It’s about time.

Jeff Sessions Weighs Competing Special Counsel Focused On Clinton, Democrats

Attorney General Jeff Sessions, facing a dissatisfied boss and increased scrutiny over his knowledge of the Trump campaign’s dealings with Russia, is weighing whether to appoint a separate special counsel to zero in on allegations against presidential rival Hillary Clinton and other Democrats, a Justice Department official disclosed in a letter to Republican members of Congress on Monday.

8 Replies to “It’s about time.”

  1. All sizzle no steak. No one in Washington is clean…they’re all corrupted, that’s why this has been slow going. All window dressing for the masses.
    Further – What’s it say about an AG or anyone else in law enforcement for that matter, who has to pushed, prodded or shamed into doing his job?

  2. Don’t need another loose cannon SC,
    although the tit-for-tat is appealing.
    All Sessions has to do is his job.
    If he doesn’t have the cajones to do so,
    Trump needs to find someone who can.

  3. It was prudent to let this warm up with more and more into becoming public before appointing a special counsel. The timing is much better now or in the spring than a year ago. HRC et al under oath close to the mid terms is the way to go.

  4. WASHINGTON ― Attorney General Jeff Sessions, facing a dissatisfied boss and increased scrutiny over his knowledge of the Trump campaign’s dealings with Russia, is weighing whether to appoint …
    More FAKE news. Wake me up when a Special Prosecutor RAIDS the Clinton homes, and Clinton Foundation offices, DNC offices, Clinton Donors, Donna Brazille … and subpoenas all of Obama’s electronic devices …

  5. Sessions had better do something. I suspect he is inches away from being fired. He’s been a total disappointment.

  6. … @ 6:00am … before SHE has put on “her face” … but remind the agents no to look directly at HER … or they’ll turn to stone.

  7. I tend to agree. The cancer within the US body politic has metastasized to such an extent the patient may already be terminal.
    Sessions must go. He made a grievous error in his Russia/Trump recusal, playing by the old game of whack a GOPher, making Trump look guilty.
    This allowed the Dems to project their Russia collusion and crony capitalism onto Trump with a media willing to stretch the truth for them (yes, charitable).
    I doubt the American people will get a full accounting of these sordid affairs, from Obama’s not so secret handshakes with Russians, to faked “dossiers” used as evidence in a counter-espionage investigation, as cover for surveilling political opponents, or sweetheart uranium deals for corrupt enterprisers from Russia (again), passing muster from the highest levels of the US leadership, to a year long non/fake news inquisition against a legally elected President, and here now the dark matter political wimps (weakly interacting massive political stooges) covering each others’ butts and phony baloney jobs.
    Then again, we could have peace between Israel and the Palestinians, or Justin Trudeau could become a fiscal conservative.
    Anything is possible, right? No?

  8. Sessions has multiple failures on his hands. Recusal being but one. The first thing he should have done is fired his top echelon and brought in new blood to clean the stains of Obama and Clinton from the politics of America. The ones he left in place are corrupt democrats but I repeat myself.
