61 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. So… heres something I’d like you all to do if you could. Go to Google and type in OLDEST RELIGION TIMELINE. Now explain WTF.

  2. “*No no he’s not dead, he’s, he’s restin’!”
    PET POT Cemetery Report.
    h/t Monty Python’s “The Pet Shop*”
    TPP = CPTPP: “the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP – the new name for the TPP)”.
    “Whoa, Canada: Explaining the TPP deal that wasn’t”
    “Although the TPP remains in play, it is premature to say it will come into operation, let alone when. Much work still remains to ensure all the concerns that have been raised by countries are accommodated.
    Even if an agreement is formally signed, it still has to pass the domestic legal procedures of each participating country to be implemented.
    For some countries, even if the leader signs an agreement, there is no guarantee it will be passed by its parliament. Australia is a case in point.
    But at least the TPP is still alive. And while there is life, there is hope.”

  3. You mean this bs:
    ‘Islam is the oldest religion in the world, founded by Adam, and it was reborn with Abraham and a second time with Muhammad. Between Abraham and Muhammad, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism and Christianity emerged in this order….’
    Obviously an Islamist wrote that typical google crap. Maybe the PM wrote it.

  4. AGW RIP.
    Canada’s Climate Barbie:
    “Global showdown over coal is coming — and Canada’s in the middle of it”
    “Environment Minister Catherine McKenna arrived this weekend in Bonn, Germany, to attend the second week of COP23, the annual United Nations climate change talks that two years ago led to the Paris climate change accord.” (FP)
    “U.S. disbands climate propaganda effort for UN COP 23”
    “At COP 23, at least, the propaganda spigot has been turned off.
    Like last year’s COP 22 in Marrakesh, President Trump remains the talk of the conference. Campaigners worked for years to bring America and its wealth under the UN climate regime. They were shocked when only a year later America broke free. What does this mean for their dreams of redistribution and control? They don’t know and in the long term, neither do we.”

  5. ‘google’-noun.
    A kind of crap that sticks fast to the bottom of your shoe and where removal is extremely difficult if not impossible.
    “Sorry about the floor Mom, I appear to have some kind of ‘google’ on the bottom of my sneakers”

  6. Damn ! Oops … my post lost this rather important element … Uranus squares his Venus
    My sloppy editing

  7. Actually, that crap was one of googles curated snippets taken from somewhere on the web. Just under it there should be a feedback button about 4 pixels in size. I reported it as misleading, for all the good that will do. The google algorithm will continue to serve up this kind of crap, but just maybe reporting this can make a small difference.
    Tim Pool had an interesting video (okay, maybe interesting is subjective) about googles algorithm on youtube serving up crap to kids, and other algorithms generating crap content to cater to the tastes of googles algorithm. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iGcRV6ViVsM

  8. NO FUDDLE DUDDLE YET – but it surely is a one finger salute ! I am not sure who the candida test are but we will be having a by – election December first in the Battleford Lloydminster riding .

  9. 75 years ago this months the Russian red army fought and delivered a blow to the Germans at Stalingrad that was the turning point of WW11.
    The Russians were part of the Allied force and bolstered by supplies from the west and the Russian winter cut off the German supply lines.
    Hitler had the Allies on their heels by pretty much controlling Europe from the arctic circle to the African desert. He then made the fatal mistake of attacking Russia on the eastern front.
    The battle of Stalingrad (Volgograd today) lasted 5 months and 300,000 German never returned home.
    By the end of the war more than 25 million Russians both military and civilians had lost their lives.
    Lest we forget.

  10. AGW RIP.
    h/t Liberal Justine’s Climate Barbie.
    “UK set for 2 months of HEAVY SNOW and BLIZZARDS: NOAA issues rare La Nina winter advisory”
    “BRITAIN is facing the most savage winter freeze for half a decade as climate experts warn a La Nina Pacific Ocean cooling could trigger months of heavy snow.”
    ““The jet stream is making wild deviations and due to the pressure set up over Scandinavia we are expecting the Polar vortex to shift.
    “This will bring very cold conditions across the country.””

  11. Hate to burst your bubble but I just read 2017 was the third warmest year ever and this La Niña will be the warmest ever recorded ! Um , you just can’ t make this B. S . up !

  12. Consider the source. Breitbart – the website, not andrew (rip) – is all in on the nut job from Alabama.

  13. My opposition (hatred) for stalin and communism is well documented on this site. I can understand why the Russians said, “Never again” following the war.
    What transpired there from 1917 to 1989 was an atrocity that even they could couldn’t have imagined.
    The Berlin wall came down Nov.9,1989

  14. New developments on Judge Moore…?
    Atty. Gloria Allred to hold news conference with new Roy Moore accuser
    I have really really wanted to believe the judge and from what I have witnessed of the left these past few years it is perfectly reasonable to suspect it is all lies. That said, I am also very careful not to believe something just because I want it to be true.
    This conference will be very interesting, to say the very least.

  15. Yes, the fact this is coming from Allred of all people only strengthens suspicions that this is a 100% smear job by the left.
    Or, maybe it’s her because the new accuser is Kathy Griffin and they managed to patch up their tortured relationship.

  16. https://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2017/11/13/dip-in-popularity-continues-for-federal-liberals.html
    Dreadful news! Our beloved Liberal governors have slipped in the polls, to 36%,while the CPC has 38% support.
    I call on my fellow Liberals to lock themselves in their Mom’s basement and never,ever come out again.
    Now,if Andrew Scheer and his team have the ability to exploit this Liberal weakness,there MIGHT be hope in two years. Get on the message, Andy, and keep pounding the drum until it becomes pervasive: “Trudeau is a one percenter,only there for the one percenters”.
    Make that into a bumper sticker/slogan and good luck to you.

  17. PET POT Cemetery Report.
    Liberal Justine’s TPP dead; is now a lipstick painted pig acronymized as CPTPP.
    “The remaining hurdles to all 11 CPTPP nations are four outstanding issues, on which negotiation was still required.”
    “Renamed TPP ‘a damned sight better’, could be in place in a few months”
    “The so-called TPP-11 – renamed after the United States pulled out of the original 12-nation pact – is now the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP). Canada is also back inside the tent.”

  18. Notice that they can’t bring themselves to saying in the head line that the cpc LEADS the LPC

  19. I thought G.Allred was already preoccupied with the 17 women who accused MY President of sexual harassment ? Huh ? What’s that ? MY President was elected … so there is no more “NEED” to pursue these cases ?
    As soon as -SENATOR- Moore is elected … all these LIARS will disappear like water poured on that witch Allred. She’s melllllting! … melll lll lll ting … mel l l l l ting

  20. *sigh* so what does “Brietbart” have to do with the poll ?
    Wahl is a local Alabama pollster, based in the state, and is regarded for his accuracy in the state. The pollster’s firm, WT&S Consulting, did some work for Moore’s campaign in the primary and runoff—but these polls, Breitbart News has confirmed, were not commissioned by Moore’s campaign and were conducted independently. That said, WT&S Consulting nailed the runoff numbers accurately. Its last poll, the day before the runoff election, showed Moore crushing establishment-backed appointed Sen. Luther Strange 54.3 percent to 45.7 percent—an 8.6 percent gap. The final election results were 54.6 percent for Moore to 45.4 percent for Strange—or a 9.2 percent gap.
    Did you even READ the article ? Yeah, didn’t think so. Keep HATING Trump and defending the GOPe LOSERS! Brietbart is just as veracious now, as it was with Andrew at the helm.

  21. ” Brietbart is just as veracious now, as it was with Andrew at the helm.”
    You misspelled ‘fallacious’ and likely do not know the difference.

  22. You misspelled “reading comprehension” … lack thereof. Breitbart did not take the poll, they reported it … you know … like news organizations are supposed to do …

  23. Go check out the polls at more neutral sites like The Daily Caller. Breitbart I check daily to keep tabs on where bannon is trying to spin but as a news source it is completely unreliable.

  24. Your idea of “neutral” is that same as your definition of 14yo assault … it goes like …
    “we believe you, Anita” aka a “high-tech lynching”
    the PEOPLE are on to the jig. Take your “truthy” “neutrality” and shove it.
    See you Dec. 15.

  25. “I truly respect and admire the russian people.”
    Wanna tell it to the Finns, or the Latvians, or Lithuanians, or Estonians, or Poles, or East Germans, or Ukrainians, or Byelerussians, or Hungarians, or Romanians, or Bulgarians, or Kazaks, or Tajiks, or Turkmen, or Uzbeks, or Azerbaijanis, or Kirghiz, or Armenians or Afghans, or Mongolians?

  26. “Faith Goldy’s invitation to free speech event withdrawn.”
    Peterson is kind of a weasely piece of shit.
