    What will make this session especially intense is that this year’s meeting is being presided over by Fiji, a government that has taken the climate change fears to extremes.”
    “Today, there is virtually no data for approximately 85% of the Earth’s surface. Indeed, there are fewer weather stations in operation now than there were in 1960.”

  18. “…even their dumbest viewers will know;”CLIMATE BARBIE” is the Minister of the Environment.”
    Yes, this could have exactly the opposite effect that our moral and intellectual superiors at CBC intend. The arbiters of political correctness may be able to convince journalists and politicians (of all parties) that it is somehow disrespectful and disempowering of all women to refer to this particular twit as “Climate Barbie”. However, that can’t stop most of the regular folk from hearing (and occasionally using) the label and in the end, no matter that Rebel media journalists or opposition politicians fall in line, the name will stick.

  19. Unbelievable. This appears to be the latest grifter scam. I think this whole fiasco could have been avoided by waiting for the courts to decide on the Khadr payment. At least future claimees would know that such payment is not automatic. Now it has became a bit of a game. What have they got to lose? I’ll bet clever lawyers are banging the bushes hoping to find terrorists who were allegedly tortured. No one seems to care that none of this torture happened in Canada.

  20. PET POT Cemetery Report.
    “a $60-million US offshore trust in the Cayman Islands that may have cost Canadians millions in unpaid taxes.”
    “It’s a 24-year paper trail of confidential memos and private records involving two prominent families with Liberal Party ties that experts say appear to show exploitation of legal tax loopholes, disguised payments and possible “sham” transactions.”
    “Trudeau’s chief fundraiser linked to Cayman Islands tax scheme
    Massive offshore leak reveals secrets of Stephen Bronfman’s company”
    “The documents are part of a massive offshore leak released today dubbed the “Paradise Papers,” which was obtained by the German newspaper Sueddeutsche Zeitung and shared with the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ). It’s a cache of nearly 13.4 million files from two offshore services firms and 19 different tax havens.
    Seven million of the leaked files come from the corporate law firm Appleby, which has operations in Bermuda, the Cayman Islands and other offshore jurisdictions.”

  21. Funny, they didn’t have a problem dissing a certain gentleman in a wet suit, on a jet ski. Compared him to Barney, a kid’s dino. This womyn goes around & hires a photographer on our dime, to snap her pic at an international conference. A cell phone & a staffer just won’t do her justice. A primping, prima donna, just like her Boss.
    Message to Klimate Barbie: get a thicker skin. As for CBC et al media, a WOMAN named Sheila Gunn Reid, from Rebel Media coined her moniker, not some man & for a good reason.
    As to those who wish to defend this poor, beleaguered womyn with the dead fish eyes, she is a public persona, chosen (because it’s 2015 sayith He) because she was a womyn to fill the position (meet quota) of Klimate Kommissar & spout the talking points provided. Collect paycheck & pension without question & she’s good to go.
    Fits the position to a “T”: Arrogant – check, entitled – check, attention hound – check, smug & smarmy – check, calls everyone who doesn’t sing along with her a Denier – check.

  22. PET POT Cemetery Report.
    Justine’s Liberal Party is the criminal Bootleg Bronfman Liquor Party.
    “Revealed: Justin Trudeau’s close adviser helped move huge sums offshore
    Stephen Bronfman, who played key role in Canadian PM’s rise, was involved in complex offshore web, leaked papers show”
    “The disclosures are likely to generate political heat for the Canadian premier, who swept to power in October 2015 partly on his promise to tackle economic inequality and take on tax avoidance.
    Last year, Trudeau came under pressure in the fallout from the Panama Papers, the trove of leaked documents from the offshore law firm Mossack Fonseca, during which his family inheritance was scrutinised.”
    “Bronfman runs Claridge, the Montreal-based investment firm set up by his father, Charles Bronfman, to manage the vast wealth of the Seagram liquor empire, which came to prominence in the 1920s supplying the illicit alcohol trade during US prohibition. The distinctive Seagram Building in Manhattan, designed by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, still stands as a monument to the family’s status.”

  23. PET POT Cemetery Report.
    Digging up Liberal bone$$$$$
    “Paradise Papers: Tax revelations hit Canada PM Justin Trudeau’s fundraiser”
    “Back in March, Mr Trudeau had vowed to do a “better job of getting tax avoiders”.
    He was responding to a CBC/Radio-Canada investigation that showed a number of wealthy Canadians were apparently linked to shell companies on the Isle of Man.
    “It is absolutely unacceptable that there be people not paying their fair share of taxes,” he said. “It’s something we continue to take very, very seriously.””

  24. The CBC gleefully attacks Rebel when an opportunity presents itself. They see Rebel as competition — not so much for dollars, but as a threat to their one-dimensional story line. Rebel covers things that the CBC wants to pretend do not exist. Another aspect of their attacks on Rebel is that the attacks support their generally anti-Conservative view. When you think about it is not appropriate for the CBC to attack private sector media outlets, but the CBC makes its own rules.

  25. Dinosaur Death Watch.
    No white; 2 women, and 2 men of color, er colour.
    CBC RIP.
    “Mansbridge signed off in July. Have enough people since felt his lack?”
    “Jen Gerson: The new National is ready to debut, but will it succeed?
    Can the revamped nightly newscast build a common bond and attract more and younger viewers, or will it suffer the Great Burning of Mainstream Media still to come?” (NP)
    “The biggest dinosaur to ever live was discovered in Argentina in 2013.
    Now, scientists have officially named the 70-ton, 120-foot-long species Patagotitan mayorum, and have discovered it belonged to a group of extra-large titanosaurs that lived around 100 million years ago.”

  26. I remember when the CBC tinkered with The National some 25 years ago in a fizzled attempt to boost ratings. It moved that program to much earlier in the evening (10 PM, as I recall), hoping that people would rather watch it at that hour than what the other networks had an hour or so later.
    It didn’t work. The time shift played havoc with its other evening programming while the competition aired its prime shows, that which drew in audiences, during the same time slot.
    I don’t think that arrangement lasted a year and things slowly and quietly went back to the way they were before. If I remember correctly, that happened after the end of the NHL playoffs when schedules would return to their usual formats.
    I’m sure some wag likened that attempt to the “new” Coke from some 30 years ago.
    Unfortunately, the CBC failed to learn the lesson of “if it works, don’t fix it”.

  27. I cannot imagine what the CBC was thinking when they decided to have 4 hosts for the National. Viewers are looking for an authentic personality who hopefully gains their trust over time. Constantly rotating hosts does just the opposite — plus none if them are very good. If I didn’t know that the CBC is run by many who are past their best before date, I would think the place was run by a bunch of naive and inexperienced people. They are duds. They should get Yvon Solomon back. He was very good — his friends should be mad about the selling art side line, not the CBC. Probably some CBC honcho bought a piece, so Solomon cannot ever be forgiven for his error.

  28. PET Cemetery Report.
    Liberal Justine say, CRA, Canada Revenue Agency, aka Canada Tax Man, will apprehend the “Canadian tax cheats”.
    “CRA says it won’t hesitate to investigate Canadian tax cheats exposed in Paradise Papers”
    “Among the names that pop up in the records with some connection to offshore accounts are former Canadian prime ministers Brian Mulroney, Paul Martin and Jean Chretien, […] and the past and current chief fundraisers for the federal Liberal party.”

  29. Do something on Canada’s ridiculously restrictive gun laws, people living in wide open spaces should be able to meed all threats with equal deadly force
