35 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Liberal Land.
    Liberal times are bad times.
    “Loblaw is closing 22 unprofitable stores; doubles profit on sale of gas bars
    Last month, the grocer announced it would cut 500 corporate and store-support jobs”
    http://tinyurl.com/yb223zap (finpost)

  2. LEt me know there what you think!
    Comments will be posted after moderation. You can do better than that! Discourages comments!

  3. I thought the posting was good. Do read the piece at Roney’s blog. The moderation thing is pretty normal when you do not have a regular list of posters. Among other things, there are legal considerations.

  4. Watched about 60 seconds of the Stefan rant.
    I think I agree, tho I’m not that up on the Moore story.
    But I’m all in on the repubs as the stupid party, for sure.
    What is that accent? Is it natural or an affectation?
    Whatever it is I find it so irksome that I am usually unable to give him a fair hearing.
    And does his anger ever seem natural? Or is it an act?

  5. “But I’m all in on the repubs as the stupid party, for sure.” Except, that in this case, the RINO’s may be the ones initiating the Moore smear. He was not their choice for candidate. RINO’s are working for the perpetuation of the current system where they are top dogs. They are not working towards the betterment of their country.

  6. What is that accent? Is it natural or an affectation? – Canadian born in Ireland
    And does his anger ever seem natural? Or is it an act? – Anger is always an act.

  7. Climate Barbie Liberal vs Old King Coal.
    “Terence Corcoran: Canada’s pathetic, empty-headed crusade against coal
    Canada offers the UN one of its own empty-headed schemes”
    “But that isn’t stopping Environment Minister Catherine McKenna, donning her Climate Crusader Halloween outfit, from swooshing into COP23 to take on the world. “Canada is committed to phasing out coal,” she said.”

  8. julian fantino, former police chief for tranna and london, former opp commisioner, former CONSERVATIST mp, now sings great praises for pot, which is going to bring him a large fortune.
    meanwhile the schmucks he put in jail and prison for doing basically the same at a much, much smaller scale cant get a decent job due to a criminal record.
    what a &^^&^^$#!! HYPOCRITE. I hope he gets his very own massive brain hemorrhage by the end of the year.

  9. PET POT Cemetery Report.
    “The chief of Grassy Narrows First Nation said he reached out to Justin Trudeau for help three separate times, but has not received a reply.”
    Justine Liberal say, Moi’s busy whiffing POT. Go ‘way, Chief.
    “Grassy Narrows chief says Justin Trudeau ignoring plea for help over mercury contamination”
    ““What has he done for us?” Fobister said of Trudeau, to whom he said he has reached out three separate times, never once receiving a reply.”

  10. Indeed. And while I generally agree with Stephan’s point about WINNING … which is one of the primary reasons we conservatives voted for Trump … because of all the Republican LOSING. All the Republican FEAR of LOSING … such that they became “moderates”, who became “liberal-lites”. Every time the Republicans had a moment to make a STAND for CONSERVATISM … they cowered in their FEAR of LOSING. And sold-out their base. And they are STILL selling us out!
    But that is only a sidebar to the moral, ethical … and LEGAL … clusterF_cK that these FAKE charges are against Moore. And only a sidebar to the desperation of the GOPe … who are LITERALLY are telling Alabama voters to VOTE DEMOCRAT … so they can DEFEAT a true conservative. All based on rumor, innuendo, unprovable (as of yet*) and unverified salacious stories.
    And all this nonsense about Moore being “unfit to serve” based on these UNproven charges … how about this … Until these “charges” are PROVEN … he is just as fit to serve today, as he was when he WON the Republican Primary. And IF they are PROVEN after he becomes Senator, then it will be quite easy to remove him based upon PROVEN facts and the moral and ethical rules of the Senate. But if we start disqualifying Senators based on “charges” alone … then Ted Kennedy should have been removed, Menendez should have been removed (who needs a hung jury), Barney Frank should have been removed, John McCain should have been removed (remember the story of his extramarital affairs when he ran for President?) … Ad nauseum.
    * I am willing to bet that Moore has a team of associates who are building a dossier … a REAL dossier … on the women making these charges, and finding EVIDENCE to prove his innocence. As Michael Savage likes to quote … “God sees, but he waits” … well, I don’t believe we are going to wait long. However, Hannity’s 24hr timetable of TRUTH is really creepy and really suspicious. I personally believe that Hannity has been threatened by the GOPe that they will pull a Moore-job on him … and Hannity might just have put a move or two on an Intern (or so she thought) … and since this all comes down to $$$$ and POWER … the GOPe and Hannity don’t want to lose EITHER … and are battling to the DEATH (even Republican suicide) to keep both.
    When we voted for Trump … we voted for an END to this bullS_it.

  11. And as to the “rumors” that Bannon was turning on Moore … all he’s reported to have said is the same thing that I’ve said … repeatedly … that IF all of this is PROVEN … then Moore is unfit for office. But not before this is all PROVEN. That’s all Bannon said.
    And let me remind you NEVERTrumpers… how Flynn was IMMEDIATELY dumped when it was learned he misled(lied) to Pence during his vetting. Immediately … dumped. Not defended like a Menendez … or Weiner
    I will gladly say sayonara to Moore (Christian or not) … if and when these charges are PROVEN

  12. Seems like a reasonable position, but I have to say I do not think even the charges (proven or not) are that bad. The worst he did was somewhat aggressive sex on ONE occasion forty years ago. Really, I am sure that many women have had similar experiences. He also backed off. The dating of teens does not bother me at all. There could be many reasons for that. It was not illegal. And he was not actually having sex with the ones who have reported on him anyway.

  13. I think he is very entertaining, and I like the accent. Best of all, his commentaries are loaded with common sense.

  14. PET POT Party Cemetery Report.
    Liberal Justine say, Moi am not a stinkin’ skunk.
    “Who’s the skunk that’s stinking up the TPP party?
    Canada, of course
    Neil Mohindra: Canada made itself the skunk at the party by scuttling a tentative agreement”
    “But Canada made itself the skunk of the party by scuttling a tentative agreement among TPP members.”
    “For instance, it is difficult to imagine consensus on gender rights between Canada and a country like Brunei, where the sultan that governs the nation has adopted the longstanding culturally and religiously accepted practice of having multiple wives.”

  15. LindaL … Are you a woman ? Because my wife agrees with me that all this constant sexual victimhood by women flies in the face of their fight for … “equality”. There are no “victims” between “equals”, except in the case of VIOLENCE. These women consistently cry “rape” … when it is no such thing. Rape is HORRIBLE and VIOLENT … but the word has become watered-down and near-meaningless. The little girl has cried “date rape” once too often. And “sexual-assault” has been diluted so as to mean any sexual “move” a man puts on a woman … even VERBAL “moves”. Just who are these WEAKLING women ? They will NEVER be “equal” if they cannot defend themselves … simply, and firmly.
    Yes. I have been turned-down for sex. By young (19yo) women that I had “groomed” (read: dated). By today’s “feminist” standards, I should be on Megan’s list or sitting in JAIL. No, I never raped anyone, but I MAY have touched an unwilling woman in a sexual manner. And when she pulled-away, I got the hint. And when I asked her what’s up with that? She said “not-now” “not-here”, and I went-away with a bad case of blue-balls. I assume that scenario is being played-out a 100k times across the planet every hour of the day. Yes, I wanted to fornicate with young women! No, I wasn’t married. No, I wasn’t 32yo … but by today’s “feminist” standards, I stalked, groomed, maneuvered, trapped, overpowered, blah, blah, blah, women to have sex. Yes, I wanted them to SCREAM in pleasure as I “hit their spot”. So sue me. Or worse … attempt to DESTROY me. Tell me that I am “unfit” for my profession. Because women are soooooooo fragile and special that they cannot adequately “defend” themselves. They all need Gloria Allred as their wing-wo-man.
    And lets be honest. What kind of man fantasizes, dreams, or ever desired to “get-with” a teenage girl, just after her sexual awakening? A sexual beginner, simultaneously innocent and naughty. At the moment of her blossoming … Answer: every man on the planet. Anyone who denies this is a LIAR. And here we learn that Mexico has an age of consent at 13 yo … and France is soon to follow. And in France a man who has intercourse with an 11yo girl cannot be charged with rape … if the sex was consensual. Uggh. And we have been told that America is sexually REPRESSED … because of our Puritanical past. A famous Hollywood Film Director who “does” a 13yo girl (reportedly several of them) is hailed a HERO and given awards for his refreshing sexual liberation … while a Senator must. be. destroyed. because “everyone knew he liked teen girls”
    Yet …
    Every girl (and woman) is a delicate flower (but equal to men). A delicate being that doesn’t even know how to find the door handle of a sexual predator’s sedan. Who claims to have tried once, and then given-up, only to later escape (just in time). A delicate being who can’t file a police report after being “assaulted” and “physically choked” with marks of PROOF on her neck … because she “won’t be believed”. A delicate flower treasured by her parents who also … did nothing … after being told of their precious high school daughters “attempted rape”. And this delicate flower couldn’t even go to the mall without being stalked by a “known sexual pervert and predator” because the mall never filed a police report of filed a restraining order against creepy men who frequented the mall … “looking for underage girls”. Yes, these delicate flowers are soooooooo delicate and helpless.
    Men are baaaaaaaad, mmmmKay. Women are Saints. But NOT Saint Joan of Arcs. Nooooooo … Saint Joan must have been a Dyke who feared no man, because no man was interested in her. Nevertheless St. Joan would have cut-off the balls of any man who pinned her down in the backseat (or was it frontseat? … I haven’t heard) of a rape-sedan.
    In one way I do really feel sorry for women because of how cruelly nature has dealt their hand. Nature creates women as unbelievably gorgeous “things” (yes, visually, to look at) at a young age. Absolute works of Art (yes, still subject to the eye of the beholder). They are virtually IRRESISTABLE … by evolutionary design. But, as women age, their sexual attractiveness fades. In some cases, tragically FAST. So, I suspect that older women are especially bitter, and nasty that YOUNG women are the only ones who are attractive to men. Sorry, but nature’s a bitch. She designed women as PERFECT vessels for reproduction … irresistibly GORGEOUS when they are perfectly suited to reproduction … and then it all sags and wrinkles. And yet women attempt to SHAME men, and call them PREDATORS (and worse), if they are biologically attracted to young women. Our culture has decided that women are “legal” when they graduate high school. But that is not natures design. Call me a perv. … but women are designed to be “capable” of reproduction long before high school graduation. Hey. Don’t blame me. I didn’t create nature … it … created me (which I believe to be God). We are instructed that Mother Mary was about 13yo when she gave birth in a manger. That was “normal” in the pre-industrialized history of mankind. But our culture has evolved, and changed such that we no longer (in most of America) see 13yo girls in the maternity wards. But it IS still seen throughout a large chunk of the world. It is NOT a “perversion” to be attracted-to, or even impregnate “high school” age girls across most of the planet.
    Another personal story from my youth. I worked on a hay ranch in Klamath Falls Oregon the summer after my Senior year in High School. A soft, suburban kid who learned what REAL WORK is all about when his job extended literally 16 hours a day, 7-days a week on the farm. And one of the most distinct memories I had of that time was reading the local newspaper and seeing all the 18yo … and even 17yo girls getting MARRIED! All these girls right out of … or still in … high school getting married! In my upper middle class, suburban frame of reference this was a bizarre oddity. NO GIRLS from my town were getting married at 18yo (or younger) NONE. Something like 94% of the graduating seniors from my HS went on to college … girls especially … most to pursue lucrative careers and get married … in their 30’s. Two different cultures separated by urbanism and agrarianism … in the same country.
    And ONE MORE personal story. I grew up in the East Bay suburbs just over the hills from Oakland. And there was a girl in MY high school class that was rumored (it turned out to be TRUE) to be “dating” Reggie Jackson of the Oakland A’s. Yes. She was a white, 17yo girl in my Senior class. Yet the LEFT (including Mitch McConnell) are OUTRAGED by a grown man being interested-in, and attracted-to, a high-school girl. The duplicity, denial, FAKE morality, and hypocritical pontifications in the Moore sexual-LYNCHING are really nauseating.
    So, yes, LindaL … I agree with your post.

  16. Yes, I am female. Here is what I think about the complaints against Moore. Essentially, I suspect they are half-truths. There is another one out today in which some woman who visited his office for legal services had her butt grabbed as she was leaving the office. She claims his advances made her uncomfortable. More likely in my view, she enjoyed the flirtation and the butt stroke — if it happened — was an overt sexual signal that may have been invited. (It is impossible to know, but both scenarios are feasible.) Same with the yearbook woman. If that happened, I think she engaged in a flirtation (why else hand over the yearbook for signing . . . it was a signal of interest!) as was getting in his car. Now it looks like the women who are coming forward are not in the greatest financial shape. My strong suspicion is that someone has bribed them to come forward with their stories, but that the rendering of the stories has been distorted with time . . . and that the women are “remembering” with a view to bolstering their own innocence (which is what they are being paid to do.) This is exactly what they tried with Trump. It is a nasty trick, but not hard to find women willing to play along. Regardless, none of this is major and all of it happened many years ago.
    SIDE NOTE: If Biden is running in 2020 (rumour that he might do so), let us hope that the Dems give equal scrutiny to his unsolicited groping of females.

  17. I am actually really glad to hear a woman share my skepticism about these “charges”. Your thoughts on the subject are measured, reasoned, and thoughtful. Without sounding “sexist” you are the type of woman who surely IS an equal with men. In that you are putting your emotions aside, while using your logic to consider the actual facts … not stories and claims … but facts, in evidence. That is a disciplined, organized, way to think which I don’t always ascribe to females (go ahead, blast me for saying such a sexist thing). Yes, I am generalizing because I DO know plenty of women like you … and plenty of men (Gord Tulk) who aren’t. You are so disciplined in your thinking, I wonder if you have a career in the armed forces, detective/police work? Or maybe the Law? Or Engineering … I would say “science” … but I am not sure those qualities are practiced by scientists anymore.
    As I told my wife on day-1, I believe this story most likely arose from a small germ of fact. In this case, I believe (and Moore appeared to admit) dated a “teen” (but not FOUR-teen year old) once or twice. It could have been a girl from his church who showed interest in him, or someone known to his family. But the idea that he was parking outside random high schools looking for a young girl to rape simply doesn’t “fit” his pattern of life. Nor does (what is now being called) “attempted rape” fit the reality of his life. Like you, I don’t automatically consider him “unfit for office” because he may have dated a teen girl while in his 30’s. There are dozens of innocuous reasons and explanations for the arrangements. I am a disciplined thinker who never rushes to judgement until all the facts are presented.
    And forgive me for not being certain of your gender … I think I already knew you were a woman. But I initially read your name as lindal … which sounded like a Canadian man’s name to me … ha ha ha ha

  18. What’s the point? Our future Islamic overlords will rename everything after they take over the country.

  19. Yeah … you’re right. And I expect a Washington Post Reporter to visit me very soon. Or visit all my old girlfriends …
    And let me be clear. In OUR country and Society … in 2017 … it is not OK to have sex with underage girls … PERIOD. End of sentence.
