17 Replies to “Bill’s Wife”

  1. I’ve been waiting for this reckoning for a year now! The Democrats,,,at some point have to battle this out,,, That Their Presidential Primary Contest Was Rigged ! All the meetings, all the speeches, all the campaigning, all the primary elections, the different caucuses, all pre decided, all rigged and all for not. A complete waist of time.
    And after the biggest unexpected loss in presidential history, she’s still not going away. And now Trump wants to investigate Hillary, and Dems won’t be in control of the prosecutor this time.
    Taking Bill out, is also away to take out Hillary, without attacking the female Dem voters. If they take out their own,,, Slick Willie,,, it’ll give them a chance to attack Trump again.
    (Even though Trump never said that he himself grabbed women by the cat, just suggested Hollywood celibs have woman so shallow, they allow themselves to be grabed)
    The bonus of taking out Bill&Hill, is that they might have a chance to sweep the “rigging” into a back corner, without the major melt down of the Bernie bots/Anti f(first)a(amendment) crowd.

  2. Nahhhh … this is simply their DESPERATE attempt to legitimize Gloria Allred’s latest sexual abuse ACCUSER. Last night, on Hannity, Juanita Broaderick claimed that …
    “EVERY woman who reports sexual abuse DESERVES to be believed”
    No. she. doesn’t. She is entitled to her day in court. Where things like; “evidence”, “proof”, “witnesses”, “forensics”, etc. will determine the TRUTH of the matter. Sorry. Juanita is WRONG (not necessarily about Clinton) about deserving to be BELIEVED prior to adjudication. That’s not how our system of LAW works.

  3. there will be a lot of butt-hut libtard usefull idiots who have been screaming “she won because she got the most votes”. The melt downs will be pure gold!

  4. The “take down” has started. Chris Hayes, Jeff Greenfield, watch MSNBC tonight for more shots.
    kenji, there are more components then Moore, This “Crisis” will be “used” by Democrats. Moore sure, it’s a senate seat. But Dems always look further down the road, and they’d still like to entangle Trump in this, and distract from their party problems.

  5. Didn’t our feminist Prime Minister just hand over a big fat cheque to the rapist and his enabler?

  6. “She is entitled to her day in court. Where things like; “evidence”, “proof”, “witnesses”, “forensics”, etc. will determine the TRUTH of the matter.”
    Exactly! Otherwise you have mob law, and we are not far from that at the moment. Moore has already been tarred and feathered and lynched among the progressives and so-called progressive conservatives. How the H is he supposed to defend himself in this situation?
    The Madam LeFarge blond lawyer is very busy

  7. Yes, but it wasn’t his own money, so the Trudeau’s family fortune is still in safe hands.

  8. They have become a cult like the Scientologists.
    Tell any lie to further the Party
    All based on faith in the Party’s ambitions, everything for the Party, and eat anyone who is no longer useful or who damages the Party.
    It’s a cult.

  9. I read some of the Moore accusations… honestly, it sound like these girls ran actually ran across Bill Clinton. “he forced my face into his lap”; seriously, if that is not Bill Clinton… If you gathered some photos of the two from the era in question, I am betting either half the girls would pick the wrong face, or 100% actually pick Bill Clinton’s mug. Moore should just start ignoring them. “Mr. Moore, what about accuser X?” “Has she accused me of doing anything Bill Clinton didn’t do? Next question…”.

  10. They know the Clintons are done. Might as well take them down so that they can freely go after Trump. Lots of smoke there, too — given his pussy grab talk and all of his accusers.
    Trump has a connection to Epstein as well. Plus, he made Acosta the Secretary of Labor. And, Acosta was the prosecutor who made a sweetheart prosecution deal that also meant no criminal trial. https://www.politico.com/story/2017/05/04/jeffrey-epstein-trump-lawsuit-sex-trafficking-237983
    More here http://www.miamiherald.com/news/politics-government/article136073328.html
    Trump can’t drain the swamp. He’s part of it.
