61 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. “WAR between Oberlin “College” and Gibson’s Bakery”
    Oberlin has a long history of being the school of choice for queers and lesbians. Serious academics are ancient history. It’s enrollment keeps falling as parents choose to send their kids to real schools for far less money.
    “Tuition and fees at Oberlin College are $50,582 USD without financial aid. With room, board, and other fees combined, total cost of attendance is $66,870 USD.” Looks like triple state universities.
    Harvard is cheaper “The total 2016-2017 cost of attending Harvard College without financial aid is $43,280 for tuition and $63,025 for tuition, room, board, and fees combined.”

  2. AGW RIP.
    “… precluding the capacity of increased CO2 concentrations to produce atmospheric warming.”
    “New AGU Presentation: ‘No Increase In Earth’s Surface Temperature From Increase In CO2’
    At next month’s American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting in New Orleans (US), an independent researcher named Trevor Underwood will be presenting an equation-rich analysis that thoughtfully undermines the perspective that increases in CO2 concentrations are a fundamental variable affecting climate.
    Instead, Underwood argues that the absorption band where CO2 emissivity could have an effect is likely already saturated, precluding the capacity of increased CO2 concentrations to produce atmospheric warming.”

  3. Well, here it is….
    Gloria Allred Presser: Beverly Young Nelson Says Roy Moore Sexually Assaulted Her at Age 16
    “According to Allred, Nelson’s sister told her law firm that Beverly related the story to her while still a teenager, that her mother heard of the alleged assault a few years ago, and her husband of 13 years discussed the matter with his wife before they were married.
    Nelson produced a high school yearbook which she says is signed by Moore. “To a sweeter, more beautiful girl I could not say ‘merry Christmas,’” the inscription reads.”

  4. Brietbart is at least as reliable as the Washington Post. Most of the content in their stories is totally verifiable. Now they do select stories based on their bias, so you would not use them as a single source of information, but the news stories they do provide are perfectly ok.

  5. As I start to examine … carefully, and thoughtfully … the “recovered memories” of Beverly Young Nelson … the FIRST thing that hits me is a yearbook inscription that references “Merry Christmas”. High School Yearbooks are handed out at the END of the school year (as they chronicle the WHOLE year) in JUNE … so it is quite suspicious that her inscription (allegedly from Moore) would read “Merry Christmas”. NOBODY inscribes “Merry Christmas” on a yearbook in JUNE! EXCEPT. This smacks of trying to either “prove” or “smear” Moore as … a Christian. So … some MORON in the Gaysteppo and/or Gloria Allred’s office thought it would be clever to fabricate a signature with a “Christian” reference.
    So … here we go … on my VERY FIRST reading of these charges, I manage to come up with MORE doubts and questions that the entire mass media manages to do. Useless pricks.

  6. PET POT Cemetery Report.
    Justine Liberal’s credibilty gap:
    “… the Liberals now polling with levels of support typical of a minority government, says one pollster.”
    “Liberals have a ‘credibility gap,’ Bronfman, Morneau obscuring Grits’ message to fight for middle class, say pollsters, political observers
    One Liberal MP says she has had to mount a PR campaign with constituents to counter misinformation spread about the government’s tax changes; ‘tax fairness is very, very important’ in her riding.”
    “Paradise Papers, Morneau mess weighing heavily on the government
    At the end of the day, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau needs to stop this Conservative storyline in its tracks. And he may have to sacrifice a few friends along the way.” (ex-Liberal minister sheila copps-hilltimes)

  7. Don’t confuse communism with the people of Russia. They have to live under it just like the places you name.
