62 Replies to “Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors”

  1. Jeez, “Canadian Observer” … you’ve got to be right.
    Writing something in an old yearbook … why NOBODY could do that!!!
    What a moron…

  2. Hannity has delivered an ultimatum of sorts. Rumours swirling that bannon is about to call for Moore to quit. All that’s left are the truly fringe right drowning in cognitive dissonance.

  3. is there a way to do a forensics test on the ink in whatshername’s now famous school book entry?
    THAT would be telling, narrowing it down to a ‘time line’.
    in the mean time my gut feeling which is NOT sufficient, is that moore did what he is accused of. now, if he wants to wrap himself in some sort of ‘lookit me I’s a chriiiiistian’ and is in fact lying, well, ummm, he is NO LONGER dealing with just the current political-social-legal-media juggernaut.
    if ya know what I mean . . .
    “the truth will out” Wm Shakespeare.

  4. Something YOU place great faith in … RUMORS. Smh
    You REALLY HATE Trump and his voters, don’t you? You really HATE the deplorable electorate, don’t you?
    You must work for a GIANT globalist, corporation, who has gotten quite used to telling THE PEOPLE where to go … while sucking-up our tax dollars with a firehose. Your kind is going to be brought into check by the PEOPLE of America.

  5. Trump didn’t support Moore. And he may actually ask Moore to step aside. And a dem win in Alabama likely ruins trumps ability to get thIngs done. So who hates trump – you or me?

  6. GORD. Republicans own both houses and presidency. Why can’t the get things done now?
    If Moore wins it means repubs have to shift another vote to the Dem side to continue their failure theatre. A Moore win further exposes the fraud that the repubs are.
    Nice to see you support mob rule. Maybe you should wait and see if alleed coughs up the fake yearbook for analysis before crowing too loudly

  7. Well you can sure see we are ready for another round of witch burning.
    Human nature sure does not change.
    Slander and innuendo, wonderful tools if your audience are retards.
    And the rush to signal your virtue at the expense of Judge Moore, identifies you as stunningly gullible.
    Decades of systematic lying by the official media, yet “Moore is Guilty”.
    Wanna buy a “Winning” Lottery Ticket?
    I see why Canadians bought into Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming, same logic.
    Peak stupid is coming soon.
    Then the mass blood letting, history is a endless cycle.
    At this point I fully support any axe murder,rapist or practicer of beastiality who wants to seek public office.
    It would give me great pleasure to seat some mumbling psychotic right next to all these worthless sacks who currently hold elected office..
    The Greyhound Bus guy is perfect.

  8. Letter to Hannity from Judge Roy Moore:
    The Alabama Judicial Inquiry Commission, Court of the Judiciary, and Attorney General have investigated, scrutinized, examined, and vetted me, not to mention every opposing candidate against whom I have run.
    I have been married for almost 33 years to my wife Kayla. We have four children and five granddaughters.
    We are in the process of investigating these false allegations to determine their origin and motivation. For instance, we have documented that the most recent accuser, Beverly Nelson, was a party in a divorce action before me in Etowah County Circuit Court in 1999. No motion was made for me to recuse. In her accusations, Nelson did not mention that I was the judge assigned to her divorce case in 1999, a matter that apparently caused her no distress at a time that was 18 years closer to the alleged assault. Yet 18 years later, while talking before the cameras about the supposed assault, she seemingly could not contain her emotions.
    Watch Laura Ingraham’s show (15 November)…I’m SO glad that she has her own Fox show now.
    My signature on the order of dismissal in the divorce case was annotated with the letters “D.A.,” representing the initials of my court assistant. Curiously the supposed yearbook inscription is also followed by the same initials—”D.A.” But at that time I was Deputy District Attorney, not district attorney. Those initials as well as the date under the signature block and the printed name of the restaurant are written in a style inconsistent with the rest of the yearbook inscription. The “7’s” in “Christmas 1977” are in a noticeably different script than the “7’s” in the date “12-22-77.” I believe tampering has occurred.
    Are we at a stage in American politics in which false allegations can overcome a public record of 40 years, stampede the media and politicians to condemn an innocent man, and potentially impact the outcome of an election of national importance? When allegations of events occurring 40 years ago—and never before mentioned during a 40-year career of public service—are brought out and taken seriously only 30 days before a critical election, we may be in trouble as a country.
    I adamantly deny the allegations of Leigh Corfman and Beverly Nelson, did not date underage girls, and have taken steps to begin a civil action for defamation. Because of that, at the direction of counsel, I cannot comment further.

  9. Re. the above: this is MY comment, not Roy Moore’s…
    Watch Laura Ingraham’s show (15 November)…I’m SO glad that she has her own Fox show now.
