Abbas Ultimatum

Jewish Chronicle;

Saudi Arabia’s crown prince has reportedly ordered Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to accept the Middle East peace plan due to be announced by Donald Trump in the coming weeks.
Mr Abbas was summoned to a meeting with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in Riyadh last week and was instructed to accept the Trump vision for peace with Israel or resign, Israel’s Channel 10 reported.
Jared Kushner, the US leader’s son-in-law, is preparing a new effort to secure a deal between Israel and Palestine.

Times of London has it as well. (sign up required)

14 Replies to “Abbas Ultimatum”

  1. It won’t work or last. Hamas wants the destruction of Israel – it is written into its charter. The Quran preaches the same. And then there is the doctrine of hudna where a truce (which is the essence of a peace treaty) will last a maximum of 10 years or until the Islamic signatory has the power to destroy the enemy. So signing it will buy a bit of time, but it won’t last (as has been proven multiple times historically).

  2. Nowwwww … I see the reasoning behind the complete and total elimination of the Clinton’s Islamist partners embedded in the Saudi Royal Family.
    Finally! MY Country has stopped embracing Islamic Terrorism. Go President Trump! In barely 1-year … MY President is undoing all the damage done by Jimmy Carter and his anti-Israel, pro-Islamist Foundation. Go President Trump … go Jared Kushner … (I guess?) …

  3. *
    remember back in 1994… nobel peace prize awarded to infamous
    terrorist yasser arafat merely for his “effort to create peace in
    the middle east
    we all know where that “peace” went.
    i’m guessing the bar will be set a teensy bit higher for donald trump.

  4. “If Palestine were to lay down their guns tomorrow, there would be no war. If Israel were to lay down theirs, there would be no Israel.”
    Benjamin Netanyahu
    The PLO will never accept the state of Israel; quite the opposite. Their political culture is infused with a blind, bigoted hatred of Judaism.
    I know, Kim Un, they have a good reason for their hatred, so it’s OK to gather and toil for genocide. But, they will never defeat Israel.
    So good luck to the US, Trump and Kushner in trying to solve this problem. Even if they did, the left would argue Trump hurt US arms exports.

  5. On 9 January 2009, Mahmoud Abbas term as “Palestinian President”, at least as he was originally elected, ENDED. That was more than 7 years ago.
    Palestine is not a country, and even if it was, Mahmoud Abbas would not be the duly elected president of it.
    He has no authority to accept any “peace plan” on behalf of anybody but himself, nor does he have the legitimacy to sign any accord or treaty on behalf of anybody.
    This is all Kabuki theatre.

  6. *
    “oz says… Palestine is not a country, and even if it was, Mahmoud Abbas
    would not be the duly elected president of it.”

    palestine is a deadly quarrel with borders… their idea of negotiating is throwing
    people off rooftops… and that’s their own people.

  7. The Saud know full well Israel have no intent on destruction of the House of Saud and the Suni sect. Iranian made no secret of their plot to displace Saud in the Islamic world. It’s not an instance of My Enemy’s Enemy, but a mutual Enemy. They both have a lot to lose with a Nuclear Iran that Obama seem determined to achieve. With the last president the Saud have to think outside of the box to stay in power.

  8. So IF Trump gets a peace accord in the middle east will the liberals accuse him of hurting the arms industry?

  9. The FRENCH arms industry …
    How EVER WILL they pay for all those “immigrants” … if they aren’t selling Mirage fighter jets? Oh sorry, my apologies … for interrupting the narrative that the US is the ONLY arms dealer in the world.

  10. in addition to Trump’s legacy possibly being a combination of
    – solving the nork problem indefinitely, and
    – FINALLY starting the process of whittling away a the 20+ TRILLION debt, I now add
    – significant mid east peace progress (?)
    again, the total absence of ‘favours owed’ and ‘washington business as usual’ frees him up to follow *&^&$HJ$GH&$J$ COMMON SENSE for once. he msm, SO WHAT he hiccups and twitters too much. SO WHAT, he’s a rookie !!!! p.s., is there a ‘rookie of the year award’ for politicians?
    even *ONE* of the above is more than all the democraps have done since after Harry Truman.
