34 Replies to “The middle class and those working hard to join it.”

  1. I thought it was an advertisement for the Canadian version of the AAA (American Automobile Association) …

  2. Question: “What’s half a million between friends?” Liberal answer: Someone else’s money.

  3. I don’t know how harper had time to do things between writing the Phoenix code. pocketing wafers and biting babies .

  4. Don’t worry about where the Trudeau Liberals will find the money for this cosmetic,
    making it look like one of those taxis so covered.
    On January 1, 2018 the so called carbon tax will be imposed directly or indirectly on all economic activity.
    The plastic(petro-chemical) camouflage around Canada Post is there to keep citizens from finding the building. So they don’t go in ask about their missing mail.

  5. What? Nobody’s moved to say something like: “I am so glad the government did that. It makes me feel just so…. so…. Canadian!”?
    Then again, we’re supposed to be a post-national state without any core identity, so such displays of nationalistic pride are discouraged or could land one in jail, or something like that.

  6. That’s not defiling architecture! It’s purifying Canada of its white colonialist patriarchical past!
    It probably won’t take long before it’s converted in to a mosque or something like that.

  7. We have been letting government build palaces for themselves since the beginning.
    Is all that limestone REALLY necessary at the courthouse?
    Do the GG and provincial LGs REALLY require official residences?
    Parliament Hill, every legislature, do they NEED all that limestone?
    Why isn’t the PM sitting in a cubicle like you? Why have you never asked that question?

  8. Between private courier services, private shipping services like FedEx/UPS/DHS/GS and online shipping of documents/letters, Canada Post/U.S. Postal Service are obsolete.
    As a matter of fact, I think there will likely be a postal strike again since Zoolander is such a light touch and this expensive gaudy display of spending on this particular building is a goad to do so.
    The Union must be just rubbing it’s hands with glee and anticipation.

  9. There’s a great Prager U video that describes how ‘third party payer’ systems work and why they’re inherently inefficient. Specifically, the congressman giving the 5 minute talk is referring to US Health Care but I think we can transpose it on to this story. Essentially, bureaucrats are spending other people’s money on something they’re not going to use so they have no incentive to be efficient with the purse.

  10. In Canada the bureaucrats spend the money to stave off their departments losing personnel and getting their budget cut/pared.
    Nobody gets a cookie for doing it for less. Do you want to make your peers look bad?
    They care, but about the wrong thing. Inflation being a real thing, if your budget remains the same you will lose personnel which equals losing power. Staff cuts not only mean a loss of power, but also of prestige.

  11. There’s no incentive to save money or avoid wasting money. What’s needed is a few people in government bureaucracy whose job is dependant on preventing wasteful spending. If money is wasted on nonsense like this in a department they oversee then they’re immediately fired. Otherwise they could only be removed for criminal behaviour. Surely there’s a supply of Scrooge-like people in Canada who would be perfect for that job. Provide them with a great wage and big “No” and “Hell No” stamps to stop stupid expenditures.

  12. Good thing we have a quality watchdog media to hold these Liberal politicians accountable with our money!
    (Sarc turned to max then the knob torn off))

  13. We’re so used to this in the USA, but it is disappointing that a Canadian government would waste money on sister-in-law art (read “art” with sarcasm).

  14. “But Harper” what? The Harper government never did anything so ridiculous — both the fake lake and the gazebo can be reasonably defended. This image on a heritage building is grotesque.

  15. It’s part of our culture!
    You know, Liberal corruption and waste channelled through ‘art’and ‘national unity’ projects?

  16. Nobody gets a cookie for doing it for less. Do you want to make your peers look bad?
    That mentality isn’t restricted to government. After I finished my B. Sc. over 40 years ago, I worked for the Canadian subsidiary of a large multi-national oil company. (It doesn’t exist any more as it was bought by an even larger firm.) The mentality there was: “Why spend $5 when you can spend $25?”
    Similarly, universities have become money-harvesting institutions. Getting tenure is largely dependent on two things: the number of publications one has produced and the amount of money one brings into the department.
    Albert Einstein did much of his work with pencil and paper. His research was done for next to nothing. Nowadays, he wouldn’t get tenure because he’d need to do that with a large financial grant. Research that costs $5 to do needs to be financed by $500,000 nowadays.

  17. You ain’t seen nothing yet. Last January, the Ottawa Citizen ran an article that proposed a false cover on the Centre Block of the Parliament building to hide the 10 (perhaps 15) year long renovations project from tourists who arrive in Ottawa and may not be able to endure the shock of seeing scaffolds on the exterior of the building.
    Question: In 2018, with hydraulic lifts, every imaginable power tool available, and an army of unionized drones to perform the work, how can you take 10 years or more to renovate a building??
    On the evening of Feb. 03-1916, the Centre Block of the Parliament buildings was completely destroyed by fire. Reconstruction began immediately and by Sept 01-1916, 8 months later, the original cornerstone from the previous building was laid by Prince Arthur, Duke of Connaught and Strathearn, then Gov. General of Canada. Keeping in mind that during the construction period, the Conservative government of Sir. Robert Borden still had World War I operations to manage overseas.
    And now it’s going to take 10-15 years for renos??
    I think’s we’re in for a Royal F$%*ing!!

  18. I didn’t see any Canada 150 dollars spent in Calgary.
    Mind you, I don’t care anymore about that either. If I’d seen a “Republic of Alberta” or “Republic of Western Canada” sign, I’d have certainly noticed.

  19. There was hardly anything here in Edmonton, either. It was as if the whole business with the anniversary never happened.
    Then again, which province was forgotten (accidentally? on purpose?) by Shiny Prince Selfie during his July 1 speech?

  20. Change of topic but regarding Calgary, the Indians(I know, I know, not PC) want to change that city’s name(to something unpronounceable) and the name of a lot of other places as the first move to claim ownership.

  21. I wasn’t surprised when I saw that… appalled yes, surprised no.
    B A Deplorable Sewer Rat, I sometimes wish we’d be forgotten about a bit more thoroughly, with an eye to the new carbon tax headed our way.

  22. Ah ya coulda missed the Canada150 sign at Prince”s island over by the “goose” pond.

  23. We are much smarter here in Calgary. We only spent $55,000 extra to put an image of the city hall on a plastic cover that is over city hall during renovations.
    The City of Calgary said it cost $55,000 more to print an image of the now-covered historic city hall while it’s under construction for four years
    Also in Calgary. we have a shiny art object in storage that cost $559,000 originally, but it was so shiny that reflections from it would burn nearby viewers. Now they estimate it may cost another $180,000 to cover it up.

  24. I did, an F-18 decked out in Canada 150 colors. Springbank Airshow. Got photos to prove it. Other than the gas to fill ‘er up to get here for the show from where it came from, I expect not much else was spent in Calgary.

  25. I would have liked to see that…
    I’m not saying there wasn’t any “Canada 150” $ spent here, or even if there should have been, but if it was spent, it was an underwhelming amount, possibly on a billboard facing the opposite way that I was traveling that particular day.

  26. The Springbank show this year wasn’t as good as it was two years ago, but still lots of thrills. The Airforce always puts on a good act with a single F-18, lots of ripping flybys, fancy acrobatics & done real close to the ground. Wants a well tuned machine for that. Nothing but power out the back end! I didn’t stick around this time for the Snow Birds to see if they had C-150 colors, too hot & wanted to beat the crowds exiting out the one exit from the parking area.
    Plenty of WWII era flying machines like F4U, P-51, B25 & a couple of Harvards, plus various fixed & bi-thingies & choppers, plus others on the tarmac. A bright yellow MG sports car, black leather interior seemed to have made it as an “aircraft”, as well. Nice car!
    My fave was the F4U Corsair, one hulking monster, built like a tank. Plus I love radial engines, all direct drive.
