24 Replies to “That Escalated Quickly”

  1. Well, it only makes sense since you can only have one dis-order at a time, Therefore these people are immune to the effects of PTSD and therefore even more well suited to the horrors of war than a normal person well grounded in reality.
    \if you need a sarc tag then seek help, you too have a disorder

  2. Imagine being in a foxhole with a manic depressive with a sharp knife who hasn’t had a drink that day.

  3. Didn’t click on the story but I imagine these are Army holdovers from the JugEars McFoodstamp regime. Obama infested the bureaucracy with thousands of these leftist aholes and they’re continuing their undermining of the military. Termites essentially. Let’s go Trump. Get rid of these filthy commies.

  4. Tell you what, I would accept this military virtual signalling if in trade the left allowed the forced enlistment of EVERY physically able welfare recipient under the age of 30.
    Great deal.

  5. Really, you think so – who’s gonna call them on it. I see local judges making nationwide pronouncements on a regular basis these days. However, it is almost always in a left leaning direction. Therein lies the problem.

  6. Remember the old days when the mentally ill were bundled away to institutions?
    Now they’re a political demographic.
    As a stirring theme for our exciting new era, might I suggest: “The World Turned Upside Down”?
    Makes a dandy military march too.

  7. Sounds like good troops you would command to jump into an enemy tunnel, or check out a mine field.

  8. The left has a death wish, which wouldn’t be all that bad except they are taking us with them.

  9. “Sounds like good troops you would command to jump into an enemy tunnel, or check out a mine field.” Exactly. You might also have to develop eyes in the back of your head to watch your back.
    JJM, the collapse of our society?
    Is the US military having a hard time recruiting “normal” people? Rome, in its last days, had few Romans in the legions, and instead had foreign auxiliary troops defending it.
    Captcha: eagle calle

  10. Forget about the looney toon sitting next to you in the foxhole … the Army has far more troops sitting behind computer screens than behind the stock of an M4 in our high tech military. So now we can look forward to a disgruntled troop (with a history of cutting herself), feeeeeling “bullied” by her superior officer, so she refuses orders to deploy a rescue chopper to a trapped group of soldiers. Just to “show him a thing or two”. And if that doesn’t work … then she will simply claim that he sexually attacked her when alone in the barracks. We all know how that works, don’t we? “We believe you, Anita” …

  11. So if one of these entitled people goes AWOL or deserts, they can just claim insanity and walk. No jail time or fine.
    How do the officers maintain command under these conditions? Morale is going to tank.

  12. If you can’t prevent some mentally ill castration fetishists from joining you have to let all the mentally ill people in. Hopefully they’re put on land mine sweeping duty without the detectors.

  13. I can imagine a battalion of those people. They might think they’re Amazons or Valkyries, thereby giving the phrase “ladies from hell” a new meaning.

  14. How convenient! He, she or it goes to war, claims that the cause of medical disorder(s) was battle fatigue, and then goes back home (after the US has lost the war) to claim PTSD.
    I hate to seem negative, but now you know why that country is going to hell in a handbasket.
    I don’t mind the odd idiot crossing my path. I just don’t like to seeing them with an M-16 in their crooked little hands!

  15. How did mean old US, beat virtue signalling Canada in enacting this? This calls for a Royal Commission I think

  16. Your negativity may not be seemly … but it is empirically well-justified. Even Tesla has learned how certain employees “game the system”
    But it honestly beggers belief that Tesla employees … in the San Francisco Bay … are calling fellow black employees “n_ g g _ r s”. But America seems to has lost its collective mind as we all chant … “We believe you Anita”

  17. i know so. that they are being allowed to pervert the law in no way means they have the authority.

  18. The military is a nation’s defence against foreign invasion. If one nation’s military is enfeebled by persons unfit for fighting, which could easily include most or all of the examples listed in the Nov. 12th excerpt, then the other side has a big advantage. And if the other side is totalitarian, then that is big trouble for freedom.
    Of course, the ones pushing these policies are against freedom and in favour of one kind of totalitarianism or another. It’s just part of the strategy to destroy the West and its freedoms. The good news is that the rest of the world respects those freedoms.
    Ideally, the entire world agrees on an ideology of peace, making war and dictatorship no longer possible. But that is much closer to the West than to its totalitarian antagonists.
