56 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. “I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve written about the unfolding corruption of conservatism these last few years, but the events of the last 24 hours have shocked me about how deep the rot goes. Forget the people who refuse to even give the heavily sourced and corroborated Washington Post account a fair reading on the tired and predictable pretense that inconvenient facts are simply proof of the conspiracy against them. What galls and astounds me are the supposedly conservative public figures arguing that even if it’s true that Moore molested a 14-year-old girl, it doesn’t matter because, well, because the Bible said it was okay or Democrats are eeeeevil or it was a long time ago. At least Roy Moore admits that the allegation is serious and has denied it….They’d rather be more pro-kid-touching than the alleged kid-toucher himself.”
    “The events of the last 24 hours are the unavoidable consequence of replacing conservative principles and arguments with the new lodestars of ‘fighting’ and ‘winning.’”
    Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/g-file/453646/roy-moore-republican-party-fighting-winning-conservative-principles

  2. Good! Now they will have to deal with the animal rights groups.
    Syrian Refugee Raped a Pony in the Berlin Zoo
    A Syrian refugee is detained in the German capital Berlin for a shocking act. The 23-year-old man is accused of raping pony in a zoo, reports Bild.de.
    “The babysitter with my son was there, the shameful scene has come before them, they have seen the man enjoy his lust with the pony,” says an embarrassed woman who wished to be anonymous. Police are investigating the case, and animal defenders insist the criminal be severely punished.

  3. This may prove to be a quandary for PETA. While it defends the rights of animals, doesn’t it support open borders as well?

  4. Thank you for certifying the Roy Moore hatchet job is ALL down to his Christianity. The leftist Gaysteppo has got their blades out for EVERY self-confessing and practicing Christians in government. This is such a hit job it’s not even funny. And the Gloria Allred sideshow was just laughable. Her weepy story was just unbelievable.
    And I heard Juanita Broderick say tonight on Hannity that … “every sexual assault victim deserves to be believed”. Bullshit. That is NOT the standard of US LAW. That is the standard of a Communist hellhole … where CLAIMING something is used to DESTROY “enemies of the State”. We have standards of evidence, proof, and a LEGAL process so that public lynchings are prevented. YEAH … “we believe you Anita”, “We believe you Dan Rather”, “we believe you Duke Rape accuser”, “we believe you 17 women accusing Trump of sexual harassment” … Go to hell, with your FAKE accusations.
    Our Deep state and deeply demented GOPe are pulling out all the STOPS to SILENCE the PEOPLE who are VOTING for CHANGE. the GOPe is DESPERATE (as are the nearly-irrelevant Democraps) to hang onto their fading POWER. MOORE is going to be elected, and IF the GOPe tries to pull some parliamentary crapola to nullify the VOTE … then we will have arrived at a Constitutional CRISIS!
    This whole molestering charade is a JOKE. A desperate, clutching at straws … JOKE

  5. I always thought that Barbie and Ken were supposed to be a couple.
    Besides, isn’t Joe made by a different company?

  6. If that can happen to Barbie, should we be concerned about Mattel’s Hot Wheels?

  7. McConnell and the RINO’s are mad that Moore beat their guy. The left is mad at anyone who approves of Christianity.
    Once I hear the uproar about presidents JFK and BJ Clinton boinking teenagers I’ll start paying attention. Or they complain about about someone with a 8 year old child bride founding a religion. Or they get serious about addressing sex traffic/slavery (how about starting on 787 Dundas Street W?)
    Until then, I agree with UnMe that they’re all more pro-kid-touching than the alleged kid-toucher himself.”

  8. *
    “walterf says… Until then, I agree with UnMe”
    walter, you should know who you’re getting into bed with…
    quoth unme… “The only outrage here is the continued persecution of people for
    committing non-crime such as drug dealing and owning guns.”


  9. Rush week, excellent… $5.50 the first time I saw them in Regina with Max Webster. A year and a bit later, $6.50

  10. “Thank you for certifying the Roy Moore hatchet job is ALL down to his Christianity.”
    That and his professed love for state-directed violence against gay people.
    Gotta love that conservative persecution complex you’ve got going on though. For his next act, kenji will be dumbfounded when anyone younger than 35 is repulsed by his support for degenerates like Roy Moore.

  11. *
    oh, look… unme waited nine whole minutes before posting
    his support for himself using his alter ego “colonialista”.

  12. As much as I respect their musicianship, I have never been a Rush fan. Closer To The Heart is about the only song I like.

  13. Yes yes keep telling yourself that it is impossible for more than poster to notice that you’re few bricks shy of a full load.

  14. Violence? against Gay people? Nope … he said no such thing. And he actually made an excellent point about the Judiciary usurping Legislative prerogative.
    Persecution “complex” … as in the multiple RESIST groups? When does reality validate a “complex” ?
    And BTW … here’s how America works: We have these things called “States”. They have their own boundaries and laws. And each State gets to VOTE two Senators into the US Senate. And ONLY citizens who actually live in that State get to VOTE. And they get to send ANYONE they want to the US Senate no matter how EXTREME in their personal views (see: Barbara Boxer). And other Senators have no business interfering in another States election … so McConnell should shut the hell up, and FIX his crap excuse for a tax cut bill. And if anyone DARES overturn the FAIR, LEGAL, VOTE of a sovereign State … we will have a constitutional CRISIS that makes HER treason pale by comparison.

  15. From Oz. Turdo at the TPP.
    “Apparently Trudeau changed his mind. What was the cause? All the issues on which he sought different outcomes reflect the standard opposition to free trade by activists. Environmental activists oppose free trade, unionists want FTAs to protect labour rights, and protection of “culture” is an activist catch-all to tack all manner of other issues onto free trade agreements.”

  16. If anyone listened to Roy Moore’s interview with Hannity they know he (Moore) is a pig who sought out young women when he was in his early 30s. There are only 2 reasons you try to date 16 year olds when you’re 32. Either you are fascinated by virginity or you aren’t getting anywhere with the 28 year olds.
    Moore did not deny dating 16 year olds (even admitted to dating two 18 year olds) but he did deny assaulting a 14 year old. Technically, in his mind, he may be right. If the 14 year old was consenting and did not reveal her age … will be Moore’s fall-back excuse if more evidence comes out.
    My new default opinion is that all politicians are either horrible or stupid.

  17. I’w with you. Music is composed of three elements, harmony, melody, and rhythm. Rush doesn’t use any of them in their “music’.

  18. A man in his early 30’s who dates 16 and 18 year olds is not a “pig”. In an earlier era it was quite common. Standards change. I have not been following the story, but I have problems when long ago sexual behaviour is suddenly brought to light to destroy someone politically. I think we should be very skeptical.

  19. Where is the reasoning behind spending what could be into the billions on the Government Phoenix pay system that is looking impossible to fix?
    Is it something they want to keep to blame the Harper government on? Insanity reigns when it comes to Liberals and hanging onto power no matter the cost to the people.

  20. AGW RIP.
    “So what? 15,000 scientists sign warning but 30,000 scientists are skeptics*
    Skeptical scientists outnumber the unskeptical ones
    The “News” today: 15,000 scientists have signed some 25 year old repeat failed climate doom prediction. Headlines are everywhere.
    So today is also the perfect day to point out that ten years ago 31,487 American Scientists, including 9,029 with PhD’s signed the Global Warming Petition Project warning that there is no convincing scientific evidence that man-made CO2 will cause catastrophic heating, and that agreements like Kyoto (and Paris) are harmful, and hinder science.
    Opinion polls are a measure of sociology rather than science, but since skeptics win them, go forth and spread the word and shine a light on media bias, as well as on the large unheralded mass of skeptical scientists across the world.”

  21. “Will Jihad Ken be next?” Hey, careful there with the names.
    NEO, “you mean “jihad joe”, right?” Thank you.

  22. *
    “colonialista whines… for more than poster “
    you mean you and your alter-ego unme, right?
    and please, tell us all about your support for canada’s
    largest opiod dealer. that’s unme’s latest campaign.

  23. “A man in his early 30’s who dates 16 and 18 year olds is not a “pig”.”
    I suspect such activity would have been perceived as normal 40 years ago in Alabama. As a young man, every sexual encounter that I had was fully consensual but getting there might have involved my hand being removed from targets where it was not welcome. In strict terms, this was, by itself, likely sexual assault were one to see it reported on the front page of the Washington Post. Moore’s reported old girlfriends are pigs.

  24. Unfortunately the bulk of the people will believe the 60 seconds put forth by the MSM . The video puts forth a very compelling common sense narrative . I will say as to the timing the ” me too ” movement may explain some of the timing. Unfortunately it will be difficult to separate legitimate concerns from false allegations particularly 40 years later . This certainly appears to be a smear campaign .

  25. I’m tired of this yelling rape crap. There should be a statute of limitations on this stuff. It supposedly happened in 1979.
    All it takes is one muck raker to find someone from deep in your past who is willing to distort the truth and suddenly you’re a whatever kind of criminal they want to portray you as.

  26. “Regulators in Nebraska to vote on Keystone XL pipeline next week”
    “The Nebraska commission had been required to make a decision by Nov. 23, and must decide whether the project serves the public’s interests, based on evidence presented by lawyers and through public hearings earlier this year.
    The elected commission is comprised of four Republicans and one Democrat.”

  27. When Bill Clinton was diddling a teenager in the Oval Office, the Democraps were fond of saying that such activity wouldn’t even be noticed in France. That the French (and other Europeans) were so much more sexually … evolved … than us prudish Americans.
    Exhibit-A of European sexual … uh … “liberation”
    It would appear as though Judge Moore is FAR more sexually “evolved” … than his Leftist and GOPe attackers

  28. I am sure that the musicians who voted Neil Peart the world’s best drummer would disagree, not to mention the fans who purchased forty million albums,
    To put that into perspective, only the Beatles and the Rolling Stones have sold more.

  29. Full agree, Rush is among the most overrated bands today… but I am not sure you were replying to me.

  30. It is not even his latest campaign you idiot. It is just that you keep hanging on to it and regurgitating it like a broken record. He trolled you and you keep saying “look everyone he trolled me”, he replies “bitch, I trolled you”, you keep crying “he trolled me”, yes yes we get it, he trolled you, none cares, we know he’s a libtard troll already. He made you his bitch and you have a compulsive need to remind the world about it every time he flaps his gums. Are you missing a chromosome?

  31. Yes. I think we need to consider the standards of the time. Unwanted sexual advances are never ok, but in the 70’s, they were very common. Aggressive male sexual behaviour is also common — perhaps more so in that era which would have been AFTER the sexual revolution of the 60’s and before new “rules” were established (e.g. “No means NO” — in those days, it did not necessarily. I believe that millions of women could tell similar stories.) Moore seems to have engaged in a lot of flirtatious activity. As far as I can tell, this woman (the year book woman) reciprocated to a degree. She must have asked him to sign her year book. And, she agreed to get in the car after carrying on with some degree of flirtation. What exactly were the rules back then about how far to pursue a sexual encounter? Anyway, in the woman’s tale Moore angrily backs off and she escapes. I understand that this must have been somewhat traumatizing at the time. (The tears 35 years later are a bit hard to believe.) Did he continue to pursue her? Seems like this was just a one-off encounter. I expect she was also somewhat embarrassed and that would add to her discomfort. Key questions: What were the rules back then? Did she invite the encounter in any way?

  32. PET POT Cemetery Report.
    Liberal Justine say, here’s Moi trashy rottin’ old senior cabinet.
    “Environmental group slams Trudeau’s ‘inaction’ on Canada trash in PH
    EcoWaste Coalition hopes Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s response on the issue is not another empty promise” (rappler)
    “Trudeau Tells Rodrigo Duterte He’ll Dispose Of Rotting Canadian Garbage In Port Of Manila” (huffpo)
    “The myth of Justin Trudeau’s youthful government”
    “But just two years in, not only is the government not young—it’s old.
    Trudeau’s cabinet has more senior citizens than any other in recent history—and by a substantial margin. So far, it has had seven cabinet members over 64.
    That’s more than 21 per cent of its total members, and about six per cent more old folks than the next oldest government, Stephen Harper’s.”

  33. *
    “colonialista screams… Are you missing a chromosome?”
    and everybody you don’t like is hitler, huh?
    say, why are you taking over defending unme’s position anyway?
    you have a horse in the opiod race?

  34. There are so many simple, obvious questions about this woman’s story …
    Witnesses. This Allred stooge said that Moore “frequented” this restaurant … as a well-known DA. OK … where are the corroborating witnesses who observed Moore as a frequent diner. She claims his stalking of her … so surely there must be multiple witnesses either FOR or AGAINST her story, including coworkers. Where are they?
    She claimed that she tried to escape (the sexual assault) by opening the car door … but he locked it. The year is 1977 and cars didn’t have power locks, so all she would have needed to do is simply open the door again. Her story of fleeing doesn’t pass the common sense smell test
    Why does someone write “Merry Christmas” in a yearbook note? It is tradition (and typical) to gather yearbook signatures in June … at the end of the school year … nobody writes “Merry Christmas” in a yearbook in June. So question #1 is When and where did Moore sign her yearbook? Under what circumstances? Does she carry her yearbook to and from work? At Christmas time? Are you willing to allow a forensic examination of the so-called Moore-inscription? Remember that Dan Rather presented FALSIFIED documents pertaining to the GW Bush National Guard service … the Killian Documents (look it up). A proven forgery … uh … yeah … the Democraps have a proven HISTORY and experience with forged documents.
    This woman “claims” to have voted for Trump (or did she simply say she is a Trump “supporter”). I read that someone examined the voter registration rolls and couldn’t find her name. I also read that she had very “Democrat postings” on her Facebook page that was quickly taken-down. Where is the media’s “curiosity”? Or do they just LOVE her story so much that they have swallowed it hook, line, and, sinker? And it is still not a valid disclaimer to say you are a Trump supporter, and therefore are “telling the truth” about Moore. She could be a militant atheist Trump supporter who wanted to destroy a Christian man?
    Many girls were/are thrilled with the attention (and particularly sexual attention) of older men … and the early thirties v 16 yo girl is no exception. It is JUST as likely that she wanted and encouraged the sexual attention (which I don’t believe really happened in any case) as she was repulsed by it. As for my own experience, I have never once had my sexual “moves” rejected by my partners. And no, I didn’t sleep with 10k women like some NBA Star, but I never made a move until I had already received the non-verbal signals of a very GREEN light. I expect MOST men are just like me and are not congenital RAPISTS (like many insane feminists insist).
    All of the “evidence” of this “5th” reported sexual “assault” of young girls by Moore has been carefully constructed, controlled, and “leaked” by Allred. This isn’t her first Rodeo. She has taken down, or attempted to take down; Arnold Swartzenegger, Carly Fiorina, Donald Trump, etc. etc. She unveils a controlled, one-sided dog and pony show … and everyone “believes” her. Have we become soooo LAWLESS in this country that we CONVICT without ANY evidence. PROVEN evidence? It appears as anyone and everyone can now be targeted and taken down … just because j’acuse’
    And my FINAL thought is that I REALLY WANT the FBI to subpoena and examine all the DNC servers and bank records. I want a thorough investigation into whether the DNC has been funding Allred’s sexual abuse lawsuits. Or funding them through third parties (yeah that would require subpoenas for Allred’s records too). Who is paying her for all this time and expense.
    BTW … where are the 17women who all accused Trump of sexual abuse? Why haven’t they destroyed his presidency yet? Shouldn’t Allred be spending ALL her time and energy on Trumps FAKE accusers?

  35. Liberal Justine Presents.
    Moi’s smug, superior, arrogant, patronizing liberalism rejected fiercely by Filipino president.
    Justine also craps on Canadians & Indians while outside Canada:
    “Trudeau said Indigenous Peoples in Canada have suffered “neglect, marginalization and mistreatment” for centuries.”
    “‘Bulls–t’: Trudeau angers Philippines president with drug war ‘insult'”
    “MANILA, Philippines — Prime Minister Justin Trudeau directly raised human-rights concerns with Rodrigo Duterte — including extrajudicial killings carried out by security forces in his country — in a confrontation Tuesday that the Philippine president later derided as a “personal and official insult.”
    Speaking to reporters in Manila after a summit of Southeast Asian countries, Trudeau said he told Duterte about the need for the rule of law in the Philippines, and also made a friendly offer of support to help the Philippines move forward.
    “Countries around the world know that when you engage with Canada you will hear about human-rights concerns and we are the first to mention that we are not perfect, either.” – Prime Minister Justin Trudeau”

  36. “…and everybody you don’t like is hitler, huh?”
    No, but evidently everybody you don’t like is unme. LOL you truly are irony proof. Check “projection” in the dictionary.
