
Coffee Company Admits Public Decision To Pull Ads From Hannity Created ‘Unacceptable Situation’

That advertising pullout came in the wake of an astroturfed campaign from Media Matters based on false allegations that Hannity expressed support for child molestation and had attacked sexual assault accusers.

There is ridiculing the owners of machines breaking a product they’ve already bought, but the Keurig machines are to profit as razors are; the money is in the blades.
Keurig is in a dangerous situation, the mark-up on the K-Cups is so ridiculous it’s actually cheaper to grind your own and only drink one cup out of a french press.

35 Replies to “Backlash”

  1. Keurig is in a dangerous situation, the mark-up on the K-Cups is so ridiculous it’s actually cheaper to grind your own and only drink one cup out of a french press.
    Ah, but what price can one place on the snob appeal of drinking coffee made from one of those machines, not to mention actually owning one of those devices?
    No, it doesn’t make sense to me, either. It’s like buying bottled water. There little difference, if any, between that which comes in a container with some fancy-schmancy name on it and the stuff that comes out of a faucet.
    It’s little more than status-signalling: “I’m better than you are because I can afford one of those things.”
    Uh, no thanks.

  2. Keurig coffee is expensive and acrid – modeled, perhaps, on Starbuck’s.
    I love my little Bialetti coffee maker: inexpensive, plain, simple, old-fashioned, uncool, and still MADE IN ITALY.

  3. I’d bet Keurig makes more from office rather than home consumer use anyway. I have a machine at home but I grind my own Kicking Horse 454 horsepower and use a reusable filter pod. Even then only since my wife switched to decaf and it’s not worth using the 12 cupper, even for a half pot.

  4. I wonder how The Coca-Cola Company feels about that. They have a substantial investment in Keurig.

  5. It’s little more than status-signalling: “I’m better than you are because I can afford one of those things.”
    While I agree with your statement most people are up to their eyeballs in debt. A lot of their stuff, most of it with some people, is bought with borrowed money.
    I couldn’t live that way. I wouldn’t be able to sleep and I’d be stressed out with worry over indebtedness.
    Most people I know though, never give debt a second thought. When they hit the wall, it’ll be like a bug hitting a windshield on the highway.
    Reminds me of the joke: What’s the last thing to go through a bug’s mind when it hits the windshield?
    Answer: It’s ass.

  6. Out here at the trap shack cowboy Bob coffee is the order of the day. I grid beans daily.
    Fresh cold water, add coffee, boil – drink – black.
    Yeah you get some grounds in your teeth but man does it have flavour.

  7. I think those Keurig machines are brilliant – in your hotel room or a conference room.
    No interest in owning one for home use though.

  8. I’d bet Keurig makes more from office rather than home consumer use anyway.
    This. They’re ideal in an office where everyone likes different blends. The K-cups get significantly cheaper if you buy them in bulk commercial quantities.
    They’re largely useless in a home environment.

  9. Keurig is FABULOUS! If you like littering the planet with unnecessary plastic trash, and you like PAYING for an inferior product (mediocre coffee), and you like making coffee in a complex mechanical contraption that burns your water.
    I have ALWAYS used a simple Melita drip system, and I make a FULL pot every morning … adjusting the intensity as I desire (not limited to a stupid little plastic portion). And my DRIP system is the absolute BEST way to make coffee (the same way high-end coffee shops make theirs) Yes, a French press is nice for small portions, but it doesn’t work as well as my drip. Oh, and I use FILTERED water (from my Subzero ref’r) and boil it quickly in my induction electric kettle (FAST), pour over my #6 non-bleached Melita filter … and mmmmm … the BEST coffee evah.
    So SCREW U you leftist wimps at Keurig !! Although you never had me as a customer and never will. I LOVE my coffee too much for that. I guess you would have PULLED all your advertisements from anyone who supported Clarence Thomas … because … “we believe you Anita”. Yeah, right … a HIGH TECH LYNCHING that you would have participated in.
    Face it … Moore is HATED … because he is a Christian. That’s it. The Gaysteppo is out to STOP him. It ain’t gonna work … even if you have GAY GOPe’s like Mitch McConnell helping you. Pricks! Stupid Pricks!

  10. K-Cups don’t compete with drip coffee makers on price, they compete with the far more expensive coffee shop coffee whether it’s FiveBucks, Timmy’s, Second Cup, McDonald’s, etc. In fact all the coffee shops sell their blends in K-cups for home use. Keurig doesn’t make coffee. It licenses its technology to coffee makers like Green Mountain, Starbuck’s etc. Whether you like it or not the machines are pretty much ubiquitous and nobody’s drinking K-cup coffee as a status symbol. You can pick up a machine for around 80-bucks which isn’t going to break anybody or put anybody in debt. Jeeze sometimes it’s like watching the two old guys in the cheap seats on the Muppet Show.;-)

  11. I just grind my own and use a stainless steel single cup tea strainer instead. No stale water sitting in the Keurig machine, having to run 3 cups through just to remove old water. Better coffee than a keurig and no plastic parts involved in the process. The only thing is you have to quickly brush the pores while rinsing it after use so it isn’t clogged. I just looked for one that had small pores on Amazon to avoid coffee grinds in my coffee.

  12. I gave up on coffee years ago – I found it kept me awake at work. So, I have no dog in this fight.

  13. Overpriced instant coffee. And yes, it’s a razor-blade business model.
    I bought an Aeropress years ago. Fresh and easy, and costs next to nothing.

  14. Rance, you should start a thread on coffee making!!!!!!!
    Aviator, now I understand some of your posts, sleep posting!!!

  15. I will believe Keurig’s ass covering “explanation” when they announce the firing or resignation of those responsible for going “outside normal company protocols.” Until then, they are just covering their asses because the flap blew up in their faces.

  16. My mother liked her coffee while she was alive. After she died, my father gave it up and drank milk instead. It wasn’t after I took over their house when he passed on that caffeine was consumed there again, though in the form of tea.
    Now I have all sorts of coffee-making paraphernalia that I need to get rid of.

  17. Like Hillary I have a home brew server. No Keurig coffee for me. Always black (am I racist?)
    Kudos to conservatives for taking decisive action on the basis of Keurig’s tweet. Conservatives in Canada should have responded as strongly to Telus tweeting devotion to Trudeau and his carbon tax. We could have gotten rid of the carbon tax by a proxy vote.

  18. Keiurig works great for our home and office.
    In the office at meetings everyone gets what they want from hot chocolate to green tea and it’s fresh. At home I like one kind my spouse another and my daughter another and we all get up to go to work or school at different times.
    Far more convenience and no wasted/burned coffee.

  19. Let me get this right. This is a Conservative blog. It promotes the philosophy of free market economies and successful corporations, among other beliefs. I support those beliefs 95% of the time. Now I’m going to smash a $160 Keurig with a bat or a golf club because the company doesn’t want to take chances on advertising with a TV network that could potentially hurt the coffee maker’s reputation.
    Smashing a coffee machine with a golf club in itself denotes questionable behaviour. Keurig, in my opinion, builds a sturdy and reliable coffee maker that brews a fresh and tasty cup every cycle. So what next?? I’m going to drive my F-150 into a brick wall because the company advertises on CBC?? As for the relationship between Keuring and Fox, that’s their problem not mine.
    I love my Keurig.
    Juan Valdez

  20. Just a few weeks ago, my wife and I spent the weekend with one of her cousins, and we were limited to coffee made only by their Keurig rig … when we finally made it home (about 2pm on Sunday) … we both went straight to our coffee station to get some REAL coffee after experiencing horrible withdrawal symptoms. We. Had. To. Get. Real. Coffee. In. Us.
    But I suppose people who like Keurig are the same ones who buy crappy music files from iTunes and listen on their iPhones. Convenient for sure … but only a reasonable facsimile of REAL coffee, or REAL music. I suppose I am just a Luddite who drinks his coffe by touching and feeling it … and listens to vinyl, which is still the most authentic, detailed, replay of music ever devised (although reel-reel tape is close). So I am certain the “mass market” will buy their … uh … convenient little plastic tubs of pre-measured, processed, coffee. Nobody ever got rich by overestimating the masses. As for me, I enjoy taking time and enjoying little pleasures of life … it is my Zen An approach to an activity, skill, or subject that emphasizes simplicity and intuition rather than conventional thinking or fixation on goals Don’t worry fellow Christians … I am not dumping Christ for Rinzhai-Zen Buddhism … I’m just focusing on the joy and detail of certain activities … which BTW I practice my cooking with a certain Zen as well … eating prepackaged processed foods falls into the same category as running hot water thru a plastic cup to obtain my coffee. Yuck!

  21. Looks like everyone is a coffee snob. Me, I drink coffee like I drink beer. I like the good stuff, but I’ll drink it all.
    It would be nice if Keurig, et al, took a lesson from this to not politicize their business. I doubt it. Reading that apology, it seems more like they are saying “Sorry we tweeted about caving in to MediaMatters”, not actually apologizing for caving.
    Remind me again the up side to alienating a portion of your customer base?
    Captcha: Main office

  22. lol!!!
    nothing says loving like smashing a coffee maker from keurig !!!
    I wont be buying one in a LONG time, I got a nice percolator from Cdn Tire for 20 bucks. yup.
    it was on sale half price, then the really nice cashier suggested I redeem 40 bucks worth of ‘digital’ cdn tire money. that really impressed me.its the model that has its own reservoir, no need for a carafe.

  23. chances are that the pre ground coffee is already stale by the time it is packaged…ground coffee taste disappears quickly after the beans are pulverized. i always laugh when people buy starbucks beans and then grind the entire pound before they leave the store…might as well drink store brand

  24. I buy whole beans … and grind them just prior to use … using my Italian Burr grinder. Agreed. Pre grinding may be convenient, but not as good. Again … it is all part of my newfound Zen-like existence … slowing-down to smell the coffee.
