62 Replies to “Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors”

  1. If those girls had been his cousins or sisters in addition to underage, Moore would be the perfect candidate for Alabama.

  2. I don’t understand why you don’t repeat these assertions in Alabama.
    I’ve met a few people from Alabama and they appear to be very congenial and non-cousin-marrying people (unlike certain members of the religion of peace one could mention).
    “Deliverance” was forty-five years ago. Get with the times and update your prejudices, UnMe.

  3. Just a silly question here: Hasn’t the statute of limitations nullified all this nonsense. I know the big BJ can’t be charged despite even the NYT now agreeing that old BJ was a rapist. I have no idea if Moore did what was alleged but any ways it was not illegal or violent or any of the things that BJ did/does.

  4. As soon as this story broke, my first instinct was to ask “Why now? Why not 30, 20, or even 10 years ago?”

  5. The swamp is deep. Yes. The swamp is deep. And The Swamp will fight for its life and power … by any means necessary.
    Thank you Kate for publishing a brief moment of sanity and clarity in a muddy muddy swamp storm. I need spoons to clean the muck from my eyes.

  6. Further, I would buy ringside tickets to watch UNrealME verbalize these observations in the tailgate section of the next Alabama Football home game. But we know he/she/it lacks the stones to make such an appearance.

  7. It is not a legal question but a political one.
    Roy Moore is unfit for office – no court required to determine that.
    As for who leaked it – that’s irrelevant. Right now the preponderance of evidence is that Moore is unfit – attempted statutory rape being the offence. He needs to go or be removed.

  8. Gord,
    Yes this is the situation. But imagine if he had admitted his predisposition at that age for young women (in some cases girls) say that it was a different time, he was a different person and his 30+ year marriage (the vows of which he has kept sacred) is a testament.
    My point is, his and some of his supporters reaction is more telling than the actual ancient incident. He is unfit, for a number of reasons and the most relevant of which is his reaction to all of this.
    He is a scandal bomb that will explode at some other point in the future. So if the GOP actually is trying to sabotage him, they are smarter than I give them credit for.

  9. Ha, I thought kenji would be the first one to comment here.
    As I stated yesterday, I too really really want Moore to be vindicated and the left PROVEN ONCE AGAIN to be practicing the sleaze they are now infamous for. But, there are claims Allred made that seem to defy the usual leftard tactics. Cripes, if these allegations were against ANYONE from Harveywood, I’d buy it in a second. But, you cannot ignore the Democrats history, let’s face it, this type of attack is now almost PREDICTABLE. BTW, after their failed sordid false attacks on Trump, does nobody on the left remember the lesson taught from the Cry Wolf fable?
    Anyways, a very well written article for the absolute need to preserve innocence until guilt is proven in court. History is littered with ex-politicians who faced nothing more than an accusation. I don’t know the man, but I do not see how Moore can proceed unless someone finds the fatal flaw in their accusations.

  10. I saw that woman at the press conference holding her lawyers hand, sniveling and dabbing her eyes with a tissue. She is 56 years old, in my opinion and that of my 68 year old wife, she is a total phony.

  11. What a colossally ignorant remark. Unmitigated bigotry. Do you even know a single person from Alabama? You would not dare say such a thing about blacks or Muslims.

  12. Yes, phony, phony. Some comments at the American Thinker suggest it is Mitch McConnell and RINO’s behind this because their boy lost. Makes sense to me.

  13. Since nothing has been proven, and the allegations date back nearly forty years, I am not sure why You have decided Moore is unfit.

  14. My what a morally superior bunch. Why is it republicans have never gotten this upset over dem abusers?
    I suspect there is a little bit of truth behind the allegations – that Moore was 30 and dated a couple of girls under 20. The rest is bs built just like the trump Russia smear.
    Remarkable that anyone still actually believes the dems the media or the republican elites.
    Really remarkable.

  15. ‘If You Can’t Do This Then Get Out’: Hannity Gives Roy Moore 24 Hours To Explain ‘Inconsistencies’
    “Also, Hannity played tape of Moore saying an accuser who was flanked by attorney Gloria Allred made allegations about him that were “absolutely false,” adding that he did not know the woman. Hannity said a subsequent report showing the woman’s old yearbook containing a note and signature from Moore appeared to corroborate the woman’s allegation.”
    As much as I would like to, I am having a very hard time believing Moore.

  16. Roy Moore is unfit for office – no court required to determine that.
    Based on WHAT? “Claims” made about something that may or may not have really happened 40 years ago? Your partisanship has blinded you to the LAWS of our land.
    But then, I suspect that you also “believe” the 17 women who “claimed” Trump sexually assaulted them (prior to his election). Where are these women now, and do you believe that Trump is “unfit for office” because of their accusations. Of course I already know your answer to that. But WHERE are these 17 women and their lawsuits against Trump? Ohhhh yeahhhhh … it’s one of the tactics and the narrative of the rotten leftists to pile up a large number of accusers … because … “you HAVE to believe them, when SO MANY come out with accusations”. Rubbish.
    The leftist creeps learned after Clarence Thomas’s confirmation to the Supreme Court … that a SINGLE accuser “we believe you, Anita” … isn’t ENOUGH to DESTROY a conservative. Now you need MULTIPLE accusers … then … you can annihilate the opposition … because that MANY women ALL saying the same thing CAN’T be lying. Oh YES … they can.
    The LEFT spends ALL their time and money on the dirty politics of personal DESTRUCTION. Not a smidgeon of time on constructive governance … unless you consider the DISASTER known as The “Affordable Care” Act as constructive governance. And consider the $12 million the Dem’s spent on Fusion whatnot to COMPLETELY FABRICATE FAKE stories about Trump. The money the DNC is spending on Gloria Allred must make that seem like chump change. We need a Special Prosecutor to do a forensic accounting investigation of every dollar spent by the DIRTY DNC. Follow the money … and I’ll bet you see a big pile of it leading straight from the DNC into Allred’s Law Office.

  17. Based on Moore being a Bible-thumping religious nut who seriously opposed not only gay marriage but legalization of homosexuality, and also thought public land as an appropriate venue for The 10 Commandos, ie a religious monument. He’s a nutcase and needs to be sent packing. The GOP should simply kick him out, run someone else, and hand the seat to a Dem for this cycle. Short term pain long term way less pain.
    That Alabama elects these kinds of drug-warrior Bible Beater a-holes says enough about that backwards hellhole.

  18. Kissed a girl 40 years ago?
    We want to hear what he was doing with an underage girl at 787 Dundas St W. Or on his flights on the Lolita Express.

  19. Does anyone remember how Herman Cains accuser lived in DAVID axlerods building?
    Coulter did a nice rundown on that and more
    Also just look at the number of insane women on the left with their pussy hats and the overwhelming number of fake hate crimes from the left.
    But Roy Moore is guilty becuase why? The left said so.

  20. 32yo men going for young (legal) girls is nothing unusual. I worked for years with a group of Mormons who joked among themselves by calling BYU as Bringem Young University. It had that reputation because it was a hunting ground for Mormon men returning from their missions, which includes men well into their 20’s and even some latecomers in their 30’s going back to BYU to find a “child bride”. Lots and lots of 18yo and 19yo blonde girls getting married … without a speck of guilt.
    And so WHAT … if … Moore came back from his military service and some friend of the family set him up with their daughter … because they liked him and saw that he was ambitious and would be a good catch for their young daughter? And what if he doesn’t feel the need to drag these people into the shitstorm of faux leftist “outrage”? What if he is actually PROTECTING them from this circus? And that’s why he isn’t “being more forthcoming”. You see, so many, many things could be the ACTUAL truth … and NONE of us knows what that is. Anyone who judges him “unfit to serve” based on these flimsy stories and accusations … would OBVIOUSLY be much more comfortable living in a Communist gulag State. Maybe Gord will get his chance to vote for Elizabeth Warren in 2020 and have his dream come true.

  21. The burden of proof is far lower in this instance than a legal one.
    I believe the women. EVERY SINGLE MEMBER OF THE SENATE does as well.
    Do you not believe them?
    He’s guilty enough for him to step down – have the primary win nullified (yes that is possible by indirect means) or simply be barred from the senate by the senate.
    He needs to quit. To not do is selfish.

  22. We get it. You’re a gross, weird guy who likes ’em young and submissive. Your ways have no place in 21st century America. Except maybe Alabama, and that hardly counts.

  23. Has Moore said the yearbook signature is his? Did you READ what he supposedly wrote in her yearbook ? At the end of his note he added the name of the restaurant? WTF ? Who would do that? Unless … you are constructing a FAKE story that needed more “evidence” and “proof” …

  24. Based on far more evidence than the cases you cite. It’s simple.
    And he knew she wasn’t legal. (Age 15) and you contradict your previous post by now acknowledging you think he did it.
    And it’s a cretinous, creepy thing that a 32 year-old was getting amorous with a 14 year old in shopping mall.
    Why do you defend such conduct?

  25. Let it out, loser. Let it all out. Your bigotry and intolerance are on full display. Sounds like you really NEED to read the 10 Commandments. Those awful “Rules” for life which actually enhance human interactions. Legal Gay Unions? Knock yourself out … but “marriage” is a Biblical sacrament. You might also want to read about that as well. And as far as Alabama is concerned, you know nothing about the State or it’s people other than what you learned from the Leftist echo chamber you live in. Your prejudice and bigotry are really quite repulsive. You are a closed minded, ungenerous, mental case. You are everything that is wrong with the world, and wrong with the internet. Seig Heil Gaysteppo ! eh Storm Trooper ?

  26. 32 year olds hanging out in the mall with 16 year olds and younger (14) is “nothing unusual”.
    You don’t believe that.

  27. I am serious. Every single one. Several who have defended Moore for years. Even hannity is distancing from him. Only bannonabd his circus are hung out on this.

  28. So why didn’t the Democrats demand that Hillary, who admitted that she used an unauthorized, unsecure, private e-mail server for all her e-mail communications with the US Federal Government (even the President) thus putting the US Federal Government at extreme risk of cyber-breakin, step down from being the Democratic Party’s candidate for President?

  29. Nonsense. I don’t believe one word about the 14 and 15yo girl nonsense. And I have never dated a girl more than 1year younger than I was. Ever. So it’s not enough for you to “believe” unproven, unprovable, charges … now you have to fabricate stories about me!? Are you on the staff of Fusion Research? What a HATER you are …

  30. Please quote where I said that I thought THAT was normal (prowling malls for underage girls) ? And BTW … I don’t believe one word of those charges … allllllll too convenient … the stories. This whole thing doesn’t pass my smell test.
    PROVE it to me and I will say mea culpa … but please provide PROOF. Destroying a man’s life should have the same burden of PROOF as that which is required in a court of LAW. You would BEG for the same if YOU were the target of FALSE charges.

  31. Surely it won’t remain a mystery for long as it should be straight forward to conclusively determine whether it is his “live” handwriting or not. As much as I would like to see Judge Moore vindicated as an honorable man, I would enjoy watching the globalists get caught red-handed in a crime even more.
    As per the troll, you guys have no one to blame but yourselves for feeding it in the first place. Can you not tell a simpleton’s provocative bait from serious comment?
    BTW, Kenji, I believe they started offering power door locks in luxury cars in the early sixties.

  32. May I remind you GORD that the same strategies and tactics were used on trump. The accusations were so serious that they had to believe them and run an open ended investigation of anyone ever associated with him.
    Except they were baseless made up bs
    So tell my why this is different?
    Maybe rolling stone should do a piece on it. Or maybe bring in the prosecuter of the duke rape case to run things.

  33. I think you are confused UnMe. That sounds more like the kind of thing they do in Minnesota.
    A political—and familial—mystery swirls around a Somali-American’s “historic” candidacy for Minnesota’s state legislature.
    But neither the candidate nor the reporters who covered her have shown much interest in exploring one aspect of her personal story that recently came to public attention: the fact that she is not legally married to the man she advertises as the husband and the father of her three children. In fact, she is legally married to another man—who may be her brother.

  34. BTW … when I was in HS … one of my best friends made a hell of a “living” by FORGING both the Dean of Boys (Dick Dobbins] and the Dean of Girls (Shirley Frazier) signatures on Absence passes … depending upon which one was working the attendance office that day. Whether you needed a “late note” to give to your teacher or an “excused” absence note … for a small fee … “Bill” would write you a note. He did this without detection for more than two years. His signatures were INDISTINGUISHABLE from the actual Deans. Immaculately done, despite one being a woman’s signature and the other a man’s. The dude was a true Ar-teest. At 16 years old. Until an ungrateful patron busted him.
    So you see, forging Moore’s signature and … amorous… note is really quite easy by those practiced in the arts. Remember your eyes can deceive you … esp. when you see what you WANT to see.

  35. Oh lookie here:
    “The GOP should simply kick him out, run someone else, and hand the seat to a Dem for this cycle. Short term pain long term way less pain.”
    Our resident self proclaimed libertarian yet again found a solution (to a 100% manufactured problem) that only accidentally benefits the left. Wow another coincidence. Give it up a$$hole, you’re no libertarian, none belivees it anymore.

  36. On Tuesday evening, Judge Roy Moore, answering the allegations that have been made accusing him of sexual harassment, initiated his first legal action in response to what he regards as defamation, giving notice of a lawsuit he and his wife Kayla intend to file against the Alabama Media Group.
    The letter to the media group accuses the media group of making false reports and/or careless reporting, reporting that a “fifth woman” had accused Roy Moore of sexual misconduct, and inaccurately reporting income paid by the Foundation for Moral Law, of which Kayla Moore is the president.
    The letter also takes issue with the report that Roy Moore signed the yearbook of an accuser, Beverly Young Nelson, and adds that the media group has allowed general slander against Moore and his wife, including that Moore was “banned” from the Gadsden Mall, was on a watch list for the mall, and had a reputation for “predatory behavior.”
    And,,, (from a commenter at Gateway)
    Interesting to note, that #RoyMoore ran for governor of Alabama two times. No allegations ever levied against him by women. Bring #WaPo into the fold, and a Senate seat, magically they come out of the woodwork. Money talks.

  37. The door handle always over-rides power locks. Just grabbing it and opening the door would have unlocked it. Moore’s defense doesn’t seem credible to me, but this story has holes in it too.

  38. One of the women accusing Moore claimed that she is obviously legit, because she’s a Trump supporter, BUT Trump himself didn’t support Roy Moore in the run-off; he publicly campaigned for the incumbant Luther Strange.

  39. The letter also takes issue with the report that Roy Moore signed the yearbook of an accuser, Beverly Young Nelson.

    Just a couple of questions-
    Who gets a yearbook signed at Christmas?
    I had my year books signed in May/June about the time we received them, and then put them away, somewhere.
    Who misspells the name of the restaurant they worked at, Olde Hickory Restaurant.
    It should have been ‘Old Hickory Restaurant.’
    “Hey you are a good customer, Hows about signing my yearbook?”

  40. What a bunch of carp these accusations are. Moore has been in public life for 40 years, now this comes out. It’s not the first time the Dementocrats have hauled out fake sex charges. But the stupid party ditches Moore. Wnat a bunch of losers the Repubs are, reminds me of The Man Without the Suitcase, Joe Who? and his party.

  41. if my daughter had told me about an assault the person doing the assaulting would never do it again. I smell a rat.
