4 Replies to “Expensive virtue signals.”

  1. I suspect Ontario has been viewing the following webpage:
    For ideas about “creative” budget reporting and the economic shell-game of liberal administrations. Papering-over their DEBT with WONderFUL sounding platitudes.
    Mark my words … the MINUTE that CA elects another conservative Governor (sorry, Schwartzenegger doesn’t count) … the economic chickens will come home to roost.

  2. Unfortunatley electricity used to be produced relatively easily until government regulation prevented it until it was “nationalised”.

  3. The ideologues in government are presented with a quandry. They need everyone to have inexpensive and reliable electricity to remain electable but are opposed to any means to produce it.
    Hence the fed liberals’ contortions in causing pipelines and other developments to be halted through Byzantine regulatory requirements while saying they want the projects to proceed.
    To paraphrase Sheakspeare, come the revolution, first the liberal lawyers

  4. So, who is going to prison? Oh, I guess that only applies when someone in the private sector cooks the books.
