16 Replies to “Highest Form Of Flattery”

  1. Lindsay Lohan? no way. I much preferred Hayley Mills in the _older Parent Trap – which also featured Maureen O’Hara.
    And Mills as an adult went on to make a very good series :
    The Flame Trees of Thika, based on Elspeth Huxley’s memoir of her childhood in East Africa –

  2. Just like me. I am a human as well. Hello my fellow humans. Nice web-log you have here.

  3. I got teary eyed too the last time I watched it. It’s the most manipulative movie out there when it comes to that, but it’s great to be manipulated in that way by masters.

  4. So I take it then that it’s okay that he forgot about villas in France and is manipulating the tax system to favour his company while avoiding taxing his own trust funds?
    I get sentimental watching “Dr. Zhivago”. Can I use that to get let off if I botch the care of a patient?

  5. Making up stuff in an attempt to present yourself in a more favorable light.
    I think we’ve seen this movie before.
    Wasn’t it called ‘Stolen Valor’?

  6. True-dough and More-dough,both born on third base and think they hit a triple, Neither of these two have any credentials to run a company let alone a country,a pair of trust fund wizards,everything was handed to them.

  7. I suspect it wasn’t tears in these men’s eyes, but bulges in their pants as they imagined the well known slut, Lindsey Lohan naked at age 12. Perverts. What an odd random thought from these grown men …
    Yes … Haley Mills and Brian Keith did the fun, and poignant story perfectly. Didn’t need a remake.

  8. It is astonishing how quickly this country is coming apart with this government. We have an M.P. who entered the country illegally, we have a finance minister whose ethics are questionable, we have a safety minister whose best before date expired some fifteen years ago, and finally we have a P.M. whose obsession is selfies. What could possibly go wrong.

  9. Stinks to high hell. I seriously doubt Bill Morneau has ever seen that movie. He strikes me as an uber-geek who has likely never seen any number of movies that might qualify as pop-culture touchstones. He’s never seen True Grit, The Godfather, Sleepless in Seattle, Casablanca, The Terminator, you name it. Morneau is vastly out of touch with the electorate, and it’s partly because he’s an uncultured lout. Just my impression.

  10. Gotta love our Presstitutes.
    We are independent professional journalists, who collude in private and use exactly the same talking points.
    Um we come up with these phrases all by ourselves, that is why even the cadence is identical..
    We are all individuals here..
    Trump is wrong, it is not Fake News, it is total rubbish.
    Have been admiring the attempt to lynch Judge Moore by the Republican Establishment, so transparent and pathetic, they really do “know” that voters are stunningly stupid.
    Guess the voters of Alabama will show us whether they be correct or not.
    Now if this was a “conservative” in Canada they would have already slunk off into oblivion.
    Possibly the reason we have no conservative politicians is we have insufficient non herd voters.
    Or are these the large percentage who refuse to vote, every election?
    Cause Loser1=Loser2 so why vote for any?
