“Underway with challenges”

You might be a Liberal if….
Balance the budget in 2019/20. Underway – with challenges

Result Anticipated: Balance the budget over the long-term and continue to reduce the debt-to-GDP ratio.
As noted in the 2017 Fall Economic Statement, the fiscal framework does not forecast a balanced budget in 2019/20. Before the Government delivered the 2016 Budget, the baseline fiscal track weakened as a result of low oil prices and slow global economic growth. Important fiscal investments were made to kick-start the economy, support the middle class and address the long-term challenges that were limiting Canada’s potential. Canada is now seeing the strongest economic growth in the G7 and increased consumer and business confidence. As a result, the current fiscal track shows steady improvements in the Government’s budgetary position along with a continued decline in the federal debt-to-GDP ratio. The Government will maintain this downward deficit and debt ratio track–preserving Canada’s low-debt advantage for current and future generations.

9 Replies to ““Underway with challenges””

  1. You can take all the extra income your supposedly now making and invest in this bridge I’m selling. 2019 balanced budget?hahahahahahahahahahaha tee hee hee

  2. Gee Whillikers I guess Tis a promise; Aye Tis a promise indeed. Seems this one will only come about after the Ontario General Election.
    What about that? it doesn’t meet the Tis of Da Last Promise.

  3. – And one surefire way to improve that “slow economic growth” is to go whole-hog for GREEEEEN renewable electricity, and drive all the manufacturing out of Ontario with the rates you have to charge to pay for it. I mean, it’s worked so well for them – Amirite?

  4. – Oh and –
    “The Government will maintain this downward deficit and debt ratio track–preserving Canada’s low-debt advantage for current and future generations.” – Or at least, they will right up ’til they have to start borrowing the money to buy enough votes to win the next election; and it’s looking pretty rocky for them so they’re starting now. “Low-debt”??? – who do they imagine they’re fooling?
    I’m also flabbergasted by their economic projections. Why is it that we only see numbers that good from Liberal government figures, and everybody else says Canada is face-planting due to tax-grabs, fleeing industry, the high cost of EVERYTHING and cancellation of the pipelines that were going to move our oil to international markets?

  5. This country is doomed, and in particular Ontario is one of the main causes of this doom. How long can you allow a Prime Minister who claims that Canada is now a Post National State and also believes that budgets balance themselves to remain in power. In his world Alberta is not a Province its a piggy bank that allows him to support his home country “QUEBEC”. Make no mistake about where this guys allegiance belongs, it sure as he!! is not to Canada.

  6. growth is meaningless if the wealth generated is squandered by government on give away socialist programs to people who produce nothing.

  7. I speculated with a friend last night what would happen if the Torontonians had to rely solely on wind and solar power.
    How many scheduled outages, brownouts & astronomic bills would it take for these maroons to get the folly of green?
    Mostly I want them to stop inflicting their addled thinking on the rest of the country via Trudeau, Wynne, Notley etc.
