Main Street vs. Bay Street

This is rich.

Other Liberal MPs also derided the opposition attacks as mudslinging. Vancy Badawey (Niagara Centre, Ont.) called them “Parliamentary theatrics,” and said his party would continue to focus on mental health, the economy, and other priorities for Canadians.

After spending a summer labelling small business, doctors and the family farm as tax cheats and frauds, the Party of the “super elites and the grand bourgeoisie of Canada, the big rich families” call foul over being called tax cheats and frauds.
Related: Bill Morneau gets low ratings in new poll

When asked by Nanos Research whom Liberal economic policies are helping, 41 per cent of those polled said upper-income Canadians, 17 per cent said lower-income Canadians and 14 per cent identified middle-income earners.

Shiny, call your office, your narrative is broke.

25 Replies to “Main Street vs. Bay Street”

  1. Don’t worry. The CBC, who fired Turi Bezmenov, former KGB agent and defector, at the request of the Politboro, will get that narrative fixed for their political party.

  2. well now if stupid cons were a little smarter, they would surf the adscam/ Martin offshore waves a little more

  3. It is ALL blah-blah-blah anyways until the Liberal media is killed.
    Yes Kevin, the CBC and their fellow liars will keep the Liberal narrative alive and well, don’t you worry. Shiny is safe for a good while yet. You will know he’s in real trouble when he starts throwing his own MP’s under the bus. Our agendized media will also make sure that the CPC will gain little traction from this… and as Harper already showed… big hairy deal if they do get in again.
    Anyways, I believe this is mostly theatrical bullshit perpetuated to keep us peons from realizing the real problem with western democracies. The PARTIES hold the TRUE power, not the CITIZENS!! As our current crop of CPC’ers are currently demonstrating, political ideological choice, at least in Canada, is purely an illusion. Crikey, even the GOP down south have almost completely forsaken conservatives, instead worshiping at the left’s altar of Political Correctness.
    If you are like me, you keep envisioning Canada as a train and the political left as engineers hell-bent on speeding it as fast as possible towards a bridge that is out. All the Harper government achieved, WITH A MAJORITY NO LESS, was to drag the brakes a little. Especially galling when you consider Harper also managed to bullshit us into believing his reign would have ANYTHING to do with ‘reform’.

  4. Morneau forms a private company in Ontario to own a private company in Alberta to own shares in his family company and pays his wife to “manage” that single share holding and then calls small business owners loop-hole benefiting tax cheaters.
    The reaction by the Liberal Party? Outrage, that voters would question his motives.

  5. Liberals … “have become that which they hate”. Or that which they PRETEND to hate. They are the elitists. They are the bourgeois. They are the aloof. They are the cheats. They are … the … RICH.
    All of the the liberals moral OUTRAGE is getting turned on back on themselves. Or it should be.
    Just like HER collusion with Russia during the election is turned onto MY President in a shaocking example of psychological “projection” … so too the Canadian (and American) liberals been “projecting” their own Tax-cheating behaviour onto the conservatives.

  6. Rule #1 in leftist politics is to accuse your opponent of that which you are up to.
    Rule #2 is the media will amplify the narrative.
    Rule #3 is the Cpc will attack themselves to be sure they don’t run afoul of the opinions of those who will never vote for them anyways.

  7. “When asked by Nanos Research whom Liberal economic policies are helping, 41 per cent of those polled said upper-income Canadians, 17 per cent said lower-income Canadians and 14 per cent identified middle-income earners.”
    Quite an interesting finding actually ….. but why do they always leave out “No one” as an answer?
    “You can fool all of the people some of the time and some of the people all of the time but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time.” A. Lincoln

  8. Wow.
    The finding I find most surprising is only 41% think liberal policies are helping upper income. I mean of the limited choices given that is the only one that makes any sense.
    Canadian observer correct in his observations above.
    I don’t see any way stop the train since the majority of passengers are clamouring for the enginer to throw on more coal.

  9. I guess what irritates me is how the Liberals and their buddies in the media use radically different tones depending on the target of taxes and tax changes. Remember their tone during discussions about the universal child care benefit and income splitting. The tone was preachy, self-righteous guilt tripping directed at upper middle class families : These tax benefits are unfair to poorer Canadians. Quit being selfish. Married couples who can afford to have a full time parent should check their privilege. Pay your fair share. The same tone -Shame on you!!- is used for anything that helps the middle class but doesn’t benefit the poor. TFSA increases, small business taxes, even sanctimonious mumblings about RESPs and other post secondary benefits, etc.
    The tone used when reporting about tax shelters and government largesse to big, politically connected corporations has a very different tone. Very legal and business-like reporting. Word choices include technically, letter of the law, according the tax specialists. Where’s the “Shame on you” tone directed at Bronfman, Morneau, Chretien, Martin? Why aren’t they being chastised as greedy and unCanadian? Aren’t they also taking from the poor when they want to keep more of their earnings? Being a multimillionaire or billionaire saves you from the media’s Churchlady finger-waving, apparently.
    I think taxes are too high and income taxes too complicated. The loopholes benefit the very rich, not the middle class. They can afford dedicated tax lawyers, lobbyists, x-thousand per plate fundraisers to lessen their tax burden. If that doesn’t work then they can call in favors from Senators, “friendly” bureacrats and government MPs. The Canadian clique of the rich has far too much influence on Liberals and top public service employees. To be fair, vacations at The Hamptons and get togethers at forgotten European villas might become awkward for the trust fund baby crowd if exceptions were not given, favors rejected.

  10. Oh my Gawd says Trudeuce; What do We do about the Paradise revealing our corrupt practices support for the “big money” supporters who helps us buy the Special Voting Blocs.
    Quietly; Gerr Butts; the person selected by the “big money” to calm the stammering of the “big name” Star candidate the “big money” had to finally bring forward after several attempts to put into place a Liberal Party retread or “b” team leader; Butts quietly says and I paraphrase; “no problem big name Guy-I have talked with Princess Sophie and She agrees all we have to do is get the smearedia out in front of the Truth as always.
    It will be important to move quickly because Premier Wynne wants to continue the constantly proving to be corrupt Liberal Party Governance Ontario after next year and “big money” agrees. The plan is simple as I have been advised so please be calm and let me explain it slowly.
    The Toronto Star will co-ordinate with the CBC to bring this damaging information out as a sensationalized report and the Few People paying attention to these completely controlled smearedia outlets will finally have something to say about smearedia reporting both sides. The small amount of news readers & viewers still sticking with the familiar really understand we are doing this to create a news storm far enough in front of next year 2018 Ontario Provincial Election the usual low information Liberal Voters will forget.
    Once the remaining Central Canada Smearedia see the the Toronto Star & the CBC are running strong with the corrupt meme; they will also “jump right in” in order to continue the large Advertisements & Commercials buy by the Canadian Government & the Ontario Government. Okay? any questions? You always make me feel better Gerr.

  11. Can’t understand why Canadians and Conservatives aren’t demanding that PMDolt and Willy Porno open their Trust Funds to public view.
    I’m trying to figure out just when the Conservative Party became completely useless and Canadians in general became such an embarrassment.
    Nothing worse than someone born on third thinking they hit a homerun in life.
    Second largest country in the world with immense natural wealth,a freedom built on the shoulders of those come before, protected by and sharing a border with the largest candystore in the world that just happens to buy pretty much everything we produce, all this with just 36 million of us. And they still take more than half your income and most of your freedom.
    Freedom given willingly. Your health, care of children, your parents and just about every aspect of your is dictated by “them”.
    Luckily there is no shame or embarrassment in Canada. Long gone.
    And you own it docile, subservient,cowardly Canadians.
    Oh well, might be time to get behind that Replace the Beaver with the Mouse campaign.

  12. Evidently you are a new reader here at SDA, most here are not average subservient Canadians, however we are a minority in this country as our compatriots similarly are in other countries around the world. We have been sounding the alarm for a good many years but unfortunately the message has been muted by the unwillingness of the general population to listen to anything other than the spoon-fed pablum that the governments and their propaganda machines feed them to make them feel good. The ongoing saga of the Liberal Government and it’s blatant disregard of the Canadian public is a microcosm of what is happening across the globe. Both parties in America trying to install a ruling dynasty, the Socialists/ Labourists that have eviscerated the United Kingdom and keep demanding a united socialist Europe, and the subservience that is now demanded by many governments that are supposed to be the servants of the people that elect them are indeed a cancer that is eventually going to cost us our way of life. The many regulars at SDA keep toiling to prevent this outcome and to spread the word and many of us feel that we are at least advancing the mantra that “There is no free lunch”. It is understandably disheartening to try and keep up the fight when there seems to be no opposition in governments across the West to lead in a responsible movement that could return the West to what it once was. We are now shackled because marshmallow Conservatives/Republicans are so concerned about stepping on toes that they are afraid to put their foot down and say “Enough is enough, not one step more!” Therein lies the problem!

  13. All laughable IMHO. So being rich and able to hire the help required to maximize your bottom line is now nefarious and down right greedy. Greed and envy never ceases to amaze me. If people re worried about those who play by the rules but can reduce their taxes then simplify the process and eliminate the BS rules that Revenue Canada lives off.
    I am supposed to sympathize with people who do not have the wherewithal to take care of their responsibilities and then want to dip into my pocket to make up the difference? For years Canada has had the myopic view that the country could live off the materials the land provides and live above what the long term standard those materials represent. The day of reckoning is coming and yes the mindless voters will chase those who can create wealth away.

  14. “The day of reckoning is coming and yes the mindless voters will chase those who can create wealth away”
    As if to reinforce my last post and to underline the above quote we have this from Toronto.
    If the company that has been fined in this case wants to continue business in Toronto it will have to revamp its production line and equip it with new safety shrouds around moving machinery and accessible stop buttons everywhere on the production line. These costs will be incorporated into future cost of product, so we will all pay for this. This because we think that all cultures are equal when common sense dictates otherwise. There is no room in todays western/industrialized society for 7th century dress. But there is no political leader in the west that will make this statement because it would cost them their political career. Example Kellie Leitch.

  15. The thing to keep in mind here is how to construct or deconstruct a narrative.
    The other is that of mental retention.
    The take away from the article is that an overwhelming number of respondents believe it’s time to replace Willy Porno.
    So ask yourselves why in the face of these poll numbers does PM Sock monkey not remove his FM?

  16. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with maximizing your bottom line and minimizing taxes. It’s the double standards and hypocrisy. The Liberal Party and Liberal media have one set of rules for the middle class and a different for rich, politically-connected Liberals. The middle class tax-minimizing vehicles that allow people to keep more of their own earnings are framed as taking money directly from the mouths of the poor. Taxpayer funded grants and subsidies to politically important corporations are called strategic investments while shady/semi-shady tax loopholes and tax breaks for the very rich are not given the “shame on you” scolding used on the middle class.
    The second problem is that most of the Liberal connected rich gained their wealth through government favors or are trust fund kids. They are not rich because of free market driven wealth, they’re crony capitalists. One exception was the oil and gas industry, which created wealth and jobs independent of government, and I’m pretty sure that’s one of the reasons they’re hated by crony capitalists, big government politicians and progressives. Fewer opportunities for graft and kickbacks, the lifeblood of Liberals.

  17. One exception was the oil and gas industry, which created wealth and jobs independent of government, and I’m pretty sure that’s one of the reasons they’re hated by crony capitalists, big government politicians and progressives.
    It’s interesting that you should mention that. This past weekend, I heard this segment of John Batchelor’s show:
    One comment that his guest made was that the reason that Lenin hated capitalism is that it gave freedom and, consequently, power to the farmers, making them independent of whatever government was in charge in Moscow. It was for that reason that Lenin, Stalin, and, later, Mao were so harsh to that segment of their respective societies.

  18. Antenor:
    I’ve been here since dialup in Delisle and other than Kate’s short foray into the terrors of the CBC, I’m pretty sure no one here has done anything but complain about socialist Maritimers. Pretty funny with the NDP in Albertie and Lotusland and always an option in the birthplace of that eugenics fellow.
    To say nothing of the prodigious seal clapping that you all displayed during Harper’s 8 years of missed opportunity. About as effective as warning each other about no free lunch in this echo chamber.
    As much as I hate Liberals, and I do, the Conservative party is just as big a pile of bovine excrement.
    The Joe Btfsplk of political parties.
    Incompetent boobs that betray Canadians by their incompetence.
    But hey, continue rocking SDA with your “warnings”.
    I’m sure your destitute descendants will applaud your gormless pusilanimousness.

  19. Thanks for coming out of the bushes, look forward to hearing more of your solutions in the future.
