Too much truth

Turns out Trump didn’t ruin America’s economy
The end of the world will be back after this commercial break.
Related: Trump’s First Year In Office Has Been Wildly Successful

A full 365 days of covfefe have passed since Hillary Clinton grudgingly conceded the 2016 presidential election. According to Democrat press releases and the mainstream media — but I repeat myself — the nation lies in ruins. Reality tells a different story.

22 Replies to “Too much truth”

  1. Consider how the media treats Trump …
    Here’s the REAL WORLD impact of Trump upon Amazon Stock:
    Nov. 14, 2016: 719
    Nov. 13, 2017: 1,138
    Yes, that is an increase in the Amazon stock price of: 419 points since MY President was elected. 719/1,138 Yes, that is a 63% increase in the VALUE of Amazon stock
    Now, I challenge you to “google” “Trump Amazon stock value” … and EVERY story … EVERY SINGLE STORY will be about how Trump’s TWEET damaged Amazon’s stock value. FAKE MEDIA … FAKE … LIARS … FAKE FAKE FAKE “google”, “facebook”, “apple” … the entire Leftist corporate media complex are LYING TO YOU!!! Every day and in EVERY WAY.

  2. Yeah … as IF … FAIR trade is “protectionist” trade. We need to KILL all the globalists. Metaphorically-speaking of course.

  3. CBCpravda reported a market crash the day after., it was actually only bonds that dropped. the high paid journalists don’t know the difference

  4. Is the USD lower or higher than a year ago? Answer: lower.
    Oh and the US stock market has underperformed the rest of the world. We are due for recession in any event.

  5. “According to Democrat press releases and the mainstream media — but I repeat myself — the nation lies in ruins.”
    Those Democrat press releases are probably phoned in from Detroit or maybe Chicago.

  6. “Is the USD lower or higher than a year ago? Answer: lower.”
    Take a couple economics courses and you might come off not looking so stupid. Why is there a race for the bottom in currency value? Low value encourages exports and discourages imports. Most people consider that a good thing.

  7. A big thank you to President Trump. The USA under Trump has enabled the world to be able to dream of a future that is not filled with big government, green, left wing orthodoxy and just maybe a future of smaller government, free markets, and individual sovereignty is possible. Lawrence Solomon has a good article in the Financial Post today about some of President Trumps first year accomplishments.

  8. UnMe, you are SO ignorant !!!
    Trump explained why, and informed – intelligent – people know that when the US dollars is too high it is bad for the USA.
    Trump said during his campaign that he would make the US dollars go down a bit, that way other nations would be more likely to do more trading with the USA.
    You are a typical liberal, you talk of things you know nothing of.

  9. Give UnMe a break, he just sees less money to sponge from.
    It’s like telling any welfare leach that money doesn’t grow on tree’s, or that the Mr. President doesn’t print it in the back room on his “special” printer. “Where’s my god damned Bama phone”!

  10. ” Low value encourages exports and discourages imports. ”
    That’s a myth:
    Even if it were true, it’s still asinine policy. Exports are not great. The only point of trade is imports.
    “Trump explained why, and informed – intelligent – people know that when the US dollars is too high it is bad for the USA.
    Trump said during his campaign that he would make the US dollars go down a bit, that way other nations would be more likely to do more trading with the USA.”
    This is just bad economics, as I explained above. The USD was weakened massively from the year 2000. How’s that working out?

  11. You had better quit while you are ahead. To compare the Chretien disaster of the low Canadian dollar era to the value of the American dollar and the effect it has on global commerce is a new level of stupidity. Were you even around in the 90s when Chretien had the value of our dollar as low as 0.62 American? If as you suppose, “the point of trade is imports”, as Canadians we paid an enormous cost to import goods from the U.S.

  12. I was around when Chretien’s finance minister Paul Martin cut spending, paid off debt, and the CAD leaped higher. WTF does this have to do with my point again? You don’t even understand how to think, peon. Learn to think before addressing me.

  13. If you were around in the 90s explain why Martin was forced to cut the debt. And the dollar didn’t “leap higher” until the 2000s. It didn’t break 0.90/American again until Harper was PM. As Yogi Berra would say “You could look it up”. If you are going to throw out insults you had better have your facts straight to back it up or you come across as the fool that you are.

  14. First;;– UNme; and I understand this is your Platform as a Paid or wanna-be Paid Liberal Troll.
    —-Ditherer Paul Martin provided the Scheme & Chretien had the back bone — to dump the Health Care onto the Provincial Governments.—
    Second;;– UNme; Snake oil has gone out of Fashion;
    Third;;–Just because He is supported by Democrats-whoops-Foolish People-doesn’t mean He understands what He says.
    Actually; without the Global Warming/Climate Change Gig; Bill Nye would be on Late Night T.V. selling kitchen gadgets or snake oil.
    Actually the snake oil gig is quite competitive as the market declines; Colbert/Fallon/ and what’s the others will have to find something better than the Democrat Daily Talking Points memo from yesterday to be in step with Juan Williams; CNN talking heads; & MSNBC.
    {-can’t understand why Bill Gates allows this crowd of nothings to besmirch the MS logo, when “Gates Memo” is trying to change Bill’s image.-}
    I can understand why Mr. Gates would not use his standard “Bill” as the “Gates Memo” title.— No-one wants to be mistaken for “Slick-Willy”.

  15. “Yes, that is an increase in the Amazon stock price of: 419 points since MY President was elected. 719/1,138 Yes, that is a 63% increase in the VALUE of Amazon stock”
    Value is in the eye of the beholder. Stock market quotes in the short run will tell you the perceived value of a stock.
    “In the short run, the market is a voting machine but in the long run, it is a weighing machine.”
    ― Benjamin Graham
    The price of a stock is part of the equation — the numerator. The other part is earnings — the denominator. The P/E of Amazon is 284.62!

  16. I don’t like Donald Trump. I did however notice that on his Asian tour, he did speak as though is tongue was properly wired to his brain. Please Mr. Trump. don’t touch the wires. Black goes on black, red on red, and green………

  17. “Ditherer Paul Martin provided the Scheme & Chretien had the back bone — to dump the Health Care onto the Provincial Governments.—”
    And it worked. They also cut a whole bunch of other spending.
    “If you were around in the 90s explain why Martin was forced to cut the debt. ”
    Because things were coming to a head. Interest payments were eating the budget.
    “And the dollar didn’t “leap higher” until the 2000s. It didn’t break 0.90/American again until Harper was PM.”
    But it started rising well before that. You’re just moving the goalposts around.
